News from the Shunyi District Media Center Recently, Shunyi District issued the implementation guidelines of the "Beijing Municipality's Implementation Plan for Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control and Stabilizing Economic Growth". Relevant departments and jurisdictions h

2024/06/0615:22:32 finance 1190

Shunyi District Media Center News Recently, Shunyi District issued the implementation guidelines of the "Beijing Municipality's Implementation Plan for Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control and Stabilizing Economic Growth". All relevant departments and jurisdictions have paid close attention to the implementation of the policy and implemented a "combination punch" to provide Relief and relief for enterprises.

News from the Shunyi District Media Center Recently, Shunyi District issued the implementation guidelines of the

Shunyi District released the implementation guidelines for the "Beijing Municipality's Implementation Plan for Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control and Stabilizing Economic Growth."

The "Implementation Guidelines" have deployed a total of 7 aspects and 47 policy measures. In order to implement the "apply and enjoy" policy of state-owned housing rent reduction and exemption, Shunyi District has established a special team for rent reduction and exemption, announced contact information, coordinated and supervised the implementation of the policy, and ensured that the rent-free measures benefited the final tenant operators.

District Commerce Bureau issued a notice stating that commercial enterprises that are registered and taxed in Shunyi District in the service industry and individual industrial and commercial households that reduce or reduce rent from May to July this year will receive financial rewards based on 30% of the actual reduction amount, with a maximum of 300. Ten thousand yuan. The time for commercial enterprises to apply for awards is from August 1st to 31st.

News from the Shunyi District Media Center Recently, Shunyi District issued the implementation guidelines of the

The staff of the Consumption Promotion Section of the District Commerce Bureau will pre-register commercial enterprises for telephone consultation.

The District Commerce Bureau also provides subsidies for regular nucleic acid testing costs for key enterprise personnel and the environment. Currently, a total of 5.59 million yuan has been provided to 66 key catering enterprises, 43 supermarkets, and 28 farmers' markets for personnel and environmental point testing.

District Economic and Information Technology Bureau held the Beijing Innovation Industry Cluster Demonstration Zone ( Shunyi ) themed salon (first phase) - "Interpretation of Policies to Assist Enterprises in Relief and Intelligent Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading" event to interpret the relief policies at the municipal and district levels. . Highlighting the regional characteristics of Shunyi District, the application for intelligent transformation and upgrading projects of enterprises supported by Shunyi District in 2022 will be launched. Successful projects will be provided with financial support based on 20% of the actual equipment and software fixed asset investment (including financial lease).

News from the Shunyi District Media Center Recently, Shunyi District issued the implementation guidelines of the

The District Economic and Information Bureau held the "Interpretation of Policies to Assist Enterprises in Relief and Intelligent Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading".

District Science and Technology Committee issued the "Shunyi District Notice on Accelerating the Implementation of Rent Reduction and Subsidy Policy for Technology Incubators for Renting Non-state-owned Housing" and operational guidelines on June 11. Currently, Zhongguancun Shunyi Park Enterprise Beijing Guolian Wanzhong Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. , AVIC Rongxin Investment Co., Ltd., etc. reduced house rents by a total of 3.25 million yuan in the first half of the year. One company enjoys a preferential amount of 13.9447 million yuan from the accelerated depreciation policy. As of June 28, the Housing Provident Fund Shunyi Management Department has approved a total of 141 companies to defer payments, and 16 withdrawals of housing provident funds were made based on actual rent payments, with a total amount of 239,430 yuan.

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