Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome

2024/04/0106:24:32 fengshui 1797

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people post very little in their Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see the news about welcoming the God of Wealth. Even when naming cats and dogs, they will first consider " to attract wealth", " to get rich", etc., in order to one day bring wealth to the whole family. People's obsession with money has been deeply rooted in their bones, and it even involves Feng Shui. The placement of items in the home is also very particular.

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome - DayDayNews

1. Dark financial position and clear financial position

The so-called financial position is the place in the home that represents money and official status. involves in Feng Shui. The position of the bright financial position is clear at a glance when you enter. Compared with , the dark financial position is easier to judge. The Mingcai position is the diagonal position of the entrance door, but the premise is that the door opens to the left of . If the door opens to both sides, then the financial position is and it is difficult to judge . The diagonal line on the side that usually gathers more energy is judged as .

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome - DayDayNews

Of course, the location of the financial position is also related to the shape of the living room or house. If it is an irregularly shaped living room, is another matter. The position of the bright wealth position is easy to find, so it can only help the head of the household gather small fortunes, but the real wealth-drawing effect is , the dark wealth position . The hidden financial position is related to the sitting direction of the house, so houses in different positions of and have different hidden financial positions. It is difficult for people who don't know Feng Shui to find the location of the hidden wealth position, so they can ask experts for advice.

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome - DayDayNews

2. Don’t put sharp objects

1. Don’t put sharp objects

The so-called sharp objects don’t just refer to silver needles, knives etc. There are also some sharp objects that are easily ignored by people . For example, the shapes of furniture are all kinds of weird. In order to enhance the sense of design, some sharp elements and will be added. In this case, placing furniture with peculiar sharp corners in the financial position will cause damage to the wealth of the whole family. . Although large-leaf green plants can purify the air and play a beautiful role, sharp small thorns on the leaves or stems can also damage your wealth.

2. Do not magnify objects and mirrors

Wealth is rising day by day, but heavy objects or large objects will suppress the wealth , making the wealth restricted and leaving no room for development. The mirror's surface is smooth and can play a reflective role. Placing a mirror in a financial position will reflect all the wealth in the home. For example, large items such as refrigerators and bookshelves should be placed with special attention and try to avoid financial position as much as possible. The placement of the mirror is also very particular. It cannot be placed in the financial position, nor can it be facing the door .

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome - DayDayNews

3. Don't let dirty things

As the saying goes, " Money cannot enter the dirty door", the God of Wealth also has a choice when fulfilling wishes. If the home of the person making the wish is messy and messy, leaving the God of Wealth nowhere to go, it will be difficult for the wish to get rich to come true. In order to gather wealth , you must pay special attention to the placement of items in your home's financial position. Try to keep dirty and dirty things away from the financial position, such as trash cans or brooms, and do not pile up debris in this position. Not only that, you cannot build toilets or pools in your financial position, otherwise the water flow will wash away your wealth luck.

4. Do not put fans, air conditioners and other items in place.

When the weather is too hot, in order to achieve the purpose of cooling down faster, the air conditioner or fan will be turned on. However, the placement of fans and air conditioners is also very particular. If they are placed in the wrong place, it may even affect the financial fortune of the whole family. The ancients have long concluded that luck will stop when it encounters water, and will be blown away when it encounters wind. Both air conditioners and fans have the function of blowing air, so if you want to make money, you must pay attention to not placing air conditioners or fans in the financial position of your home.

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome - DayDayNews

3. What should be placed in the financial position?

The so-called "wealth" corresponds to two colors, one is yellow , and the other is red .Therefore, red or yellow items can be placed in the financial position, which is not only festive and lively, but also pleasing to the eye. The corresponding attribute of red is "fire", which can boost the wealth of the whole family and has the meaning of good luck and good luck. Chinese people will make a happy picture before doing anything, and the same is true at home. Putting red objects will make you feel happy and after seeing them, and your work and life will be full of motivation.

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome - DayDayNews

Although red objects can be placed on the financial position, please note that the volume and weight of the object cannot be too large. Otherwise, it will also squeeze or damage wealth, and ultimately the purpose of and will not be achieved. If you really don’t know what items should be placed in the financial position, you can actually put nothing at all. Make an open space in the financial position, clean and tidy up frequently, and keep the financial position ventilated and well-lit. Or put a lamp to illuminate the financial position, so that the family's wealth will always be bright.

Chinese people have an inexplicable obsession with money. It seems that the love for money is engraved in everyone's blood. Some people only post to a few Moments during the Chinese New Year, but on the fifth day of the first lunar month, you can definitely see updates to welcome - DayDayNews


Although there are some superstitions on the topic of wealth, you may believe it or not. In order to satisfy the obsession with getting rich, many things have to be paid special attention to. The placement of objects in your home is related to Feng Shui. If you have no clue, you can ask a Feng Shui master for advice.. Wealth cannot increase or dissipate for no reason. A well-arranged room can promote wealth , while the wrong placement of objects can also cause damage to wealth.

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