Text/Xia Mo 01. Introduction Getting along with other people is like a merry-go-round in an amusement park. When the music stops, there will always be a time when the show ends. In this world, we will meet all kinds of people, but we will also pass by many people. Some people cho

Text/Xia Mo

01, Introduction

Getting along with others is like a merry-go-round in an amusement park. When the music stops, there will always be a time when the show ends.

In this world, we will meet all kinds of people, but we will also pass by many people.

Some people choose to say goodbye to us without saying goodbye, while others slowly stop contacting you and disappear into your world painlessly.

When a person slowly stops contacting you, there is no word of concern or sincere greetings between each other, and they will no longer get together to chat. Even if they meet again by chance, it will be perfunctory.

After experiencing the world, he finally understood that when a person slowly stops contacting you and doesn't bother you, it is actually the best dignity.

Because saying goodbye silently is a kind of respect for each other. If we continue to disturb and entangle them, it will only increase the embarrassment between them.

Be a person and slowly stop contacting you. Stop thinking nonsense. The reasons for staying away from you cannot be escaped from the following reasons.

02. Conflicts occur and feelings are hurt.

Feelings are like mirrors, fragile and difficult to protect. Once there is a small crack, it is difficult to restore.

When people get along with each other, sometimes it is very subtle. What seems to be a deep relationship may be broken down by a small crack . Although he said he didn't care, there was a gap in his heart that could never be overcome.

In this world, any relationship will produce friction, running-in, and conflict. However, if something is handled improperly and hurts each other's hearts, it will hurt the root of the relationship.

There is a gap in the heart, and the wounds in the heart are difficult to heal. If each other's hearts are tied and difficult to untie, then the relationship will easily become farther and farther away.

People will subconsciously protect themselves. After being hurt, they no longer dare to trust someone unconditionally. Therefore, after some people have been hurt, they choose to turn around and never see each other again.

It seems that only by no longer seeing each other and no longer contacting each other can peace be restored.

When a person gradually stops contacting you, it is often because something has broken their hearts and created a gap between them. They no longer have a good impression of you and are not willing to bother to maintain the relationship between them.

03. There is no benefit to be gained and cooperation can no longer be achieved.

The essence of communication between people is actually the exchange of "interests". In short, if you are valuable, many people are willing to be friends with you.

If you cannot reflect your own value, then you may become a member of others' "invalid social interaction".

Sima Qian "Historical Records" wrote: "The bustling world is all for profit; the bustling world is all for profit."

When people get along with each other, no matter how good the relationship is, it is actually an exchange of interests. So, when a person stops contacting you, try to think about it, is the gap between you and him getting bigger and bigger?

Running around in this world, life is not easy for everyone. No one is willing to invest too much time and energy on a worthless person.

On the road of life, a person is already very tired when facing various setbacks and tribulations in life. No one will drag a useless person for too long.

If a person slowly stops contacting you, don't ask the other person why, but learn to silently improve yourself and make yourself better.

Because, when you are good enough and when you make others "profitable", you will have more connections.

04. The three views are different and we can’t talk together.

Everyone in this world has his own criteria for choosing friends. However, there is almost one thing in common, that is, we will not make friends with people who do not agree with our own three views and have no soul resonance.

When a person gradually stops contacting you, it may be because the gap between each other's views is too big and they choose to distance themselves.

"Zhuangzi" wrote: "A frog in a well cannot talk about the sea, and a summer insect cannot talk about the ice."

If the three views between two people are too inconsistent, then the level, pattern and stance between the two people will widen a big gap. Being friends with each other will be very difficult to manage the relationship, and it may be difficult in life. When two people are together, there will be a lot of quarrels and disputes, and they will feel that they are friends without any sense of soul resonance.

If a person gradually stops contacting you, it may be because he can't talk to you.

If you get along with someone and you feel that they don't agree with you, when he gradually stops contacting you, it is better to learn to "accomplish him." ", don't bother me anymore.

If the three views are not similar, and when they get along with each other, they always have discordant words, often quarrel, and there is no tacit understanding, then no matter how good the friendship is, it will be broken.

Faced with people who have different views, It is better for both of you to stay away. On the road of life, it is a wiser choice to find a circle of friends that makes you comfortable.

05. Summary

On the road of life, you will meet many people who treat you sincerely. Not everyone is worthy of your efforts, and not everyone you meet is worthy of your sincere efforts to manage each other's feelings.

When interacting with people, you should observe three things. If you have different views, bad character, or other reasons that prevent you from being friends, please learn to accept others' turning away calmly.

If you meet someone who can talk to you, he can easily guess what you are thinking and can speak your mind. If you have the same ideals and goals as you, then you should treat such friends well.

Friendship in the world requires dedication.

On the road of life, when you meet someone with a compatible soul, It is a kind of luck.

When you meet someone who treats you sincerely, you must cherish each other and support each other. This will bring more warmth and blessings to your life. At the same time, the better you are, the more friends you can make. High-quality friends.


Author: Xia Mo MO, a cutting-edge emotional mentor, a psychology scholar, a popular emotional writer with over 1 billion people on the Internet, and a happy woman manager, focusing on emotions, gender, and answering questions about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years
