Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness leads to loss, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits.

2024/06/2121:19:33 fengshui 1333

Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness brings losses, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits. Complacency is a sure recipe for failure.

If you are proficient in divination, you must be very familiar with the Qian hexagram among the 64 hexagrams derived from the Fuxi Bagua . The Qian hexagram is the fifteenth of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes. In the hexagram body, the upper hexagram is Kun, which is the earth, and the lower hexagram is Gen, which is the mountain.

In divination, the Qian hexagram, Gen Xia Kun Shang, represents the image of a mountain underground. The mountain is tall, but it is underground, and its height cannot be shown. If it is a metaphor for a person, it symbolizes high virtue, but it can consciously not show off.

Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness leads to loss, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits. - DayDayNews

Qian Gua shows the possibility of various changes in Qian's situation. Those who predict Qian Gua will make you like a mountain, never showing off your beauty, and never covering up your bare rocks and cliffs. At the same time, the Qian hexagram is also the only hexagram among the sixty-four hexagrams in which every line is auspicious. From this, we can see that humility is the most beneficial way to live in the world.

Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness leads to loss, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits. - DayDayNews

So what is the relationship between Qian Gua and health preservation?

The meaning of full recruitment, loss and modest benefit is also of great significance when used in health preservation. Because not long ago, scientists discovered the code to delay aging, which is often ignored in our lives.

Human aging begins at the age of 26, and begins to accelerate at the age of 38. All aspects of the human body's functions begin to decline. Aging is the gradual degenerative change in the structure of one's own tissues as age increases after the organism matures under normal conditions. , it is a normal phenomenon that the function of the body's organs decreases, the resistance to internal and external environmental damage factors decreases, and the body tends to die. In fact, the aging of the body is an irreversible phenomenon.

Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness leads to loss, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits. - DayDayNews

In addition to nerve cells, cells in various parts of the human body are constantly being replaced. If body cells could continue to divide and renew, humans could achieve immortality. Unfortunately, cell division is very limited. Every time a cell undergoes division, telomeres will be reduced by part. Cells that are extremely short cannot divide. This is the reason why the human body ages.

Although there is no way to prevent aging, we can delay aging. Recently, scientists have made a major discovery and discovered the secret to delaying aging.

In 1989, the University of Wisconsin in the United States conducted a 20-year calorie restriction study on rhesus monkeys . In fact, it restricted dietary intake. By reducing 30% of the food of one group of rhesus monkeys, and keeping the same age and same age with another group of rhesus monkeys, Rhesus monkeys of similar sex and size but provided with unrestricted food were compared.

20 years later, in 2019, researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison reported experimental results and found that monkeys with a restricted daily diet lived longer on average and had fewer cases of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. .

Judging from the appearance and hair, monkeys who control their diet are much more energetic than monkeys who eat casually. Monkeys who do not control their diet will have hunchback and severe hair loss on their abdomens. They are all monkeys of the same age, why are there such big differences?

Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness leads to loss, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits. - DayDayNews

The National Institutes of America also conducted an experiment, tracking 218 healthy subjects through a 2-year survey. Although the 25% of the expected calorie limit was not reached, only 15% was achieved. The results of these two years of anti-aging experiments are still amazing. Experiments show that people who control their diet are younger than those who do not control their diet. It is very simple to become younger. What can delay aging?

With the deepening of scientific experiments, scientists were surprised to find that dietary restriction can inhibit the function of proteins in the body and reduce the metabolic rate of cells, thus achieving the effect of delaying aging. In 2018, top biology journals also published research results: Caloric restriction can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness leads to loss, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits. - DayDayNews

The significance of calorie restriction is not only to delay aging, but also to extend life span, make people look younger than their actual age, and at the same time reduce the incidence of various diseases. Such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes , tumors, etc., which are highly prevalent in the elderly.

In fact, compared with the research of Western scientists, China had the answer thousands of years ago. The "Huangdi Neijing" proposed the basic principles of health preservation, mentioning that diet should be moderate and not overeating. Just eat until you are seven to eight times full. Is this similar to the Qian hexagram that we say is full of moves and harms Qian and benefits? It means you have to be in moderation to benefit from it. This is true for life, and the same is true for diet and health.

Most of us are familiar with this saying: fullness leads to loss, modesty benefits. What we are talking about is that we must have a humble and prudent attitude in everything we do and in dealing with anyone, so that we can gain good benefits. - DayDayNews

Which of those Taoist people in the Taoist family is not thin? How many people with a big belly live a long and healthy life? There is also the now very popular fasting , which actually restricts calories, thereby achieving the effect of prolonging life. However, the method of fasting may not be suitable for ordinary people. Instead, daily restriction of moderate diet can be more widely adopted.

has said so much, friends, have you already understood the secret of delaying aging? It is also related to our attitude towards life and work, which is to eat less at each meal, be seven to eight minutes full when you are late, and be more humble. , don’t be too arrogant, have a calm mind, and control your diet, our quality of life will become higher and higher.

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