Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is "If the head of the bed is not facing in all directions, there wil

2024/03/2014:49:33 fengshui 1182

When ancient people did something, they regarded Feng Shui as extremely important. All the items placed in their room are arranged according to and . Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is "if the bedside is not facing in all directions, there will be no debts if there is no disaster" .

Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is

This sentence mentions that the bed where people sleep cannot only face in four directions , otherwise disaster will come and people will still be in debt. Is it true? People in the 21st century all believe in science. Naturally, they do not believe this statement that is mixed with superstition. However, when the ancients explained this saying, they were very clear. Do you know why "the head of the bed cannot point in four directions"? ?

1. The head of the bed does not face west

Nowadays, some rural newcomers still pay attention to Feng Shui and Feng Shui when they get up after getting married. Except for the location of the wedding bed of the newlyweds, no one else pays much attention to the direction of the bed when arranging it. As long as they sleep in and are comfortable in , they don't have to pay too much attention. The ancients were particular about the placement of beds. They believed that the bedside should not face the west.

Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is

The West is what people often call "the paradise world" . When people die, they will mention the phrase "driving a crane to the west". In short, the death of a person is always related to the west, so the ancients believed that if the head of the bed faces the west, this is undoubtedly cursing oneself to go to the west as soon as possible. Because of this explanation, when the ancients placed a bed in , the head of the bed would not face the west. This is exactly what the saying goes, "the head of the bed faces four directions".

2. The head is not facing north

Many people say that the head of the bed cannot face the west. understands , so why can’t the head of the bed face the north? Only with the most in-depth understanding can we know that in the eyes of ancient people, the north is a direction full of coldness . If people's heads face the north when they sleep, their heads will get moisture while they sleep, which will bring them diseases.

Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is

In ancient times, people believed that only when you are healthy can you perform normal work, your family will be prosperous, and you will be less likely to be in debt. If a person's health problems cannot be guaranteed, then this person will naturally be unable to work normally and bring wealth to his family. Without income, he will naturally be in debt. For the sake of good health and for the sake of their family not to be in debt, most ancient people would not point the head of their bed to the north when they sleep.

3. The bedside should not be placed under the beams.

Most of the houses that ancient people lived in were made of some solid wood . Although some wood is relatively strong, it is possible that after long-term use, it Will become deadwood . These rotten wood are not strong and may fall off at any time. Therefore, for safety reasons, they will not place the bedside under the beams.

Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is

Because they don't know. When will the beams used to build houses collapse? If you sleep with your head facing the beam, and the shaking beam suddenly collapses at night, the person who fell asleep may have gone to the west before they even react. Therefore, for safety reasons, they will naturally not place the bedside under the beams.

If the beam suddenly collapses while people are asleep, causing people serious injuries , people will not only lose money, but also be in debt . Therefore, the ancients said that the bedside cannot be placed under the beams, which also has a certain truth.

Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is

4. The bedside cannot face the door.

The bedside cannot face the door. This sentence sounds full of superstitious color . If you have not carefully understood the meaning of this sentence, many people may lie on such a bed to sleep. When they wake up at night, they will feel a chill on their backs and always feel that there is something unclean around them.

In fact, the reason why the ancients said that the head of the bed should not face the door is not that unclean things will appear when sleeping at night, but that if the head of the bed faces the door, people will undoubtedly open the door when they come in and out.People walking outside the door can see all the people and items on the boat at a glance. This is undoubtedly leaking other people's privacy.

Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is

Therefore, there is a saying among the ancients that when placing a bed, the bedside cannot face the door. This is also a kind of protection of people's privacy. From this point of view, there is a certain truth in this sentence and it is not completely superstitious. We have to admit that understands the wisdom of our ancestors in this proverb. Although people's bed placement no longer follows this custom, the wisdom of our ancestors should still be known to us, and is passed down from generation to generation.

Ancient people regarded Feng Shui as extremely important when doing certain things. All the items placed in their rooms are carefully arranged. Nowadays, there is still a saying that has been passed down, which is


In rural areas, some people pay attention to auspiciousness when holding wedding events. they will invite people to check the feng shui and choose a house as the wedding room. When they arrange furniture in , the placement of all furniture is very particular. The reason why modern people do not place furniture and beds according to these common sayings is because technology is becoming more and more developed, and the houses where people live have also changed and .

will no longer use wood to make beams when building houses. Therefore, no matter which direction the bedside is placed, there will be no danger of and . Although most people now believe in science and do not follow the old sayings when placing their bed, the sayings passed down by our ancestors and the traditional culture should still be passed down by us.

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