I myself have had such a quiet time. Inferior self-esteem, introversion, and lack of self-confidence. I feel that I have no sense of existence and will be submerged in the crowd at any time. He will habitually lower his head, dare not look directly into other people's eyes, or ev

I myself once had such a period of silence.

has low self-esteem, introversion, and lack of confidence. He feels that he has no sense of existence and will be submerged in the crowd at any time.

will habitually lower his head, dare not look into other people's eyes, or even dare to speak his true thoughts.

later found out that this was ’s typical pleasing personality .

If you are like me, you are also a submissive girl, an introverted girl with low self-esteem, and a please-pleaser personality who is not confident.

You can try starting from these 6 points:

1. Try more and do challenging things

Girls who are submissive are already intimidated by the things they yearn for before they try..

wanted to learn to dance, but said that his body was too stiff and he was not suitable. I like the male god, but feel that I am not worthy of him and dare not take another step closer.

Experience can shape a person into a completely different self.

Although may be beaten and bruised while trying, when the wounds heal, you can become a stronger version of yourself .

Many girls will have various entanglements in their hearts before taking action. In this case, it is best not to think too much and let action precede your thinking.

2. Practice expression ability

Expression ability is actually a manifestation of thinking ability . Only when the content in your mind is clear can you express it clearly.

Submissive girls often cannot express what they are thinking clearly. Over time, they just follow what others say and are too lazy to explain.

Regarding this kind of thinking, this kind of thinking should be corrected in time! The less expressive you are in , the more often you need to speak to improve your expressive ability.

For introverted and sensitive girls, it may not be easy to express themselves, but we can start practicing from the simplest things.

For example, summary articles, mirror exercises, watching language programs, or even giving , a good product for sisters, can all be your practice opportunities!

3. Correct your posture

Some girls are good everywhere, but they are always hunched over, giving people a feeling of being downcast and without energy.

and A good posture can make the whole person look confident and generous. . Bowing your head, hunching your back, and stretching your head forward. If you have these bad habits, get rid of them quickly.

can follow appropriate video courses on station b and keep to correct your posture.

4. Stick to the habit of reading

Many people read less books as they grow up, but in fact they miss the opportunity to take a shortcut to growth .

When writing a paper, you will find that many of your ideas have been thoroughly studied by predecessors. At the time, this might have been disappointing news.

But when I think about it, there are many problems that you think can't solve. Maybe predecessors have already written down the answers for you .

People always mention reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles together, precisely because not only traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers can broaden your horizons, but reading thousands of books can also do the same.

Most submissive girls like to keep things inside, and long-term mental exhaustion will exhaust them.

And read more books, and after broadening their horizons, , will no longer take small things too seriously, will not overly examine themselves, and the whole person's aura will become positive.

5. When a light chaser

once saw this sentence, If you want to become the light, you must first become a light chaser. After chasing the light, you will become the light .

Every girl has a sister she longs for in her heart. Maybe you are attracted by her independence, beauty, temperament, ability, or any of her advantages.

But don’t let this kind of longing stay at the level of envy, lift it up a little higher, will transform the advantages seen in her into the target , and chase the light.

For example, when you see a goddess speaking English well, encourage yourself to work hard to become that person and take action instead of just sighing.

In short, follow the person you yearn for, set a goal, follow her growth trajectory, and strive to turn yourself into light.

6. Girls who accept themselves

are submissive may have such a growth experience. From an early age, he seemed worthless against the background of "other people's children".

Even if you get good grades, you may not get praise. You are more likely to get a saying, "Be humble and don't be proud."

For careless girls, this may be just a small thing, but for those who are delicate and sensitive, Girls, is too modest and becomes inferior .

If you lack self-confidence because of this, the first thing you need to learn is to accept yourself and affirm yourself .

You can try to write an achievement diary for yourself . Record 3 things that you have done well every day. . Whenever you feel inferior, go back to the diary to encourage yourself.

You can also try to listen to the "Sleep Confidence Improvement" meditation course called Little Sleep. During the process of falling asleep, let love and confidence flow in your heart.

If this is your current situation:

No matter what others say, you will nod in agreement for fear of offending others.

will pretend to be a good even if he feels wronged. He will break down in ’s heart ten thousand times.

But the negative emotions of psychology are getting bigger and bigger like a snowball . If

continues like this, will eventually collapse into .

So even if the change is painful, we still have to work hard to get rid of our cowardly character, and we can no longer please others without principles.

Remember this sentence:

Instead of looking up to others, it is better to be the person who is looked up to.

For more growth tips, just go to my personal homepage~