Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen

2024/07/0301:15:32 entertainment 1940

Well-known Taiwanese actor Li Liqun became famous due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sense of humor.

After the epidemic, Li Liqun finally returned to his hometown of Taiwan, China. Li Liqun’s daughter lives in Shanghai, while his wife and he were separated due to the epidemic. Now they are finally reunited. It is not easy. Li Liqun also decided Staying in Taiwan for a long time to accompany my wife.

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

html On July 14, a video of Li Liqun being interviewed by Taiwanese media leaked. In the video, Li Liqun’s remarks caused controversy among many netizens.

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Among them, Li Liqun mentioned, "We are the kind of people who will stick to Taiwan if there is a war." These remarks made many netizens begin to question his position.

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

You can see it by clicking on the comment area. Some netizens said: "He thinks he is Taiwanese, loves Taiwan, fights to the death for Taiwan in wars, and did not say a word that he is Chinese."

Another netizen said, "I have long discovered that he is weird at heart. Weird." Some netizens even directly said, "In the future, the film and television works he has participated in should be marked with D." Some netizens directly @ People's Daily asked "This is not banned", and also added a. Angry expression.

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Li Liqun also mentioned in the video that he was accused by netizens of being a "weed, falling on both sides". At the same time, he said that although he has not completely retired, he will not come to mainland China to film in the future, and will stay in Taiwan to film and grow old here.

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

These remarks also caused controversy among many netizens. They also accused him of only looking out for his own interests, choosing not to take a stand, not taking a firm stand, and being slick in his words and actions.

But at the same time, some netizens think that he is quite right in speaking, and hope that there will be more artists who can strengthen cross-strait cultural exchanges in the future.

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

html On July 16, Li Liqun himself responded to the controversy over the content of his interview on the Internet: My life, my work, and my growth are a typical cross-strait family. I look forward to the day of peaceful cross-strait reunification coming soon.

saw Li Liqun's positive statement and response, and netizens also left messages to express their support, "There are not many artists who are brave enough to express themselves. I support you."

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

Li Liqun and his wife have been separated for a long time due to the epidemic, and now they are finally reunited. Fortunately, their relationship has not been affected. I hope he can live a simple and happy life with his wife. Regardless of whether he returns to the mainland to film, an actor is in the hearts of the audience Your character and reputation are the most important.

In the days to come, I believe he will pay more attention to his words and deeds when accepting any interviews, and will not say anything casually that can easily misunderstand the public.

Li Liqun, a well-known veteran Taiwanese actor, became popular due to the many short videos he shot during the quarantine period in Shanghai. He has received the love and attention of many Internet celebrities. They think that the old man is very down-to-earth and has a great sen - DayDayNews

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