Is marriage a mutual respect between two people, or is it tolerance of each other without boundaries? When harm comes, do you take up the weapon of dignity to protect yourself? Marriage must have a three-eighth line. If you blindly compromise, you will only get harm.

What is marriage? Is marriage a mutual respect between two people, or is it a mutual tolerance without boundaries? When harm comes, do you take up the weapon of dignity to protect yourself? Marriage must have a three-eighth line. If you blindly compromise, you will only get harm.

It’s the weekend, and it’s time to go back and see my parents. It’s been another month since then.

Halfway through, the phone rang, it was Shuxia. "Old classmate, I'm back, let's make an appointment!"

Oh, then I remembered that before going home, I posted a message on Moments and expressed my thoughts on life.

We made an appointment to meet at Zhuyuxuan in the county seat. I and Shuxia are friends in elementary and middle school, and we have developed a strong friendship together through playing together.

We also have a friend named Junling. I thought they were coming together. After questioning, I learned that Junling would never come out again. She suffered from depression , a very serious kind.

Junling was very beautiful when she was young.

Junling was very beautiful, and she was always the one who stood out among her peers. Her big and lively eyes are black and piercing; her high nose bridge outlines her entire face beautifully and uniquely; although she was born in a rural area, her skin is delicate, white and translucent.

She studied very well. She was always first in the class from grade one to grade six and never finished second.

Fate is so unfair sometimes. When God opens a window for you, he will definitely close a door for you.

Her family conditions are very poor. Her mother has asthma all year round and cannot work, and has to take medicine every day to maintain her health. Her father is an ordinary mason, and when he has work, he earns dozens of dollars a day. When you are not alive, you have no income. This kind of environment in the native family also planted the seeds of nightmare for Junling's misfortune.

Graduated from elementary school, Junling dropped out of school

Junling dropped out of school.

She got first place in the whole grade, but so what? For her parents, helping the family earn money early may be the most important thing.

No matter how much Junling cried and went on hunger strike, her parents' resolve was not shaken at all. There were two younger brothers and sisters to support at home, so naturally the eldest son had to start supporting the family early. I cried, made trouble, got tired, and admitted it...

The year I graduated from junior high school, Junling got married

Three years after junior high school, I was admitted to the city's technical secondary school, and Shuxia was also admitted to Zhuozhou Normal University , the day the notice came out, Junling got married. Junling was 17 years old that year.

On this day, Junling was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away. The groom is also from our village. He is not tall and has average appearance. When he walks, he is deep and shallow at the same time. It is in sharp contrast to Junling's beauty.

The man’s family is not rich, but in order to marry Junling, they gave him a lot of gifts. In fact, Junling's parents did not agree at first, but they could not withstand the temptation of high betrothal gifts and the boy's sugar-coated bribes, and finally agreed to the marriage happily.

Junling's Marriage Besieged

Life is often like this. The beautiful destination you envy others may be the beginning of the nightmare for those in the besieged city.

Junling was subjected to domestic violence. It had just been a month since her wedding. After one month of marriage, Junling became even thinner, with bruises on her haggard face. She told us that she was already one month pregnant.

The first few days after getting married were fine. Her husband would accompany her every day and make her happy. But there was one thing that Junling couldn't stand. Her husband had to have sex with her every day, sometimes 2-3 times a night, and he was very rough every time, without caring about Junling's feelings. This made Junling very painful. .

Until two days ago, Junling found out that she was pregnant. She was very happy. Firstly, because of the arrival of the child, she could be a mother. Secondly, because she was pregnant with the child, her husband would not have sex with her uncontrollably because he took care of the child. .

But she thought too much. Her husband did not care about the existence of the child and still forced her to sleep with Junling. Junling was afraid of hurting the child and stopped him verbally. Unsatisfied, he got up and beat the newly pregnant Junling. .

Junling returned to her parents’ home in anger.I originally thought about going back to my parents' home, asking my parents' family to support me, and living there for a while before considering whether to divorce my husband.

Unexpectedly, after staying at home for a day, her parents would drive her back, saying that the married daughter would throw water and the couple would get into trouble, so she should stop running to her parents' house in the future.

My uncle originally called and said he would take Junling back, but seeing his father-in-law's attitude, he didn't even come. In the end, Junling walked back alone.

This time around, my husband’s family will no longer treat me as a human being. Junling has a big belly. Every day she not only has to wash clothes and cook, she also has to serve her parents-in-law. If she is not careful, she will be beaten and kicked by her husband. Her mother-in-law also bullies her and asks Junling to wash her underwear. , she endured all these silently.

But her tolerance was rewarded by her husband's betrayal, and he cheated on her behind her back.

discovered the clue because her husband often came home late at night for a period of time, and recently stopped touching Junling. This is too abnormal.

After many inquiries, we learned that because Junling was pregnant, her husband was unwilling to be alone and started getting close to colleagues in their workplace.

Junling never dreamed that her husband would do such a thing. For the sake of her children, she planned to have a good talk with her husband. After all, life had to go on, and she hoped to persuade her husband to return from his lost ways.

But what she didn't expect was that her husband not only refused to admit his mistake, but also gave Junling a big mouth, saying that she was useless, that she had no interest and was like a piece of wood all day long. Tell her to mind her own business in the future. What can

do? Junling thought that it would be fine once the child was born. She no longer cared about her husband and turned a blind eye to his betrayal, not daring to say anything.

She didn’t know that after giving birth, her nightmare would begin.

After giving birth to her child, Junling's figure was out of shape and her face was covered with chloasma . Her husband became angry when he saw her. Beating her every day became commonplace, and he often brought a third party back with her. Serve.

As things went on like this, Junling became numb. She let her husband beat her no matter how hard she wanted, and her mother-in-law scolded her, but she never spoke back or said a word.

Finally one day, a grandfather herding sheep discovered that Junling had jumped into the river near the village. Fortunately, he rescued her in time and saved her life.

From then on, Junling became stupid. The doctor said it was depression. Her husband also divorced her and left the house. He said that she was a broom star and an unknown person, and he didn't give her a penny. Now she lives in her parents' house, and she has committed suicide twice without success, and her family members don't dare to leave her for another half step.

In the siege of marriage, we cannot blindly compromise to achieve stability. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. When marriage is not constrained by the "38th line", who will protect our bottom line of safety?