I'm 27 years old, and I resigned from home without working. After I resigned, I started to think about life planning, because there are often voices around me saying, you are almost going to be a 30-year-old, it's time to have a clear plan for your life. .

7 years old, I resigned at home and did not work. After I resigned, I began to think about life planning, because there are often voices around me saying, You are almost going to be a 30-year-old. It’s time to have a clear plan for life. Planned.

I'm sorry, I don't, and I also question, How many people can have a clear plan for the road they want to take? Don't say you are in your 20s, I doubt that you will be 30, 40 or 50 years old. There will be any clear plans.

This reminds me of when I was in school, there was a course called career planning . When you think about it, it feels even more ridiculous. A 20-year-old student in an ivory tower, you ask him to prepare before he enters the society. , you need to have a clear career plan. If you want me to compile it, I can do it, but is it reasonable for us to just say this?

Seriously, if there is a person who can have a clear life plan at the age of 10 or 20, then I respect you as a man.

But I still question, how can a so-called life plan ensure that this path is the most suitable for me without opening my eyes, and how can I be sure that I can follow the plan? In order to complete my plan, Will I miss out on other life possibilities?

My idea is this, Because there are all kinds of accidents in life, Entrepreneur Luo Yonghao would have guessed that he would owe a debt of 600 million when his business failed? Would Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental who once had a glorious moment, think that his career would also fail?

Encounter, try, explore, life will be so interesting, so Whether you have resigned, lost your job, or have not been promoted, or you have been studying, the ship will naturally reach the bridge, , without having to give yourself Only by setting limits can you explore more possibilities in life.

I am a box. It is not easy to summarize. Please give me a follow if you like ❤️