Being able to fall in love does not mean that you can get married. You should understand this before falling in love. I very much agree with a sentence written in "Cambrian": "People love some people, marry and have children with other people." It is really not difficult for two

Being able to fall in love does not mean that you can get married. You should understand this before falling in love.

I very much agree with a sentence written in "The Cambrian": "People love some people, marry and have children with other people."

It is really not difficult for two people to start a relationship, As long as two people have feelings and are willing to be with each other, they can become a couple.

But marriage is a completely different thing from falling in love, and it is not even just love.

Many times, what needs to be considered in marriage is the family background of the two people, their life after marriage, whether the relationship can last, and whether that person is worthy of trust.

If the relationship is not suitable, breaking up is the best way to solve the wrong relationship. The two people will not lose much, but divorce often hurts deeper and has a greater impact than breaking up.

It is also for this reason that girls can be very emotional when it comes to love, but they tend to be rational when it comes to marriage.

In relationships, most girls fall in love with such boys, which makes them want to get married, because they will feel that the other person is the right person.

can appear when girls are vulnerable, allowing them to rely on

After Lin Chiling announced that she would marry Kurosawa Ryohei, she once accepted an interview. When the host asked her why she chose Kurosawa Ryohei, she said one thing Something representative.

Lin Chiling's close relative passed away before. She burst into tears when she attended the funeral. She went home to rest at night, and she couldn't stop crying while talking to her boyfriend on the phone.

Maybe she was too tired from crying, so Lin Chiling slowly fell asleep. When she woke up, she said "hello" to the phone, and her boyfriend immediately said "I'm here".

At this moment, Lin Chiling identified Kurosawa Ryohei, because she felt that the so-called partner is a lover who can accompany her, and that person not only loves her, but can also accompany her, and this is really enough.

Zhang Xiaoxian once said this:

"The biggest harm a man can do to a woman is not falling in love with someone else, but that he disappoints her when she has expectations and fails to help her when she is vulnerable."

Girls are emotional and soft. What they want is not to be with them all the time, but that the other person can at least appear in front of them when they need them most.

Even if everyone has something that they have no choice but to do, at least they can make up for it with future care.

But many boys just ignore this point, misunderstanding girls' vulnerability as pretentiousness, and interpreting girls' need for companionship as being too clingy.

When a boy disappoints a girl again and again, and they go through one difficulty after another alone, what they will do is not hope that the other person will change, but leave silently.

Because girls are disappointed too many times, they no longer have hope. Those disappointments are the only reason for them to leave, and they gradually form their determination to leave each other.

As a saying goes:

"When a woman no longer acts coquettishly towards you, she has no enthusiasm for you; when a woman no longer urges you to go home late at night, she has been disappointed in you; when a woman no longer wants to You explain her behavior and thoughts, and she is tired of you. "

Maybe boys will think that this is just a girl's unreasonable troubles, but for girls, this is the criterion for whether the other party can spend a lifetime with them.

After all, if a person can't accompany himself now, how can he accompany himself in the long life in the future.

Have your own goals for the future, so that girls can trust

When they reach the marriageable age, many boys will feel that girls are becoming more and more realistic, and they no longer seem to care about love, but only care about practical conditions.

But this change in girls is not because they are really materialistic, but because they understand the difference between love and marriage.

To put it simply, love is just playing house. As long as you live well in the present, you will be happy. Marriage is living life. Only by ensuring that you can live in the future can you be happy.

The difference between the two is destined to make many girls hope that their lover can accompany them to spend the rest of their lives when they are considering marriage.

This kind of living after a good life means having the ability to live a good life and having the idea to live a good life.

Take Wang Xiaomi in " My Physical Education Teacher " as an example. She has been in love with Qiu Feng for many years. Wang Xiaomi wanted to marry Qiu Feng more than once, but she ended up marrying Mark.

Do you want to say that Wang Xiaomi loves Qiu Feng?

must be in love, otherwise a few years of youth would not be given to each other, but Wang Xiaomi knows that love alone is not enough, and two people cannot live together.

When Wang Xiaomi wanted to get married, Qiu Feng had never thought about getting married as a child, and even regarded marriage as easy as falling in love.

Qiu Feng has his own dreams that he wants to realize. This is true, but at that stage, his dreams were not enough to support his life.

Therefore, Wang Xiaomi gave up her relationship with Qiu Feng and chose the more mature Mark.

What she was interested in was not Mark's material conditions, but Mark's mature attitude towards relationships. That man could make her feel more secure and more willing to trust.

Every stage in life has different priorities. Only a boy who can grasp the key points at different stages can make girls willing to trust him.

Just like when you are 17 years old, a boy can just talk sweetly, but at the age of 27, a boy must at least have a plan for his future. Only in this way will a girl feel that she is not with the wrong person.

And the boy who makes girls want to get married is also a boy who knows what he should do.

Mr. Zhou Guoping once said this: "Love is a spiritual life, following ideal principles; marriage is a social life, following realistic principles."

Love can be a love that does not care about the results. As long as two people truly love , even if you don’t love the wrong person.

It is just the most perfect state of love. There should always be a result for two people, not to be together for a while, but to be together for a lifetime. At this time, what has to be considered is marriage.

Before you consider getting married, you must understand that marriage is different from love. Marriage is real life and revolves around reality. Reality is filled with the future of two people, the contradiction between two people living together, and two families. reality.

Only by resolving these contradictions can we prove that two people are really suitable for marriage.

In the process of resolving these conflicts, what girls want is someone they can rely on and trust. This kind of boy will make them more hopeful about the future and make them feel more at ease.

Therefore, falling in love with such a boy often makes girls want to get married. They really don't want their partner to be outstanding, but they hope that person is worthy of their love. #爱#​#Things you must know when falling in love#​爱#I am creating in the headlines#​