Issue 009 Weekly Chinese Copywriter (ID: sun-work) The so-called good luck, in the long run, matches a person's behavior and character. Luck seems to happen to someone by chance, but in fact it is the inevitable result of someone's active choice. 01 About Life01 Young people who

Issue 009

Weekly Chinese Language

Copywriter (ID: sun-work)

The so-called good luck, in the long run,

matches a person's behavior and character.

Luck seems to happen to someone by chance.

In fact, it is the inevitable choice of someone.


About life



Young people who are just starting out worship the "power of connections", believe that being in a circle is the key to rising, and imitate various "wine table cultures". They ignored a simple truth: connections are based on value exchange. When there is not enough value in itself, the so-called "connections" are equivalent to being ineffective.

is most afraid that you have a limited structure, but still thinks that you have the overall situation; most afraid that you have exhausted your ideas, and is praised by mediocrity; most afraid that you are isolated and helpless, but also praises your wide network of contacts.


My misfortune lies precisely in my lack of ability to refuse. I'm afraid that if I reject someone, it will leave a rift in each other's heart that will never heal.


Communication is never about telling who loses and who wins, it doesn’t matter at all. The essence of communication is to piece together the fragments through the exchange of information on the basis of mutual cooperation between the two parties, and ultimately get closer to the whole truth - this is the direction we should strive for.


The price is a good thing that will make those who resist growth mature.


Once people understand it, they will become silent. It is not that they have no ability to get along with others, but that they have no interest in making fun of others.


About Emotion



When I saw you for the first time, I would not have thought that I would like you so much later.


Many people will feel panicked when they are loved or cared about by their friends, and do not believe that they are worthy of being loved.
is like a friend who cares about you, and you want to return this enthusiasm quickly. Although the other person does not need it at the moment, you are afraid that the other person will feel "lost" because of you. But in the eyes of the other party, you are too polite and nervous, as if you are refusing to be loved and cared for.

Don’t panic when you are loved, you must believe that you are worthy of being loved. (@ARMOxue Zhang)


If a person has several bear relatives, the happiness value of his life will plummet. In China, relatives are the group of people with the least sense of boundaries. (@ Zhou Chong)


I’m curious, how strict were your parents on you when you were young?
means that if I have a very happy day today, then I will not be able to have a very happy life tomorrow. This is a rule.


Small philosophical thoughts



The most basic relationship between people is mutual non-aggression, and the more advanced one is mutual benefit. Non-aggression towards people you may not like or respect so much, and mutual benefit towards those you love.


True "respect" is by no means politeness in social situations, but comes from the deep understanding, care, consideration and respect for another life deep in the heart.


I will merge into the adult world of fierce fighting. To fight alone there, I must become more indestructible than anyone else.


Human feelings do not follow any logic. If you care too much, you are wasting time.


In this life, the sufferings suffered in youth are nothing but a springboard. The most difficult thing for a person on the springboard is the struggle and helplessness in his heart before jumping off.


Human Humor



I am really a social waste. When I accidentally get an expensive popsicle, I never tell the cashier that I don’t want it. Instead, I pay silently, and then go out and show it on the Internet. Tell the world that I bought a very expensive stupid popsicle. If it doesn’t taste good, the world will be destroyed. (@彦典学美)


The security guard asked me if I had a green code

I said no, I get up early every day to work like a cow


At home, I feel like I have only been playing on my phone for half an hour, but when I look at the day, I feel like I am working at work Ten hours, but when I looked at my watch, only five minutes had passed. (@ I will starve to death if I work)


Stop asking a man for pictures of his abs. If he has them, you have already seen them.


Do drinking cups have any magic power? I already have a bunch of drinking cups, and I may not be able to use them all in my life, but I still want to buy them when I see a good-looking one.


When will the epidemic end? In the past, when I went out to play, I always looked up local guides to find out what fun and delicious places there were. Now I am checking the local health commission and implementation policies...I am really tired of these days (@糯米团子不说)


Some excerpts



You know, there are many unacceptable things in this world seeds, all of which are not for The corner of knowledge has blossomed into a flower.


There will always be some strange people in the world who try to instill strange ideas into us: such as empty principles are more important than life, such as women should use their lives to defend chastity, such as should rather die than obey violence, etc.

When someone says something like this to you, just listen, look at the person carefully, and make a note in your mind that this is a person who is very thoughtful and wants you to use your life to defend his empty dogma in times of danger. people. This kind of person is not a good person, and good people will not disrespect other people's lives.


"Eating melon seeds" theory: When you eat melon seeds, you will be gone in a few hours. But when it comes to studying, time passes very slowly. Because it only takes a few seconds for you to eat a melon seed. When you eat it, you get feedback. But if you do work and study, you may not get feedback, and you will feel bored.


I want to fight with life for a few more years. Either I am destroyed, or I am destined to achieve glory. If one day you find me bowing my head in front of mediocrity, please shoot me. ("On the Road")


You hate those people so much and have fought with them for so long, but in the end you have to become like them. No ideal in the world is worth the price of such sinking.