Is it really happy to have a son? My cousin gave birth to two sons. Now both sons are in their 20s and have reached the age to get married and have wives. But nowadays it is not easy to marry a wife in rural areas. First of all, at least in the county town, you have to buy a hous

Is it really happy to have a son? My cousin gave birth to two sons. Now both sons are in their 20s and have reached the age to get married and have wives. But nowadays it is not easy to marry a wife in rural areas. First of all, at least in the county town, you have to buy a house and a car in full, as well as betrothal gifts, jewelry, banquets, etc. Nowadays, it costs at least more than one million to marry a daughter-in-law. Just marrying a daughter-in-law for two sons may cost more than two to three million. This does not include their previous upbringing and living expenses.

Rural Bachelor

My cousin is a bricklayer. He used to help people build houses in his hometown in the countryside, and he could earn about 100,000 a year. Nowadays, even if young people have newly built houses in rural areas, it is difficult for them to find a wife. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people are willing to build houses in rural areas, so my cousin has no work to do. I originally wanted to go to the construction sites in the city to find work, but found that many construction sites were not working yet, so it was not easy to find work in the city.

Rural Singles

But his two sons have grown up, and they are all in their 20s after all. If he doesn’t find a wife, he is afraid that it will be harder to find a wife in the future, so my cousin is now very worried. My cousin is three years older than me. He got married early so his son is now an adult. He used to laugh at me for not being able to find a wife. Unexpectedly, just over 20 years ago, now he is also being laughed at by others. People always ask him when he will find a wife for his son. My cousin gets a headache every time he hears this. .

Rural Singles

So don’t laugh at others easily. If you laugh at others today, others may laugh at you tomorrow. Especially the matter of relationship and marriage, as well as the matter of giving birth to a son or a daughter. Don't laugh at single people, and don't laugh at people who have daughters. Because being single may not mean you are unhappy, having only a daughter may not mean you are unhappy, and having two sons may not make you much better than others. If your son can marry a wife when he grows up, your grandson can also marry a daughter-in-law, and your descendants can all marry a daughter-in-law, then it will be worthy of showing off and being happy. Those who laugh at me for being single, you are just one generation older than me, so what’s the point of laughing at me?