"Looking to the West" host wearing a transparent mask recording show "He Boliang: It may not meet the definition of Hong Kong law

2020/12/1000:40:09 entertainment 268

The effectiveness of the transparent mask worn by the host of "Looking Around" is questionable. Photo: Sing Tao

Hong Kong's third wave of new crown pneumonia outbreaks. Radio deemed safe and required "Looking Around" to host the recording program of wearing surgical masks. However, Ou Yongquan and Chen Beier, the hosts of "Looking Around" the day before yesterday, began to wear transparent masks, saying that they would allow the audience to clearly see their appearance. He Boliang, director of the Infection and Infectious Diseases Center of the University of Hong Kong, pointed out that the masks concerned should not meet the definition of surgical masks stipulated by the law, and many netizens questioned the effectiveness of transparent masks.

He Boliang said that although transparent masks or masks containing film can block the spray of droplets, they should not meet the definition of surgical masks stipulated in Chapter 599I. The original intention of the law is to hope that the general public will wear surgical masks to cover their mouths and noses to achieve mutual protection. One is to reduce the spraying of virus-laden droplets, and the other is that they will not be easily "successful" when encountering invisible patients or confirmed patients.

can not replace surgical masks to wear out

He Boliang pointed out that transparent masks are anti-epidemic items, but they cannot replace surgical masks. However, if some programs are not suitable for wearing masks that can cover the appearance, choosing transparent masks is also a workaround , At least they can reduce the spraying of droplets, but you must not mistake the wearable for going out. Z3z

Ou Yongquan and Chen Beier said in the program that they wear the latest three-dimensional transparent masks produced by Japan, which can facilitate their appearance and block droplets.

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