Most people will also pay attention to Feng Shui issues before building a house. After all, a good home Feng Shui can make people feel happy and have more expectations for their future life.

2024/06/0814:20:32 fengshui 1189

Generally speaking, whether you are renovating a new home or moving into a new home, you always hope to have a good start. Most people will also pay attention to Feng Shui issues before building a house. After all, a good home Feng Shui can make people feel happy and have more expectations for their future life. What are the Feng Shui taboos when building houses in rural areas? Let’s find out together.

1. What aspects should be considered when building houses in rural areas?

1. Pay attention to dividing the functional areas. There are clear regulations on building area, floor height, etc. in rural housing construction, and they must be constructed legally in accordance with the regulations. Rural families generally build a two-story building of about 200 square meters. The overall area is actually very large. Before decoration, it is necessary to divide the functional areas. The first floor can be used as a reception area, and the second floor is more hidden and can be used as a family room. private space. 2. Pay attention to matching highlights. When decorating a self-built house, you should pay attention to the earthquake resistance of the external materials, and the interior decoration should emphasize matching highlights. When the main color of the house decoration is white, in order to prevent the space from being too monotonous, you can purchase red decorations with a large jump in color. ; When the house decoration is ordinary, you need to buy some decorative objects with strong artistic quality.

Most people will also pay attention to Feng Shui issues before building a house. After all, a good home Feng Shui can make people feel happy and have more expectations for their future life. - DayDayNews

3. Pay attention to adapt to the natural environment. The natural environment in rural areas is relatively complex, and the northern region is dry and windy. Therefore, when building a house, the thermal insulation performance and wind and sand resistance of materials must be taken into consideration. The southern region is humid and rainy. Before building a house, you must consider whether the indoor ventilation environment is good. Most roofs are sloped to facilitate drainage.

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2. Feng shui taboos in building houses in rural areas

1. Most houses in rural areas are 3-5 meters high, so it is best not to build houses higher than those around them. The building is tall. When fire, wind damage, air raids, etc. occur, taller houses are "more seriously injured". At the same time, there are no taller buildings to block part of the sunlight. The excess of yang and the decline of yin and the imbalance of yin and yang will affect the health of the family.

2. Residential bases or houses in the shape of a triangle, with the front pointed and wide at the back, are called "field brushes". Folk Feng Shui experts believe that living in such a house will cause harm to both people and money. If the house site or house shape is square, you will be lucky to live in it. There is a semicircular pond or stream in front of the house. The round shape faces the front and the straight face to the back, which will help the residents to make money. A residential base or house with a rounded front and a rounded rear is conducive to wealth and wealth. It is good luck to have open space in the south of your house, so you can live in peace of mind. There should be no big trees or dead trees in the residential yard, otherwise it will be unlucky. It is not advisable to lay a large number of dry slates in residential courtyards, otherwise it will not be conducive to the prosperity of the family.

Most people will also pay attention to Feng Shui issues before building a house. After all, a good home Feng Shui can make people feel happy and have more expectations for their future life. - DayDayNews

3, the location relationship between the house and the road. There is a road to the west of the house, which is considered to be auspicious. However, it is also necessary to clearly distinguish the difference between a road to the west and a road from the east to the west. The alley in front of the door stretches, peaceful and prosperous. The road in front of the door, which is like a bow, is considered extremely inappropriate, and the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string.

4. The courtyard door cannot face the door of the house, which is not conducive to home use, may cause harm to the family, and may harm the health of the family. Most families in rural areas will set the direction of their houses to the south, but this is not absolutely correct. It is best to adjust the orientation of the house so that it faces 30 degrees south to east. This direction can best accumulate yang energy and popularity, is a superior position, and is a favorable geographical location.

5. The door of the house should not be directly facing the road or there are obstacles on the opposite side of the door. If the door is facing the road, it is easy for evil spirits to enter the door. The direction of the door is also very important. It is best to decide according to the owner's fortune, such as "Yang Ming" People with fire signs like to use the southwest direction, so the direction in the southwest is favorable for magnetic field and feng shui.

This is the introduction to the Feng Shui taboos and issues to consider when building a self-built house. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. For more information, please follow Villa Master.

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