How can you make someone love you more and more deeply? First, it is definitely not possible to pay regardless of the cost. Learn how to ask your partner for help appropriately. When a person gets used to enjoying the contributions of others, he will subconsciously forget that he

How can you make someone love you more and more deeply?

First, it is definitely not possible to pay regardless of the cost. Learn how to ask your partner for help appropriately.

When a person is accustomed to enjoying the contributions of others, he will subconsciously forget that he also needs to pay. Psychological research shows that a good way to make someone love you more and more deeply is to learn to be a troublesome person.

The way to make someone like yourself is not only to help the other person, but also to make the other person help you more. Carnegie said: "If you want a long-lasting friendship, then you have to let others do small things for you. This will make others feel present and important." In this way, the relationship between each other will not be broken, and the relationship will not be broken. There is a connection that can continue to be deepened.

In addition, there is a concept of sunk cost in psychology, which refers to the emotional sedimentation that has been paid but has not yet been rewarded. Only when we make each other pay more can we understand what it means to care and how to care.

Secondly, we must learn to keep an appropriate distance.

Love doesn’t know where it starts, but it goes deep. If you fall in love with someone, your heart will follow the other person involuntarily. If you want to be together all the time, you will give everything you have regardless of the cost. But such aimless love that leaves no gaps is often hard to accept. If love can only make both parties feel depressed, then it will lose its original purpose and meaning.

The intensity of love waxes and wanes, so as not to affect their respective growth trends. The lives of two people cannot always be dull, nor can they always maintain a high state of mind. Only by experiencing ups and downs in life can people feel the extraordinary nature of love.

Only by maintaining a certain distance appropriately and retaining a certain sense of mystery will the other party have the desire to explore.

Third, respect the other person’s thoughts and interests.

Emotions should never bind each other. Everyone has their own freedom. Never lose some of your choices or freedom just because you love someone. Don't force the other person to give up their hobbies or change.

If the price of choosing love is to give up your own freedom, then it is undoubtedly very pitiful, and over time, both parties will feel depressed and lose their freedom. Therefore, love requires mutual respect, mutual tolerance, and the ability to accept each other's differences.

For example, two people like to watch different types of movies, or one person likes to play games, and the other likes to sing, then it is best for two people to be able to accompany them. If they cannot be accompanied, then it is okay to do it alone, but do not ask for it. The other person gives up their own hobbies to participate in yours.

The fourth is to maintain a good external image and improve inner cultivation and temperament.

The basis of love is mutual attraction. From the initial good impression to the final stay together, it is inseparable from the attraction between each other. The most important thing to attract a person is the appearance and the inside.

Appearance should be as elegant and elegant as possible. As we age, our appearance will inevitably change. But with the accumulation of time, our temperament and thoughts will become more and more mature, bringing more charm and charm.

When you are young, you will attract each other because of your appearance, but many years later, you will be unable to calm down for a long time because of a certain action or word. Therefore, what time gives us is not necessarily bad, but can make each other understand and cherish each other better. Time together.

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