When you are working hard like chicken blood, fighting for your career and the future. Maybe one day you will suddenly feel confused. In fact, you are not satisfied with your job and career, but you will choose to compromise and endure it for the so-called stable life. In fact, I

When you are working hard like a chicken blood, fighting for your career and the future. Maybe one day you will suddenly feel confused. In fact, you are not satisfied with your job and career, but you will choose to compromise and endure it for the so-called stable life. In fact, I am resisting this job in my heart, and what I want is out of reach.

This is not negative energy but my true feelings. I believe there are many people like me.

Children from poor families start their own families early, and they know from an early age that they need to make a lot of money when they grow up. Nowadays, although I am making money every day, it is not what I like. In today's society, money is everything. No matter how complicated your mood is at work, you have to resist until one day you are ready to run away. When you choose your next job after running away with a bucket, you are hesitant and think of what you like to do, but you are afraid of failure and fear that it will be in vain in the end. I don’t have the courage to face failure, and I can’t imagine how much I will have to endure if I fail.

Want to do it but don't dare to do it


All kinds of discussions between the seven aunts and eight aunts, coupled with the scolding from parents, they think you are just messing around wasting your time and never getting ahead , in the end it is all in vain.

Every time after I leave my job, I will have an idea about what I want to live for. For money and to marry a wife and live a happy life, this is not the case. I feel that only when you have a smooth mind can you live a wonderful life of your own.

When you are confused about your life, life will not give you time to think. Your parents will make a choice for you as soon as you step out of society. You only know that you don’t like it and don’t want to do it, but you don’t know what you can do, so you can only follow destiny.

Life is neither too short nor too long. Living must have meaning. Doing what you want to do is the most important thing, so that you can live your own life. Don't live just for the sake of living, you must have something you pursue.

There are many partners who feel the same way and should think quietly [light up the peace lamp]