Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B

2024/05/1712:47:32 finance 1157

Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B - DayDayNews

Unknowingly, we are halfway through 2022. How have we harvested in this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. , but don’t we often do these things that seem useful but are actually useless?

Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B - DayDayNews

Without further ado, let’s go straight to the profit and loss. I’m very ashamed. Although I have been calling for the bull market for the past two months, the bull market is coming, and I have also invented infant cows, juvenile cows, prime-age cows and old cows, but nothing can stop me. The reality of losses. As of the market close on June 30, I had lost 8.46% in half a year, which was equivalent to almost 28 months of salary. This is a year-on-year decrease of 157.01%, which means that I have earned almost 49 months’ salary during the same period last year.

Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B - DayDayNews

I have always maintained the tradition of paying dividends to myself, and strive to use this green grassland as my own cash machine. As of the middle of this year, I have paid myself a total of 7,100 yuan in dividends, while in the same period last year I had paid myself 34,200 yuan in dividends. Judging from the amount of dividends, it is indeed not doing well this year.

Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B - DayDayNews

Then it’s time to summarize the reasons. So far this year, the grassland has shown a deep V trend. It continued to decline from January to April. In addition to a small profit in February, I also suffered serious losses in January, March, and April. It stabilized in May and June, and I recovered most of my losses. The main reasons for this year's losses are the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war and the epidemic in big cities. The subsequent stabilization and rebound are due to the management's care for the market. The Financial Committee meeting and the stabilization market meeting all reveal their positive attitude towards this market. Signal. So although I am still losing money, I firmly believe that this will be a vigorous policy bull market, and I am full of confidence in my ability to unwind and make profits.

Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B - DayDayNews

Since this year, my big position is that the four-piece set I hold has not been operated even once. Even though I send video calls every day, I lose and earn several months of salary every day, but I The position of and has never been moved and has been lying flat. Occasionally, I would take ten or twenty thousand change to relieve my boredom, but that was nothing. Therefore, my profit and loss also represents the profit and loss of most investors like me, and also reflects the trend of the broader market.

Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B - DayDayNews

From 3600 points at the beginning of the year to 3400 points now, the market has still dropped 200 points this year. Personally, I feel that if the market rises another 100 points, I will unwind, and most investors who are holding their positions will also unwind. When it returns to 3600 points, we will all start to make profits. No matter what, we all depend on the weather. When we stop losing big and start making profits every day, it’s not that we have become better, but that the market has become better.

Unconsciously, we are already halfway through 2022. How have we harvested on this green grassland in the past six months, what mistakes have we made, and what experiences have we gained. It is time to summarize and reflect, although summarizing and reflecting are of little use. B - DayDayNews

In the past 20 years of stock trading, I suffered losses in 2008 and 2018. I originally thought I would also lose money this year, but I have changed my view now. I think I will still make a profit this year. The following is also attached to my overall profit since stock trading. Although the amount is not large, the proportion is still relatively good. This picture is also a powerful tool that I often use to regain face for myself. Although I have little face and no need for it, it always gives me confidence.

The first half of the year has passed regardless of profit or loss. What has been lost and missed cannot be recovered. Let us look forward to a better tomorrow! I wish you all good luck in the second half of the year!

stocks have no limit to the sea, and there is a shore when you turn around.

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