There is a saying in "Ksitigarbha Sutra": "If you give up one thing, you will get ten thousand rewards." Many times, loss does not mean real loss, but a new life, and you will get more new opportunities. If we have to keep everything in mind for decades in life, then along the wa

There is a saying in " Ksitigarbha ": "If you give up one thing, you will be rewarded with ten thousand rewards."

Many times, loss does not mean real loss, but rebirth, and you will get more new opportunities.

If we have to keep everything in mind during decades of life, then along the way, our burden will become heavier and heavier, and our journey will become more and more difficult.

Only by cutting off some relationships, letting go of some feelings, and leaving some people can we travel lightly and go further and faster.

Being too persistent is not a good thing. When some people and things have become our burden, we should know how to let go of them.

The real separation: subtracting from the circle of friends and adding to the happiness.

You can't turn back time, people always have to move forward, even if time treats us extremely badly and we don't live the life we ​​want, every stage of life has its own meaning.

Those who have left you, those who have hurt you, those who cannot love you, those who are destined but not destined, their appearance will definitely bring us some growth.

However, not everyone knows how to get the key to growth. They are obsessed with the past and are bound to have an endless ending with the people and things in the past. They forget to move forward and forget that they should pursue a better life. Happy life.

In the final analysis, if you want to get out of trouble, you can't live without giving up.

No one can live on an island. We can always meet some people and make some friends. As for the ending of the story, maybe we part ways, maybe our friendship lasts forever, maybe we turn into enemies.

Of course we can't stop ourselves from hating someone, but before hating, we must know whether our hatred will have any effect on that person. If it will only double our pain, then letting go is the best thing. choose.

Not everyone can have a good past, but everyone can choose to let go of the past.

People who live in the past cannot see the future. They will only immerse themselves in the mistakes of the past over and over again, making themselves miserable and regretful. But the past has become the past, so what is the use of the pain and regret now?

To let go of the past, you must learn to let go of the past circle of friends.

Cut off all contact with those who make you feel pain. Don’t force yourself to smile, pretend to forgive, pretend to be relieved, pretend to let go.

As the old saying goes: "Those who are close to vermillion will be red, and those who are close to ink will be dark."

Once you make friends carelessly, it is very likely to ruin the rest of your life.

Before making friends, no one can guarantee that the friend he makes will be a person with good views and a person who treats himself sincerely. We always have to experience some things before we can gradually understand those friends.

If you have discovered that the other person is not a friend worthy of deep friendship, then you should stay away as soon as possible. Don’t think that you can “come out of the mud without being stained, and wash through the clear ripples without being a monster.” In most cases, if you don’t stay away in time , will assimilate into the same type of people.

subtracts from the circle of friends, leaves those who are not worthy of close friendship, cuts off those bad social circles, finds people who are worthy of close friendship, and cherishes those who treat you sincerely.

This society is inherently mixed, and no one can guarantee that he will meet the right person at once, but each of us has the right to reject some bad friends and abandon some bad friends.

Cutting ties with villains is actually adding happiness to life.

There is only one purpose in life, which is to move towards happiness, and one of the ways is to give up.

subtracting from the circle of friends is adding to happiness.

Let go of the dilapidated past, let go of those who hurt yourself, and let go of those ineffective social circles. In the remaining time, love yourself and the years well.

As for making friends, it’s about quality rather than quantity. If the other person is just a fair-weather friend, there’s no need to worry too much.

You don’t have to waste your time and energy on people who don’t deserve it, and you shouldn’t hurt those who treat you sincerely.

When interacting with others, you need to treat each other sincerely, but if your sincerity is trampled on, then think carefully about whether it is necessary to continue. After all, some people can only be passing by in a hurry.

Only by giving up can you gain something. Only by giving up useless friends can you get a more comfortable life.

We don’t have to carry all the baggage on ourselves. Some baggage can only be a burden, so we should let it go.

I am Aya, a writer of heart-warming emotions. How lucky I am to meet you in this life! Please give us a follow and let’s learn together!