"You don't know the end of spring even if it rains, but you can only feel the depth of summer when it clears up." Time flies so fast, as if only separated by a few rains, half a year has flown by. In the lush greenery, July is here as promised. There are green trees outside the w

"You don't know the end of spring when it rains continuously, but you can only feel the depth of summer when it clears up."

Time flies so fast, as if only separated by a few rains, half a year has passed by in a hurry. In the lush greenery, July is here as promised.

There are green trees outside the window, and the noisy chirping of cicadas passes through the hot air, disturbing the clear afternoon dreams. Dark clouds rolled in the sky, the fierce wind rustled the trees on the sidewalk, and the heavy rain slapped the lotus leaves and banana , composing a beautiful midsummer movement.

The evening breeze is full of heat, when the children on the streets walk by with popsicles, watermelons and iced cokes in their hands, when gardenias are fragrant and sunflowers are in full bloom, you will suddenly realize that the original time The pace is so hurried, and as soon as I turn around, the first half of 2022 has come to an end.

Looking back on the past six months, there are joys and sorrows, gains and losses. I like to find half a day of leisure in the busy and tedious life, look at the blue sky and talk to the flowers. Find a free day, make an appointment with a few friends, and talk about work and home life. Cherish the present, live in the present, and believe that life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and the distance.

The years are like songs, the seventh month is like fire, and the solar terms are like colorful pen and ink, which paint the earth with colorful colors and make the endless all things flourish. At times like this, the sun is blazing in the streets and alleys, and the endless sky is unpredictable. It was clear just now, but it is already raining heavily while we are talking and laughing.

"The bright moon scares the magpies, and the breeze sings the cicadas in the middle of the night." In the mid-summer of July, the cicadas sing and the evening breeze is quiet. Follow the winding paths with lush green grass to find a quiet corner and a sense of comfort. Don't worry about the past, don't worry about the future.

Time runs secretly, and the years change quietly. May the beauty of July be at the right time, may the flowers rendered by nature in the midsummer dance with fragrance, let the years pass peacefully, and live up to your time and love!

May all dreams bloom like flowers under the clear sky in July!