# punchcardchallengebureau# During this period, three celebrities including Yi Tong Qianxi participated in a controversial incident compiled by the National Theater, which attracted the attention of the whole society. Netizens who watched the show also came forward and confirmed

2024/07/0301:16:33 entertainment 1266

# punchcardchallengebureau# During this period, three celebrities including Yi Tong Qianxi participated in a controversial incident compiled by the National Theater, which attracted the attention of the whole society. Netizens who watched the show also came forward and confirmed  - DayDayNews

Celebrities such as Yi Yang Qianxi, Hu Xianxu and Luo Yizhou were fired for failing to respond to netizens' questions, resulting in more and more details being deleted.

Sino-Singapore Jingwei questioned whether from a written test to a direct interview without a written test, is this considered a celebrity privilege?

You must know that for ordinary candidates, the written test interview is indispensable, and the star skipping the written test link directly is indeed a cost solution.

Even if the recruiting unit has the right to cancel the written test, the interview is still a must.

There is an error in this information. The way to explain this phenomenon is The China National Theater opened the interview process on the day to watch and listen directly.

# punchcardchallengebureau# During this period, three celebrities including Yi Tong Qianxi participated in a controversial incident compiled by the National Theater, which attracted the attention of the whole society. Netizens who watched the show also came forward and confirmed  - DayDayNews

It is worth noting that Hu Xianxu chose to cancel his personal studio last year, but this can also prove that Hu Xianxu was not an extraordinary person before canceling. There is no problem with

, but those who start a company are in-service personnel and do not meet the restrictions for examination. However, the specific situation should be judged by the admissions unit.

In this case, if there are still issues such as test qualifications and improper procedures, it will only aggravate the conflict, and we hope that all parties can respond.

first fan: Why is there no need to pass the written test for the star test? It's okay to do this, but please explain why you can't get into the position without passing the written test.

Other stars did not cause such controversy during the exam, but why did the candidates Yi Yang Qianxi receive widespread attention?

The second mystery: Should interviews be open and transparent?

If the National Repertory Theater assigns star staff to planets, the planets will not be considered employees. The

exam is very difficult to edit, and candidates must make relevant preparations.

# punchcardchallengebureau# During this period, three celebrities including Yi Tong Qianxi participated in a controversial incident compiled by the National Theater, which attracted the attention of the whole society. Netizens who watched the show also came forward and confirmed  - DayDayNews

Seeing that celebrities are also taking the exam, some candidates said that the exam is becoming more and more difficult and the landing rate is also lower. Because the competition is so fierce, relevant preparations should be made in advance. Only by standing out among many candidates can you successfully land.

Therefore, students are asked to purchase relevant study materials in advance or find some interested students and let them prepare for the exam together to better improve their scores.

I hope the relevant departments can give reasonable explanations and answer all questions one by one.

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