After Yu Xiuhua and Yang Weice quarreled, the two parties officially announced their breakup. The relationship lasted for half a year, and the process was considered vigorous. If I have to comment, I can only say that they each got what they needed, and it is not surprising that


Yu Xiuhua and Yang Huice had a quarrel, the two parties officially announced their breakup. The relationship lasted for half a year, and the process was considered vigorous. If I have to comment, I can only say that they each got what they needed, and it is not surprising that they are like this.

Bearing the title of poet, Yu Xiuhua is 46 years old. She can yearn for love and do some shocking things. It is said that love is the source of art. After experiencing this breakup, Yu Xiuhua may have more insights, so she has no regrets.

I am afraid that only he himself knows whether Yang Huice has ever loved Yu Xiuhua, but Yu Xiuhua has truly loved Yang Huice. What she talks about is that everyone gets what they want, but it is actually a high-sounding excuse. She needs a love so much to heal her past.

It may be more appropriate to say that Yu Xiuhua is the love brain among poets. After the breakup, she has been in poor condition and recently revealed that she was hospitalized. Yu Xiuhua said that her father had surgery in one hospital, but she is now in another hospital.

Being hospitalized this time reminds people of her feelings. For someone who has truly loved, being hurt is a particularly painful thing. Her childhood experience has destined Yu Xiuhua to have difficulty understanding what love is. This time she thought she had found it.

Emotional intelligence is difficult to heal on its own, not only for Yu Xiuhua today, but also for others. She was not happy on the hospital bed, but her mouth was pouted stubbornly, as if the pain was nothing at all. She didn't care about the man at all and would get better soon.

Adults should not fall in love, but netizens still feel that Yu Xiuhua is particularly distressed at this time. Netizens advised her to let go of everything, love herself, her father and son, stay away from people who consume her, stay awake forever, and be proud of everything in the world.

Compared with Yu Xiuhua's misery, Yang Huice is obviously more relaxed. He travels around with a backpack on his back, giving off a casual look. Yang Weice's thoughts are actually really scary if you think about it carefully, as if falling in love and breaking up are completely within his control.

Even if Yang Huice and Yu Xiuhua have broken up, when he releases a new video, he can still use the other party's label as a matter of course to increase his traffic. Netizens advised him to let go, stop getting involved with the other person, and wish him well now that they are separated.

In fact, in terms of online public opinion, although Yang Huice lost his reputation, he always won the traffic. It is not as easy as imagined for ordinary people to become Internet celebrities. He has no team or capital operation, but he can achieve the current popularity. He has gone one step further than many people.

Yu Xiuhua did have a vigorous love when she was with him, but the embarrassment when they broke up made her unable to hold her head up. Yang Weice only paid a small price and gained traffic that others could not get. This is the most important wealth.

It is difficult to say whether Yang Huice and Yu Xiuhua have any purpose in being together. His attitude is already very clear, and he will get out as soon as he makes enough money. Yang Weice's sobriety is a trait that many people don't have. It should be an advantage for men, but it makes women a little scared.

Maybe separation is also a good thing for them. At least it makes Yu Xiuhua understand that love is not as simple as she imagined. It also makes Yang Huice understand that the opportunities earned by taking shortcuts will not last long. What do you think about this? Woolen cloth?