Correct understanding and comprehensive utilization of depressions! Netizens’ question is: The ground inside the new factory building is lower than the road outside. How can we improve the feng shui? The simple understanding and answer is: Feng Shui Mountain School never believes

2024/04/1801:26:33 fengshui 1501

Correct understanding and comprehensive utilization of depressions!

netizens asked: The ground inside the new factory building is lower than the road outside. How can we improve the feng shui?

The simple understanding and answer is: Feng Shui Luantou scholars never think that "high" and "convex" terrain is good Feng Shui terrain! It has always been considered that the "low" and "nest" terrain is the terrain with good Feng Shui.

This should be the understanding of "the best good is like water" in the Tao Te Ching and the praise of water in the Tao Te Ching and the thinking of asking people to learn from "water". " is as good as water " means: the most appropriate method is to be like water, lower your posture and go with the flow, and then you will accumulate momentum in the low place. Feng Shui scholars have always regarded "water" as wealth. The basic idea should be based on the thinking and understanding of water in the "Tao Te Ching". It is believed that wealth must be like water and must be in a low position to "accumulate with the trend."

Feng shui operation, only when there are insurmountable hazard factors, will it be moved to higher places. Otherwise, think as lowly as possible. From the perspective of Feng Shui, as long as it is a place where factories can be built, low-lying locations are places where wealth can be accumulated, and there are no Feng Shui taboos. The ground inside the new factory building of

is lower than the road outside. From the perspective of Feng Shui, this terrain is said to be a terrain that can "accumulate wealth" and "bring wealth". The thinking in Feng Shui is actually very simple. When people walk to higher places, water flows to lower places. The ground inside the new factory building is lower than the road outside. This means that the road outside is higher and the ground inside the factory building is lower. This kind of terrain is generally "low" and "depressed". If it is low, the treasure will naturally roll in. If it is high, the treasure will naturally roll away. The fact is: since the beginning of human society, there have been “no giants from high mountains and sharp peaks, only rich people from low and flat lands.” The conclusion of Feng Shui is that high mountains can only produce wealth, not wealth. Wealth must be produced in low and flat terrain. That is to say, highlands can only be expensive, but not rich.

Building factories and running businesses in low-lying areas should be called by Feng Shui a place to "gather wealth" and "make a fortune". However, when building a house or setting up a factory in such a place, we must pay attention to the following two issues: 1. Low-lying land often "surfaces", so attention must be paid to drainage and groundwater must be prevented from seeping up. 2. Low-lying areas often cause "humidity" and "mold", causing conditions called "miasma" and "fever" in Feng Shui. Pay attention to "drying", "ventilation" and "draining moisture".

The above two aspects are low-lying areas and should be focused on. In modern society and scientific progress, the above two points can be easily solved: 1. Installing more exhaust fans and paying attention to exhaust ventilation will definitely be beneficial. 2. Increase the lighting. Low-lying terrain is prone to moisture, and low-lying terrain is prone to darkness. Pests that are "dark" and "moist" without knowing the truth are easy to invade. Increasing the light can save a lot of trouble.

has the support of modern science and technology, and it can completely improve the feng shui of low-lying terrain through technological transformation!

Correct understanding and comprehensive utilization of depressions! Netizens’ question is: The ground inside the new factory building is lower than the road outside. How can we improve the feng shui? The simple understanding and answer is: Feng Shui Mountain School never believes - DayDayNews

Life is one path. As we grow older, our "viewpoints" and "mentality" change accordingly. Different environments create different lives, different scenery affects different moods, and different mentality will have different endings. For houses, different terrains have different feng shui!

"People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places." "Stand high and you can see far." The Feng Shui fortune of a house is closely related to people's health, and some houses that are too low have adverse factors that endanger people's physical and mental health. So, is the feng shui of a low-lying house good?

Most people like to choose high-lying terrain and prefer houses on high-lying terrain, because not only can they overlook the panoramic view, but they can also avoid the danger of being flooded by floods. In Feng Shui theory, a house that is too low does have unfavorable factors in Feng Shui, which is not conducive to the fortune and health of the residents. Therefore, when "buying" or "building" a house, you need to pay special attention, and you should not choose to live in a location that is too low-lying. In order to ensure the health of your family and a happy life, you must consider all aspects and avoid living in low-lying houses with poor drainage.

In fact, low-lying houses will produce feng shui that is not conducive to wealth. "Mountains are the masters of men, and water is the master of wealth." This is a famous theory in Feng Shui. In Feng Shui, there is a saying that "water is wealth." Although low-lying areas are convenient for collecting water, they appear to be able to gather a lot of wealth. However, water must flow to make money. If the water is stagnant and does not flow, it can only be regarded as "stagnant water" and therefore there will be no wealth. Therefore, low-lying houses will not gather wealth and will easily lose money, leading to poor financial luck.

Low-lying houses usually have relatively dark lighting. The time of sunlight exposure should be short and the sunlight should be insufficient. In snowy weather, the snow in low-lying terrain is thicker than in high-lying terrain, and it is not easy to melt. This makes the "cold" and "moisture" in low-lying terrain heavier, indicating "cold". Therefore, houses in low-lying areas have higher levels of coldness and moisture, which is not conducive to the fortune and health of the residents. In the Feng Shui theory, some people believe that "boys are more likely to be born on sunny slopes in low mountains, while girls are more likely to be born in shady and cold depressions." "High mountains are fire yang, and low swamps are water yin." Low-lying areas are prone to water accumulation, causing excessive water vapor and strong yin energy. Therefore, low-lying areas are prone to yin and yang decline, and it is easy for female babies to be born. However, although there are mostly female babies in low-lying terrain, most of them are "strong women" and "female academic masters", and they can all make a difference in society!

