If you are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, please click on the upper right corner to follow "People are rare after 70 years old". With the improvement of living standards, people's maintenance in all aspects is getting better and better, and their life span i

We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, please click on the follow in the upper right corner

"People are rare after 70 years",

With the improvement of current living standards, people's maintenance in all aspects is getting better and better, and their life span is getting longer and longer,

That 70 Do you, an old man, still long for a woman by your side?


71 years old Uncle Hu wants a woman

I am 71 years old. My wife fell ill and died, leaving me alone.

thought that by himself, with a pension of 8,000 yuan, he could live a relaxed and comfortable life, but

was slapped hard by reality.

Before retiring, I worked in Shougang, and then switched to legal work, and now I still work part-time.

Although I was busy in the past, when I came home, I had hot dishes and meals, and a kind wife who spoke softly.

But after my wife passed away, the feeling of staying at home was really uncomfortable.

went to live with my son. Every time I saw my son and daughter-in-law talking and laughing, but I was alone,

felt an indescribable sense of loss in my heart. I came up with the idea of ​​finding another wife.

I mobilized my relatives and friends, went on blind dates all over the country, and met several women,

but none of them were successful. Some of them looked down on me, some I didn't like,

and some of them didn't catch their eye.

Later I signed up for a blind date program and found a woman who was quite suitable in all aspects.

The main reason was that she recognized me. I took her back to Beijing on the second day of the blind date.

I feel happy just thinking about the days to come. During the day, we can join hands and walk along the misty river bank.

We went to the vegetable market to buy food together in the evening, then went home to make dinner. At night, we slept in the same bed.

People I know say that I just want to find a nanny for myself, and I also need a knowledgeable paid nanny.

I am selfish and I have never thought about finding a nanny for myself. However, my wife’s belly is getting bigger. In the future

I will have some things. You guys really don’t understand, so you should find someone who knows this to take good care of you.

2 Uncle Cao wants a woman at the age of 71, but he can’t get it

My wife passed away 20 years ago, and he has been living alone for the past 20 years.

As my children get married and start a business, I want more and more to have a wife who understands both cold and hot.

But remarriage in middle age and old age is really difficult. I went on blind dates several times, but they all failed.

Let’s talk about the last two times.

The first time was with a retired girl from the tractor factory whose surname was Wang.

The first time we met, everything else was fine.

just felt that 2,400 yuan a month was not enough. I was really surprised.

A person’s living expenses of 1,000 yuan a month is enough.

Is the remaining 1,000 yuan a subsidy given to others?

The old girl said that she loves buying clothes and dressing up.

Now I was even more surprised. Clothes have two functions, one is to keep warm, and the other is to cover up shame.

You have to spend so much money on clothes!

The key to a person is a good heart, not good clothes!

My sister said she disagreed with me, so she said goodbye to me.

The matchmaker introduced me to a second girl whose surname is Dong.

I really want a wife. Although this girl is short, I agree to whatever she asks.

Dong is happy to ask. After we get married, you will be paid. Give it to me or keep it for yourself?

I quickly said, I will give it all to you,

Sister Dong said, I also want to keep my salary for myself, so I will take care of your salary .

this, this, this, how can it be okay, just endure it.

But I want to ask, why does Dong Laomei keep her own salary?

Dong Laomei replied, I like to buy, buy, buy, I can buy anything, and I like to buy clothes the most?

I am horrified. At this young age, I spend so much money on clothes, and who can I show them to?

Even if I want to find a wife, I can't be taken advantage of.

We happen to have different zodiac signs, so we became good friends.

I can't find a compatible wife either.

3 is written at the end:

One thing we may ignore or take lightly is that the elderly also have feelings.

The biggest pain for the elderly living alone is not that there is no one to take care of them, but that they are mentally lonely.

For the elderly, loneliness is like an invisible monster that follows them everywhere. It is an uncomfortable feeling.

Especially in the dead of night, it is very uncomfortable to see yourself alone,

when there is no one to talk to. Uncomfortable.

This is also the reason why many old people find new partners after being widowed or divorced.

If you are used to having people around you, it will be difficult to adapt to living alone suddenly.

Moreover, being without a wife for a long time will also have an impact on the body, so everyone should pay attention to it.

With the development of the times, people's living standards are also constantly improving.

Whether it is an uncle or an aunt, they pay more attention to the happiness of their own spiritual world.

This is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

After all, many old people paid too much for their families and their children when they were young.

In his later years, he can only be alone and unable to enjoy happiness in his life. It is inevitable that there will be some regrets in life.

Once middle-aged and elderly people are divorced or widowed, if they can find someone who understands both cold and hot, has the same outlook on life, and can take care of each other and spend the rest of their lives with each other's warmth, what a good thing it would be?

What do you think?


Do you think you still need a wife after 70?