10% of our troubles are due to what happened, and 90% depend on our reaction to things. Don’t touch pornography, gambling and drugs, don’t touch pornography, gambling and drugs, don’t touch pornography, gambling and drugs. To develop the habit of saving money, a penny will stump

Our troubles are 10% caused by what happened and 90% determined by our reaction to things. Don’t touch pornography, gambling and drugs, don’t touch pornography, gambling and drugs, don’t touch pornography, gambling and drugs. To develop the habit of saving money, a penny will stump a hero. At any time, talking too much will lead to mistakes. Listening too much and speaking too much will lead to disaster.

Don't show off in front of acquaintances, know how to listen, talk more about topics that the other person is interested in, "praise" and praise appropriately, and accumulate good popularity. Don't count on others, don't place your sense of security on others, it will be a lot harder to rely on yourself, but if you are at ease enough, one person can withstand thousands of troops. You can break common sense, but you can't live without common sense. If you're unhappy, it's probably because you don't have enough money. It's vulgar, but it's true.

If you don’t know whether to say something or not, then don’t say it. Cherish the "weak" and "bastards" around you because they will definitely be the ones who will accompany you until the end. Those who are scheming will have abandoned you long ago. Maybe everyone will meet someone who is unavailable for love. Compared with crying when we couldn't get it at first, we gradually become calmer and begin to accept the unavailability in life. I used to think that I dared to venture and fight because I had no worries and no worries, but later I found out that I had no one to rely on.

When faced with bad things, laugh them off and get rid of bad emotions as quickly as possible. It also makes people around you feel like a breath of fresh air, thus avoiding contradictions and conflicts. A person always has to take unfamiliar roads, see unfamiliar scenery, listen to unfamiliar songs, and then at some inadvertent moment, he will eventually find that the things he tried so hard to forget are really forgotten. Do not start a dispute at any time. Arguing will never resolve the conflict, and may even lead to further aggravation of the conflict, making things worse.

Therefore, no matter what the occasion, do not argue with others. After all, silence is golden. The more noisy you will be, the sadder you will be. Only those who endure hardship can become a master. A thousand hammers will make steel, a thousand carvings will make a beautiful woman. Without tempering, a person will not become a talent. Life is not all multiple-choice questions or yes-or-no questions. Most of them are application questions, which require us to make point-by-point arguments and make choices. It doesn’t matter if we make a mistake. You must adapt to circumstances and take appropriate measures and methods according to the actual situation to achieve the established goals and requirements. Being adaptable is a way of doing things and a kind of wisdom.