Building a house is indeed a top priority in rural areas. With the rapid development of our country's economy, many people who grew up in rural areas are living a prosperous life outside. But no matter what, many people will still return to their rural hometowns to build houses.

2024/04/0923:27:33 fengshui 1368

In rural areas, building houses is indeed a top priority. With the rapid development of our country's economy, many people who grew up in rural areas are living a prosperous life outside. But no matter what, many people will still return to their rural hometowns to build houses. Therefore, even in rural areas, many rural houses are being built better and better. People all believe that "fallen leaves return to their roots". After all, the place where you grew up is the most affectionate. The older you grow, the more you miss it.

Rural house building is in full swing. For house construction, the construction structure of the house is also particularly important. People often say that " white tiger covers green dragon , and people are poor from generation to generation." Why do you say this?

Building a house is indeed a top priority in rural areas. With the rapid development of our country's economy, many people who grew up in rural areas are living a prosperous life outside. But no matter what, many people will still return to their rural hometowns to build houses.  - DayDayNews

The white tiger covers the green dragon, and people have been poor for generations.

The white tiger and the green dragon are one of the four spirits of heaven in ancient mythology. It is also a direction god in our country, generally representing the west. At the same time, the white tiger also symbolizes evil spirits and evil spirits and belongs to "Yin". On the contrary, Qinglong is also an image in ancient mythology and is called the God of the East. Qinglong's position is the location of the East. It also represents auspiciousness and "spring", and is a symbol of vitality.

Therefore, when people build a house, they will not allow the white tiger position, that is, the west side of the house to be higher than the east side of the house (green dragon position). For a house facing south, the green dragon position is to the east and the white tiger position is to the west. Therefore, the evil party is not allowed to be higher than the righteous and auspicious party. If the white tiger is higher than the green dragon, it is considered to be detrimental to the house.

Building a house is indeed a top priority in rural areas. With the rapid development of our country's economy, many people who grew up in rural areas are living a prosperous life outside. But no matter what, many people will still return to their rural hometowns to build houses.  - DayDayNews

Therefore, the opposite of the saying "A white tiger covers a green dragon, and people will be poor from generation to generation" is "If you are not afraid of the green dragon, you are afraid of the white tiger looking up." People often think that it is better to build a house on the east side, but they are afraid that if the house on the west side is higher than the east side, it will cause bad luck to the residents.

Therefore, when it comes to building houses in rural areas, the construction of house structures also requires certain attention. For example, when people build houses, they are not allowed to have the outside door higher than the lobby. As the old people say: "If the gate is too big, the family will be ruined and everyone will die." The gate here is the gate outside the courtyard of the house.

are generally built slightly lower than the door in the main hall of the house, so that light can shine in better. Secondly, the inside of the house will look more yang, rather than shady and damp.

Building a house is indeed a top priority in rural areas. With the rapid development of our country's economy, many people who grew up in rural areas are living a prosperous life outside. But no matter what, many people will still return to their rural hometowns to build houses.  - DayDayNews

If people live in a sedan house, disasters will happen one after another.

People often say, "If people live in a sedan house, disasters will happen one after another." So what is a sedan chair? The sedan chair house is a house that looks like the word "work". Just like a house carrying a sedan chair, the structure of such a house will be considered to be as unstable as a sedan chair. Therefore, rural elders often believe that living in such a house for a long time will lead to disasters one after another, which means that it is not good to live in.

In fact, many proverbs about rural house building have been circulated for a long time, and at the same time, many proverbs have been forgotten by people over time. However, overall, many house building sayings do not have a certain scientific basis, but as a kind of rural folk culture, many aspects are still worth learning.

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