South China City's "Spark Cross-border E-commerce Talent Training Program" solves the problem of recruitment of enterprises in the park

2021/07/1521:34:04 finance 408

Recently, a grand "South China E-Commerce Industry College - E-Commerce Talents Double Election Meeting" was held in the China South City E-Commerce Industrial Park, No. 1 Exchange Square, Shenzhen China South City, attracting nearly 200 e-commerce companies to participate in on-site talent recruitment . On the same day, nearly 400 outstanding e-commerce talents such as cross-border e-commerce, online store operations, artists, and live broadcasts successfully signed contracts.

South China City's

It is reported that in the first quarter of this year, my country's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports reached 419.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 46.5%. Among them, exports were 280.8 billion yuan, an increase of 69.3%; imports were 138.7 billion yuan, an increase of 15.1%. Cross-border e-commerce is in a hot spot. In order to solve the problem of cross-border e-commerce talent gap, Shenzhen South China City E-commerce Park, China South City E-commerce Industry Alliance, Guangdong Head Wolf Education Technology Co., Ltd., South China E-commerce Industry Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. The company jointly launched the "Spark Cross-border E-commerce Talent Training Program". "South China E-commerce Industry College - E-commerce Talents Double Election Meeting" is one of the important activities.

South China City's

The nearly 400 talents who participated in this talent double-selection meeting are mainly from Huizhou City Vocational College , Guangdong Posts and Telecommunications Vocational and Technical College , covering e-commerce, business English, international trade, mobile commerce, graphic design, marketing Professional talents in short supply in e-commerce industries such as marketing and logistics. The college has set up an "enterprise campus" in the South China City E-commerce Park, relying on the park's corporate resources to carry out real project teaching talent training, delivering "high-precision professional" e-commerce post talents for enterprises, and realizing the seamless "double precision" of college graduates Employment docking collaborative education model.

South China City's

For a long time, Shenzhen China South City E-commerce Industrial Park and China South City E-commerce Industry Alliance have paid great attention to the talent connection and training of e-commerce sellers in the park. It is reported that only Shenzhen China South City has gathered hundreds of various e-commerce companies Among enterprises, there are many big sellers such as Youkeshu, Aoji, Tongtuo, and Saiwei. The scarcity of e-commerce talents is becoming a bottleneck restricting the rapid expansion and development of these sellers.

South China City's

This job fair is a successful promotion of the "Xinghuo E-commerce Talent Training Program" of the South China E-commerce Industry College, which alleviates the problem of "difficulty in recruiting and retaining people" for enterprises in the South China City E-commerce Industrial Park to a certain extent.

At present, more and more e-commerce industrial parks are carrying the heavy task of transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises. The park has become the link between modern vocational education and industry. It is hoped that more colleges, majors and e-commerce companies will join the "Spark E-commerce Talent Training Program" to jointly promote the development of the e-commerce industry.

Written by: Southern Metropolis reporter Yan Peng Correspondent Li Chen

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