If the terrain is low-lying, the auspicious energy will definitely be much weaker. In ancient Feng Shui theory, there is a saying of choosing a high place to live. However, here, high is just a relative concept, relative to "absolutely too low." It does not mean that the higher the better. If it is too high, it is easy to become "crazy." Here, high refers to a location that is neither high nor short. Compared with the terrain of "high energy and low energy", choose a lower location as much as possible, which means it is easier to make money and accumulate wealth, and it should not be too high.

Since ancient times, high people have been respected. In modern "house buying" and "building", most people will choose higher floors, because places with high terrain are prone to generate strong Yang energy and are not easily blocked by other objects. Therefore, Feng Shui must be good. On the other hand, for low-lying houses, the surrounding environment may be very tightly covered by other buildings, causing poor airflow and making it difficult for the natural and auspicious atmosphere to enter. Of course, you should not choose a house that is too high as your residence. Otherwise, it will easily lead to "aloofness" and will also affect the health and fortune of the residents.

The front is low and the back is high to hide the wind and gather energy, and the landscape view is comfortable. Even in modern times, this kind of "mountain view housing" will be very popular with people.

This is not just the topography, but also the internal layout of the house. If the farther you go in, the lower it becomes, it means that the house will become more and more downhill as you go back, and hard-earned money will never be easy to earn. , things will not go smoothly, and it will be difficult to get twice the result with half the effort. There is also a low pattern behind the house, which often makes people feel that their luck is getting worse and worse, their money is getting less and less, their bad luck is getting more and more, and making money is always unsatisfactory. It is recommended that for houses with a low back, more attention should be paid to various decorations and the interior of the house should be properly leveled to keep the overall pattern balanced.

Analysis from the perspective of house Feng Shui:

1. Low-lying terrain harms wealth. Blockage of drainage pipes in low-lying terrain will jeopardize the wealth of permanent residence. The understanding in Feng Shui is: "Mountains manage people, water manages wealth." This sentence clearly believes that "water" is a symbol of wealth. But be aware that not all water can bring wealth and luck. Water that can attract wealth and transportation refers to living water, slowly flowing river water, and only living water with fresh life flowing in it can attract wealth and transportation. What is deposited in low-lying terrain is "stagnant water", "turbid water" and "environmentally polluted water"... Such water emits a bad smell and will not bring about wealth.

2. The terrain is low-lying, making it very easy to give birth to a baby girl. According to Feng Shui theory, "High hillsides will produce boys, and low-lying areas will produce girls." The terrain is high, the sun is sufficient, the yang energy is sufficient, and the masculine temperament is high, making it easy to give birth to a baby boy. The terrain is low-lying, where yin energy easily gathers, and the yin energy is high, which is conducive to the birth of a female baby.

Relatively speaking, the reality is: in rural areas with relatively high terrain, poor areas, and high terrain locations on land, the number of male youth exceeds the number of female youth, and there are more single men.In cities where the economy is concentrated and developed and the terrain is relatively low-lying, water towns, ancient towns, and coastal areas, the number of young women exceeds the number of young men. Many women are single. The terrain is low-lying, the wealth is significantly higher than that of the mountains, and the aura of women is stronger than that of men, resulting in a situation where yin is strong and yang is weak. At present, in rural areas, the proportion of unmarried men is mainly single, which should be related to regional differences!

3. The terrain is low-lying and the auspicious atmosphere is weak. The ancients paid attention to "choosing a high place to live". "Guan's Physical Geography Guide" believes: "The thicker the soil, the thicker its Qi"! Because the terrain with high terrain contains "fire". Xiangzhai Jingshu believes: "In the vastness of the flat sun, the higher position is often the place where the auspicious energy is concentrated." Therefore, many high-rise buildings are regarded as "feng shui vacant land" by people.

Traditional Feng Shui Luantou theory believes that the rule of choosing a Feng Shui treasure land is to "take yin from yang, and take yang from yin". In the terrain of the Great Plains, auspicious places are often located in higher locations. The flat is yang, and the high is yin, which is "yin out of yang". Plains are not suitable for settling in low-lying terrain. In the mountainous terrain, it is advisable to choose a slightly higher location among the low-lying flats to settle down, which is to "take yang from yin, and take yin from yang"!

These are the experiences condensed and summarized by the ancients on the basis of their predecessors, and they have very important practical value. When people today build and buy houses, they must correctly grasp the experience of the ancients, carefully choose the topography and floors of the house, and try to avoid settling in low-lying locations. This is an important link that must be correctly grasped to ensure the physical and mental health of loved ones and the happiness of family life!

In short, the folk saying is: "People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places." The vast majority of people like to live in high-lying areas, and do not like to live in low-lying areas. Low-lying areas are where water flows.

Houses with too low-lying terrain will affect your luck in food, clothing, housing and transportation!

Houses with too low-lying terrain are subject to too much moisture. Terrain that is too low-lying is prone to water accumulation, and "water flows to lower areas." No matter how perfect the drainage pipe installation is, it cannot completely eliminate the problem of high moisture in low-lying houses. In the event of a powerful typhoon or rare flood, low-lying terrain will be easily flooded.

Housing in low-lying areas has insufficient sunlight sources and short exposure time. When encountering snowfall temperatures, the snow in low-lying terrain is thicker than that in high terrain, and it is not easy to melt, making the cold air in low-lying terrain heavier and darker. These are the essence of Feng Shui issues!

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