Wen丨Tao Xiaojing, the spring breeze is not as good as yours, Xiaojing is here, waiting for you! -01-There is a saying that liking is a combination of nature and fate, but it still requires learning to develop deeply. Indeed, if two people want to develop in depth, it is not enoug

text丨Tao Xiaojing

The spring breeze is not as good as you, Xiaojing is here, waiting for you!


There is a saying that liking is nature plus a certain amount of fate, but it still requires learning to develop in depth.

Indeed, if two people want to develop in depth, it is not enough just to have fate, they must also master certain skills, because only good skills can promote the development of feelings.

However, many people not only fail to master good skills, but also cannot express love.

How can a love that cannot be expressed be worthy of the arrangement of fate? Love that cannot be expressed, no matter how strong it is, is just in vain.

It is wrong not to speak about love, and it is also wrong not to understand love. Many regrets in this world are often caused when one does not speak and the other does not understand.

observed that the vast majority of people who don’t talk about love are women, while the vast majority of people who don’t understand love are men. Women don't talk about love, men don't understand love, and the two of them will gradually miss each other.

The best way to avoid this happening is to change. If women become bolder and men become more sensitive, there will be less regrets in life.


Although many women have been trying to make themselves bolder, because women are thin-skinned and fear that their affection will be rejected, they have never been able to express their feelings directly.

However, a woman does not express anything. When she wants to develop deeply with a man, she will send out some signals accordingly.

If a man doesn't want to miss a woman's love, then you should be more sensitive and read the woman's hints carefully.

I hope you can understand that the signal that a woman wants to develop further with you is sharing.

Sharing leisure time with you

Time is precious for everyone. If a woman can share such a precious thing with you, it is obvious that she has fallen in love with you.

Although she has never confessed her love to you, she will ask you out whenever she is free. Because she has you in her heart, she hopes to spend all her free time with you.

Maybe she just asks you to have a meal, or maybe she just asks you to go out for a walk, but this is proof that she falls in love with you. She couldn't say it, but what she shared was filled with love.

She doesn’t know if you can understand her thoughts, but she still wants to have more opportunities to get along with you. Even if you reject her many times, she is still willing to share time with you.

No matter whether you can understand a woman's thoughts or not, you cannot ignore this signal from her. Once you share her time, you should respond to her as soon as possible.

You have to know that a woman will not force you, but she will not wait forever. If you don’t want to lose her, please read the signals she sends.

Share inner secrets with you

Everyone has secrets in their hearts, but not everyone can share her secrets with you. Sharing secrets requires absolute trust. If she doesn't want to develop deeply with you, a woman will not share secrets with you easily.

From a woman's perspective, sharing her secrets with the man she likes is a sign of opening up to the man, and it also gives him the opportunity to enter her heart.

She hopes that men can read her cues, and she also hopes that men can open up to her. Although she looks calm and relaxed on the outside, she is always looking forward to it in her heart.

She is not afraid of you using his secret to hurt her, nor is she afraid of you spreading her secret everywhere. She just wants to use this method to let you see her love.

If you know a woman's secret, then you have to understand that she wants to develop a deeper relationship with you. Even if she doesn't say it clearly, you can't pretend to be stupid and don't understand.

This is a sign that a woman trusts you enough. No matter what your final choice is, please don't betray her trust in you.

Sharing personal items with you

A woman's personal items will not be easily shared with others. Even with her best friend, she cannot fully share them.

Sharing personal items is a very ambiguous thing. If a woman is willing to share it with you, it means that she cares about you and wants to be with you.

She allows you to drink from her water glass because she wants to be closer to you; she allows you to play with her mobile phone because she trusts you; she allows you to use her personal belongings at will because she wants to Develop deeply with you.

Although she didn't say anything, her willingness to share her personal belongings with you has already exposed her sincerity towards you.

This is a way for a woman to love you. It may not be so obvious, but it cannot be ignored.

This is also a privilege given to you by women. Once you enjoy this privilege, please don’t ignore women’s love anymore.


Although we have always advocated the courage to speak love and boldly pursue love, for more reserved women, this is not an easy thing.

A woman also wants to express her inner feelings directly, but she has too many worries, so she doesn't dare to say love loudly and only hints carefully.

But because many men don’t understand women’s hints, they have misses, regrets, and pain.

If a man doesn’t want to miss a woman who loves you deeply and doesn’t want to miss an opportunity to be close to happiness, then open your eyes and see clearly the signals sent by the woman.

You have to know that when a woman starts to share her time, share her secrets, and share her personal belongings with you, it means that she has fallen in love with you and wants to develop in depth with you.

This is an excellent opportunity, you must seize it and don't miss it again.