Information from the public account "Justice Star", on July 15, 2022, China Public Education (002607) released its 2022 semi-annual performance forecast. It is expected to achieve a net profit loss of 72,000-92,000 attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January t

2024/07/0208:29:33 finance 1351

Information from the public account

public account "Justice Star" information, on July 15, 2022, China Public Education (002607) released the 2022 semi-annual performance forecast. It is expected to achieve net profits attributable to shareholders of listed companies from January to June 2022. lost 720-920 million yuan , the loss in the same period last year was 97.1625 million yuan; net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses lost 735-935 million yuan , the loss in the same period last year was 169.905 million yuan; basic share per share The profit of is 0.12-0.15 yuan and the loss of .

Information from the public account

In April 2022, due to illegal information disclosure by China Public Education (002607), the company announced that it had received the "Administrative Penalty Decision" ([2022] No. 1) from the Anhui Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Shanghai "Righteous Star" reminds: Anyone who buys through open bidding from February 28, 2019 (inclusive) to December 16, 2021 (inclusive) , and on the day after the market closes on December 16, 2021 Injured investors who still hold shares can follow the progress of their claims. The stock claim is for the historical statutory loss amount and has nothing to do with whether you currently hold the stock.

China Public Education (002607) performance changes were mainly due to:

Information from the public account

1, examination postponement and epidemic prevention and control, which had a greater adverse impact on the company's performance. In the first half of 2022, the epidemic situation recurred in many places across the country, and the prevention and control situation was severe. The joint written examination for civil servants in many provinces, originally scheduled to start on March 26, was postponed to July 9. In addition, the national examination interview, teacher and public institution examination times have also been postponed. At the same time, in response to the epidemic, many cities have adopted relatively strict prevention and control measures. Hundreds of the company's branches in various places have suspended classes in phases, and enrollment and teaching have been greatly affected. Therefore, examination postponement and epidemic prevention and control have had a greater adverse impact on the company's business collection and revenue recognition.

2. Adjust product structure, reduce expenses, and narrow quarterly operating losses. In the face of difficulties, the company promptly adjusted its product structure and continued to reduce products with high refund ratios; it actively adjusted and optimized the organizational structure, staffing and internal assessment methods, and strived to reduce costs and expenses. When the revenue side was affected by the external adverse environment, expenditures The end-of-term control has seen significant results. The losses in the second quarter narrowed compared with the first quarter, and operating cash flow continued to improve..

Note: (1) The claim conditions are ultimately determined by the court. (2) Mainly refer to the relevant announcements published online by Oriental Fortune . (3) Neither this platform nor the views in this article recommend stocks to investors. Investors should bear the consequences of their own investment.

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