Two friends were traveling in the desert. During the trip they had a fight and one slapped the other. The one who was beaten felt humiliated, said nothing, and wrote in the sand: "Today my good friend slapped me." They continued to move forward. When they reached the fertile fiel

Two friends are traveling in the desert. During the trip they had a fight and one slapped the other. The one who was beaten felt humiliated, said nothing, and wrote in the sand: "Today my good friend slapped me." They continued to move forward. When they reached the fertile field, they decided to stop. The one who was slapped almost drowned, but luckily he was saved by his friends. After being rescued, he took a small sword and carved on the stone: "Today my good friend saved my life."

A curious friend on the side asked: "Why did you write it after I hit you?" On the sand, but now we want to carve it on a stone?" Another smiled and replied: "When you are hurt by a friend, you should write it in a place that is easy to forget, and the wind will be responsible for erasing it; on the contrary, if you are helped, we It should be engraved in the depths of the soul, and no wind can erase it."

When friends get along, the harm is often unintentional, but the help is sincere. In daily life, even the best friends will have frictions, and these frictions will lead to misunderstandings and even become strangers. The depth of friendship depends not only on the extent to which your friend admires your talents, but also on the extent to which he tolerates your weaknesses. Only by learning to throw the hurt into the wind and remember the emotions deep in our hearts can our friendship last forever!

Friendship is our palliative in times of sorrow and reliever in times of passion; it is our outlet in times of stress and our refuge in times of disaster; it is our negotiator in times of hesitation and a freshener for our brains. But the most important point is that we all must keep in mind: "Never expect your friends to give you the same reward. Be more tolerant to yourself and your friends." Einstein said: "The most beautiful things in the world are not I have a few friends with integrity in mind and heart. "May we all have such friends and continue to gain such friends.