Happy families are all similar, while unhappy families are all different. The picture comes from the Internet, and any infringement will be deleted. Although a family has an elder, it is like having a treasure! But if there are the following types of elderly people, the family wi

Happy families are all similar, while unhappy families are all different.

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Although there is an old man in the family, it is like having a treasure! But if there are the following types of elderly people, the family will easily fall into decline.

1. Nagging and constantly attacking family members

Some elderly people never see the good qualities of their family members and only find fault with their family members and nag them all day long.

When her son helped cook, she would say: Look what you have cooked. It’s like pig food, how to eat it! Next time her son doesn't help, she will say again: She is lazy at home all day long and doesn't help with anything. Why did I give birth to such an unfilial creature like you?

The daughter-in-law bought her a new dress: It’s not like I have no clothes to wear. I want you to buy whatever you want. I know how to waste my son’s money all day long! My daughter-in-law won’t buy her new clothes: My life is miserable, no one buys clothes, and if they have money, they will only buy them for their mother.

Nothing is satisfactory, and I keep saying this every day, making the whole family at a loss. So I hide if I can, and if I can't hide, I make noises.

In such a family, the children usually travel far away when they grow up, and rarely come home. If they really can't leave, they can only stay at home. Most of the time, the noise will be earth-shaking and the family will never have peace.

Separation is a typical feature of this type of family. The family members are thinking about how to leave the family every day. How can such a family be built well?

The family is in harmony and everything is prosperous. I advise the nagging old man to follow principles when doing things instead of relying on quick words. Look at the family in a different way. Praise your son for his diligence when he helps with housework. On the day when his son does not do housework, he is considerate of his son's hard work outside. not easy. When the family is united, it can break through metal. When the family is well, everyone in it will be well.

2. People who publicize their family members everywhere are not

As the saying goes, family scandals should not be publicized, but some old people are afraid that others will not know about their family affairs, so they publicize them everywhere and only pick up the bad ones.

didn't receive a gift from his wife on his birthday, so he hurriedly ran to his best friend to scold him, and by the way, he accused his wife of all the mistakes he had made over the past decades.

My children’s wages are a little less than those of their peers. When I see people, I complain that my children are not up to par, that they are not capable, and that they get the lowest salary.

Every family has its own problems that are difficult to recite. It is better to resolve internal conflicts internally.

magnifies the family's shortcomings infinitely in front of outsiders. The family loses face and oneself is disgraced. After all, the family shares weal and woe.

No one is perfect, and no one can make mistakes. I advise elderly people who like to complain to be more tolerant and less blaming. Let your family members truly feel the warmth of home.

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3. Treating children as cash machines

Some old people are not good at making money, but they are very good at spending money. So where does the money come from? Of course I am looking for my children.

Such old people do not go out to make money themselves, and do not know the hardships of making money. blindly ask for it from their children, and it is not enough to give her all the money their children earn, like a bottomless pit.

In modern society, young people are already under a lot of work pressure. If they encounter such inconsiderate parents, it will undoubtedly make things worse, and they may collapse at any time, let alone develop.

Only when children travel lightly can they go far and steadily. I advise the elderly who love to spend money to reduce their desires, not to be too greedy, and to be more considerate of their children. This way children can accumulate wealth and build a good family.

4. Provoke the relationship between children and husband

After their children get married, some elderly people are worried that their children will no longer be under control and will no longer be close to them, so they try their best to instigate the relationship between their children and husband.

In fact, after children get married, it is not that their children are taken away by their daughter-in-law or son-in-law, but that they have an extra daughter-in-law or son-in-law to love them. The love of one person becomes the love of two people. Thinking of this, the old man can feel relieved.

We strive all our lives for the happiness of our children. I advise jealous old people not to compete with their daughter-in-law or son-in-law for their children . Only when children and husbands love each other, will the family continue to flourish.

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people live their own lives well in their old age, let go when they should, be grateful, and be content, which is the best for themselves and their families.