In our lives, the front door is the facade of every home and is the place where people enter and exit every day. The door Feng Shui plays a big role in the Feng Shui of the entire home! When the door is opened, it faces the stairs down. In Feng Shui, this is commonly known as "ro

In our lives, the front door is the facade of every home and is the place where people come in and out every day. The Feng Shui of the door plays a big role in the Feng Shui of the entire home! Next, let me talk to you about the main taboos in door Feng Shui.

The door faces the stairs and elevator

When the door is opened, it faces the stairs. In Feng Shui, this is commonly known as "roller curtain water", also known as the wealth leakage ladder. It will seriously affect the family's wealth, make the door's aura unstable, and also affect the family's wealth. The luck of the person who lives in the house.

If the door is facing the elevator, it is a bad idea to open the door. In Feng Shui, it is better to hide the wind and gather Qi. The door is opposite to the elevator, so that the Qi in the house is between the opening and closing of the elevator, which can easily cause magnetic field chaos, thus affecting the health and fortune of the residents, and also It is easy to attract gossip, which is a big taboo. You can set up a screen or make a porch cabinet inside the entrance to resolve this problem.

Door to door

When two doors are facing each other, there must be a retreat. In Feng Shui, door to door is also very bad. This kind of opposite door will cause the aura to conflict, thus affecting the family fortune. In this case, you can improve it by posting a door blessing or hanging Five Emperors' Money on the door.

Door to mirror

Everyone knows that mirrors have a reflective effect. If the door is opposite to the mirror, the mirror will reflect the wealth in the home. Therefore, if you have a mirror in your home, it is best to place it away from the door and not directly opposite the door.

The door is facing the bathroom

The bathroom is a place where dirt hides in every house. If the door is facing the bathroom, the two are in conflict, which will affect the relationship between the couple, the health of the residents, and attract villains.

In addition, the door facing the kitchen, the road, the telephone pole, etc. are all serious Feng Shui problems.

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or additions, you can leave a message.