"Ten Essentials" refers to the ten key points of Feng Shui based on the theory of dragon, water, sand and caves. "Huasheng opens the account" means that the dragon veins need to be peeled off and replaced, with deep and long roots, overlapping the tents, and going out through the

2024/05/2214:07:32 fengshui 1939

"Ten Essentials" Shape System The ten key points of Feng Shui regarding the theory of dragon, water, sand and cave.

(1) First, it is necessary to transform into an account and open an account.

"Transformation into an account and open an account" means that the dragon's veins need to be removed and replaced, with long and far-reaching roots, overlapping accounts, and passing through the account, just like a real dragon and the emperor's account.

(2) The second step is to insert the two ears into the sky

"Two ears into the sky" refers to the mountains on the left and right sides of the acupuncture point, which should be high and stand around the main mountain.

(3) Three essentials: shrimp whiskers and crab eyes

"Shrimp whiskers and crab eyes" means that the acupuncture points should be clear, as obvious as crab eyes, and clear at a glance; the water in front of the holes should be divided and combined, flowing around the holes like shrimp whiskers.

(4) Four should be circling left and right

"circling left and right" refers to the water in front of the acupoint, which should be circling left and right, entangled with affection.

(5) Five must be three stops up and down

"Three stops up and down" refers to Taizu Mountain, Shaozu Mountain and Jiexue Mountain distributed in sequence from top to bottom. They should be arranged in layers, and their shape should be round and plump.

(6) Six points: The sand foot should be turned

"The sand foot should be turned" means that the sand mountain should surround the acupuncture point and be surrounded by affectionate people. It should not be wandered away from the mountains and peaks without ruthlessness.

(7) Seven points: Open the bright hall

"Open the bright hall" means that the bright hall in front of the acupoint should be flat and open, as clear and bright as wide-open eyes.

(8) Ba Yao Shuikou Pass

"Shuikou Pass" means that the water flow is densely intertwined, and the sand mountain at the mouth of the water is tightly locked, and the anger cannot be leaked.

(9) Nine points: Mingtang Yingchao

"Mingtang Yingchao" refers to the mountain, case mountain should be clearly facing the Mingtang, forming a closed or semi-closed Feng Shui unit.

(10) Ten essentials: Nine winding loops

"Nine winding loops" means that the acupoint area should be surrounded by mountains and rivers, twists and turns, sentimental and sentimental, surrounding the acupoint.

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