The "2020 White Paper on Health Investment for High Net Worth Individuals in China" outlines the portrait of this type of user. People with a bachelor's degree or above account for 92.9%, and they have a keen sense of smell and a vicious vision.

2024/07/0315:51:32 finance 1457

A bottle of water containing a whole ginseng stick, under the banner of hard-core health care, has been bought up by young people across the country.

As a result, this bottle of ginseng water priced at 19.9 was revealed to cost less than the packaging bottle. A kilogram of Changbai Mountain dried ginseng can be wholesaled for as little as 100 yuan per kilogram, which means that the cost of a gin is less than one yuan. A bottle of water costs only 2 yuan.


"New Weekly" reported on ginseng water

Netizens commented after experiencing it: "is the taste of blood loss."

When young people on the streets poured into convenience stores to grab ginseng water, another type of is now popular Internet celebrity "Youth Pills" ”——Ai Muyin has become the “new health darling” of high-net-worth people in China. 's "2020 White Paper on Health Investment for China's High-Net-Worth Individuals" outlines this type of user profile. People with a bachelor's degree or above account for 92.9%, and they have a keen sense of smell and a vicious vision.

In recent years, many functional foods that focus on “health” have become popular. However, most of these “Internet celebrity foods” are neither medicines nor health care products that have been approved and registered and strictly supervised, so their efficacy is difficult to guarantee. In the first half of the year, Aimuyin’s core substances received approval for registration and drafted group bids. With the support of official endorsement, it will naturally win the trust of high-end people.


was sold out of stock. Can the finished product become an Internet celebrity?

Not long ago, Li Ka-shing announced that its Watsons would introduce the Hong Kong brand Aimuine, which would be sold first in Watsons in Hong Kong and several physical stores in Hong Kong and Macao, and would later be rolled out across the country. This is not the first time Li Ka-shing has turned to anti-aging supplements. Five years ago, Li Ka-shing took a fancy to the core ingredients of Aimuyin and invested HK$200 million. After trying it himself, he said: "I feel 20 years younger." Now After the upgraded version of Aimuyin came out, and Li Chaoren were eager to try .

"A big tree attracts the wind", Watsons became an instant hit once it was put on the shelves. On the

information platform, search with the keyword "Ai Muyin" and there are many related reports. On Xiaohongshu, there are more than 10,000 notes related to "Ai Muyin", often followed by words such as age-reversing, eye mask, neck mask, air cushion, and facial mask. Among them, there are more than 3,900 notes related to Ai Muyin's anti-aging. articles. During the same period, the online store Jingdong accumulated more than 100,000 positive reviews and sales exceeded 10 million.


Focus News Report Li Ka-shing introduced Aimuyin

There were so many offline customers that within half a day of opening, the words "Aimuin sold out" were hung on the door. Someone online asked for an errand to purchase on behalf of others. When the errand boy saw the crowds in the store, he shook his head and said, "I have other orders, but I can't take this one."


2. The Chinese have mastered the life-extending technology on the other side of the Pacific

As the saying goes, "A person is superior if he has money and leisure." Middle-aged people who are approaching retirement have money in their pockets and plenty of time, showing strong consumption potential. .

"China's Health Care Industry Development Report (2017)" points out that 45% of the elderly in Chinese cities have savings deposits, and the balance of elderly people's savings exceeds 17 trillion yuan. In 2030, China's elderly health care industry market consumer demand will reach 20 trillion yuan. Yuan or so. According to incomplete estimates, the market provides 500 billion to 700 billion yuan in products for the elderly’s health care life every year. The demand continues to be strong and the effective supply is insufficient.

Someone is eyeing their "wallet", and "health and longevity" is an industry that targets this group of people.

Around 2017, companies in Japan and the United States successively moved out the "anti-aging molecule" nicotinamide from the Harvard Laboratory, labeling it a cutting-edge "life extension" concept and "high technology", with a price of over 10,000 yuan per gram, and branded as a "high luxury product" "The banner attracts the rich and famous.


Watsons launched Aimuin

Nicotamide is called: "youth molecule" because of its anti-aging effect. This substance was first discovered and named by Hans von euler-chelpin and won the Nobel Prize , Harvard discovered that this substance is anti-aging. The scientist behind it, David Sinclair, became famous because of this, and was listed by Time magazine as one of the 100 people who have made the greatest contributions to mankind - "He changed aging."

is the same "age-reversing substance". Hong Kong Aimuyin independently developed an enzyme preparation process, which reduced the original price of over 10,000 per gram by 95%. It also obtained the Gras safety certification from the US FDA, which eliminated the price pain point. On’s official website, it only costs about 1,500 to buy a bottle of anti-aging supplements. The more affordable prices are slowly breaking through the circle, and the “mysterious” anti-aging technology has also been pushed off the altar and into the public eye.

With the concept of "life extension" becoming popular in the market, middle-aged and elderly people who have "money and leisure" are not stingy. Among the user portraits released by Aimuyin, more than 60% of the users are high-income people aged 35-55, and more Fanatic buyers bought 20 bottles at a time, claiming to feed the whole family.

Being labeled as “Internet celebrity” is not necessarily a good thing


The famous editor Shi Hang once talked about the “Internet celebrity” economy: “You must have a clear positioning, and you must be able to accept the time when you are popular at the beginning, and you can also accept the time when you are not popular in the end. "

The field of health care is a high-tech medical industry. Aimuyin is different from fast-moving consumer goods such as "Vital Forest" and "Ginseng Water". Compared with the label of "Internet celebrity", building brand strength seems to be more realistic . Southern Weekend's "2021 Survey on Health Consumption Status and Trends of Middle-aged and Elderly Groups" revealed rational consumption signals. " brand endorsement ", "finished product efficacy" and "objective demand" are the three major factors for consumers to choose health care products.

There are many similar competing products. Although Aimuyin was introduced by Watsons, with the entry of various capitals, the market space may be compressed. In 2017, Li Ka-shing had already made a move to invest in anti-corruption elements, investing US$25 million in US companies to produce related supplements. Huang Zheng, the founder of Pinduoduo, publicly mentioned in his retirement letter that he would devote himself to the field of life science and technology. Searching for similar supplements on yields 18,000 results.

The reported that Li Ka-shing invested in

In addition to cost performance, it is difficult for Aimuyin to widen the gap with similar competing products. In terms of capital strength, Aimuyin is not as good as the strong financial support behind "the richest man in half his life" Li Ka-shing and Huang Zheng, who is worth 45.4 billion; in terms of packaging, it is not as good as the sensory stimulation brought by a whole ginseng like "ginseng water"; in terms of gameplay On the other hand, Yuanqi Forest is better at “pleasing” consumers.

However, Aimuyin, which will lose its aura as an Internet celebrity, seems to be more indicative of consumer confidence than its daily sales exceeding 10 million. The repurchase rate seems to be better. According to current public data, the repurchase rate of Aimuyin is 63%. It seems that even Aimuyin, who has been promoted to a high position, realizes the importance of user accumulation.

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