Source: News: At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the afternoon of July 13, Zou Lan, Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, said that in recent years, we have insisted on implementing normal mo

2024/06/2302:49:32 finance 1580

source: CCTV network

CCTV network news: At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the afternoon of July 13, Zou Lan, director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, said that in recent years, we have insisted on implementing normal currency Policies have left ample policy space and tool reserves to deal with unexpected new challenges and changes. In the second half of the year, the People's Bank of China will continue to implement prudent monetary policies and accelerate the implementation of determined policy measures.

Source: News: At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the afternoon of July 13, Zou Lan, Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, said that in recent years, we have insisted on implementing normal mo - DayDayNews

Is there a possibility of interest rate cuts in the future? Zou Lan said that currently, the 7-day weighted average interest rate of deposit-taking institutions in the inter-bank market is around 1.6%, which is lower than the open market operation rate, and liquidity remains at a reasonable and sufficient level but slightly too high. From January to June, the corporate loan interest rate was 4.32%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.31 percentage points, continuing to be stable with a slight decrease, setting a new low since statistics were collected.

Source: News: At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the afternoon of July 13, Zou Lan, Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, said that in recent years, we have insisted on implementing normal mo - DayDayNews

Zou Lan said that the central bank is highly concerned about the accelerated tightening of monetary policies in major economies. In the early stage, it has taken forward-looking measures such as adjusting the foreign exchange deposit reserve ratio and strengthening macro-prudential management of cross-border capital flows. To a certain extent, the negative spillover impact caused by changes in the external environment has been reduced.

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