#金粉Community# There are thousands of kinds of love in the world. If you really invest in it, you will feel the heart-pounding sweetness, but you will also experience the pain that goes deep into your bones. Love, from another perspective, is a kind of willing injury. People who a

When some warm Buddha passes through the sensitive heart wall deep in memory, some people step through the fragrance of the four seasons and have already embedded it in a corner of their heart, breathing with it and sharing their destiny.

I wonder if there is any other emotion in the world that can be deeper, longer and more far-reaching than this.

Time is long, and when I look back, I see the past hidden behind a cloud, and I smile; when I lower my head, the memory on my fingertips is separated by the peach blossoms of three lives, expressing joy.

The rest of my life is very long. May happiness and love always remain the same. Just hold each other's hands and walk, and the journey will last forever.

When you lose love, don't use pain to stop the pain. Because no matter how many times you encounter love, there is only one true love.

No matter what stage a person is in, the most important thing to cherish is the people and things in front of him.