Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home.

2024/06/2313:21:32 fengshui 1852

There is an old saying: "One fate, two luck, three feng shui."

What a warm harbor home is, carrying many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you come home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you come home. When it’s dreary, it’s a relief to be home. #爱乐health#

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

Based on the core idea of ​​"harmony between man and nature", Feng Shui has a very long history in China and is widely used in all aspects of life. Feng Shui is an academic discipline and a research environment. In line with the philosophy of the laws of the universe, modern Feng Shui advocates the dialectical study of Feng Shui to extract its essence, and use scientific and reasonable methods to explain the phenomenon of Feng Shui.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews1

Everyone has three "superior Feng Shui"

The first Feng Shui in life: "Heart"

It is said in the book "Four Lessons from Liaofan": "All blessings are within the square inch." The square inch here refers to a square inch. When a person's heart is kind, good luck will naturally find you. When your heart is at ease, your worries will disappear. When your heart is at ease, blessings will stay with you.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, things change according to the heart, and the situation is created by the heart. This is what it means. A person's beliefs can change his character, and his virtue can change his aura, his aura can change his feng shui, and feng shui can change himself. Luck, luck determines everyone's destiny.

People's second feng shui: "mouth"

As the saying goes: "Good fortune comes from the mouth, and misfortune comes from the mouth." If a person has no oral ethics, he often utters some bad words and arrogance, which will naturally annoy others and lead to his own The merits in his body gradually dissipated, just like Wen Tingyun, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, who was talented in life, but failed despite repeated trials and had a rough life.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

Therefore, speaking well can not only please others, but also warm yourself. In this way, you are accumulating blessings and destiny for yourself. Therefore, develop a rich mouth, do not expose others, and do not speak short or harsh words. Naturally, you will be virtuous. Things, accumulate virtue and blessing.

The third feng shui of human beings: "Behavior"

In this life, if a person has good intentions, good luck will come. As the old saying goes: "Be kind to others, although blessings have not come, disasters have been far away." If a person performs good deeds, his behavior If he is kinder and has a kind heart in everything, he will definitely receive the same kind kindness from others in return.

The most kind is not a transaction between people, but a reincarnation. All the kindness you give will be returned to you one day. As the saying goes, those who love will love back, and those who go will be blessed. .

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

In fact, many elderly people believe in Feng Shui in daily life, and many compatriots will ask some saints to do calculations when moving house or building a house. There are even many taboos about the layout of the room.

For example, your entrance door should not face the living room. If this is the pattern, you must place an ice seal on the entrance door to block it. Also, do not place the mirror facing the bedroom. The position of the bedside, etc.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews2

What does the old man mean when he says, "If the bed is against two walls, the family will suffer"? After reading it, I understand.

The first wall: The bed in the bedroom should not rely on the wall facing the door.

Generally, many modern home styles are placed like this. The effect of this placement is that everyone can directly access it as soon as they open the bedroom door. Seeing everyone's beds, this arrangement is actually very unreasonable. First of all, let's put aside the perspective of feudal superstition. As soon as we open the bedroom door, we directly see the bed, which is not good for privacy.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

The second problem is your own physical health. Everyone is in a very weak state when sleeping. Old people often say that they would rather open the window than just a small crack when sleeping, because the wind since spring is very strong.

This is why many elderly people often suffer from stroke , mainly because they are caused by small winds, and the crack of the bedroom door is a typical "small wind". If the bed in our bedroom is sleeping facing the door, It is easy to catch a cold at night and even cause strokes in many elderly people.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

The second wall: Don’t open the bathroom wall by the bedside

Because many people believe in Feng Shui, I found someone to do the math, and found that this statement has a certain scientific basis, because people sleep at night At this time, all the organs of the body are in a state of repair, and whether the individual's sleep quality is good or not can determine our mental state the next day.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

Because many old people or young people like to stay up late, their sleep quality is greatly reduced. And it happens that the head of their bed is against the wall of the bathroom, so sound propagates fastest in solid objects and has high intensity. , if this happens often, it will affect our sleep quality when the neighbors upstairs use tap water.

In fact, in addition to the above two statements, many people who pay attention to Feng Shui will also suggest that you should never place so many messy items under the bed, because it is a relatively dark and humid place under the bed, and there is no way for so much sunlight to shine directly. Inside, if you keep some piles of miscellaneous items for a long time, it is very likely that these items will gradually rot, mold, and even become damp.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews3

Why do many people believe in Feng Shui? Is he science or superstition?

Feng Shui is a discipline with a long history in the Chinese nation, and Feng Shui is also a force of nature, the energy of the cosmic magnetic field, wind is vitality and field energy, and water is flow and change.

According to legend, the founder of Feng Shui is Jiutian Xuannv. The core idea of ​​Feng Shui is the harmony between man and nature. Early Feng Shui was mainly about the site selection, construction, seating orientation, etc. of palaces, villages, residences, cemeteries, etc., in order to select suitable places. There are many opinions about Feng Shui. Some people say that Feng Shui is a science, while some netizens say that Feng Shui is a superstition.

Home is such a warm harbor, carrying so many people's dreams. When you are troubled, you will feel enlightened when you return home. When you are melancholy, you will smile when you return home. When you are dull, you will feel relieved when you return home. - DayDayNews

The term Feng Shui has been circulating in our country for thousands of years. It is reasonable to say that Feng Shui is a science, especially in terms of geological selection and orientation. It can indeed avoid some natural disasters and that Feng Shui is a superstition. , refers to the unknown about some things, but everyone blindly believes in those rumors, and even spreads them everywhere without talking about science. This is called a "superstitious activity".

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