Question: If girls are too easy to chase, will boys not cherish them? Answer: 1. Before answering this question, let me first cite two situations that will happen in the real emotional world. I have received consultations on these situations. Not too many. In the first situation,


Girls are so easy to chase, will boys not cherish them?



Before answering this question, let me first give two situations that will happen in the real emotional world. I will accept these situations. There have been quite a few inquiries.

The first situation

A girl meets and gets to know a boy. She develops a liking for this boy first, so the girl takes the initiative to pursue the boy.

This girl is quite good at relationships between men and women. Naturally, not long after, the boy was chased by her, and the two of them officially confirmed their relationship.

But in the process of two people getting along with each other, although the boy's conditions are good, he has no love experience and low emotional intelligence. He often does things that make girls feel bad; this boy's character is also relatively weak. , although it was the girl who fell in love with him first, and although it was the girl who took the initiative to pursue him first, in the process of two people falling in love, the status of boys has always been lower than that of girls.

Not long after, the girl felt that this boy was different from what she had thought before. The girl also felt that such a relationship was not what she wanted, so she took the initiative to break up.

As a result, the boy was very sad about this and kept trying to win the girl back. In the process of trying to win the girl back, he acted in all kinds of humble ways, even kneeling and licking her!

Some girls may find this strange. It does not mean that if girls take the initiative, they will appear unreserved. At the same time, this will also make boys not cherish girls. Why is

reversed here?

The second situation

A man and a woman met each other and started chatting on WeChat. They gradually became familiar with each other. Slowly, the two people began to date.

Then the two people began to date continuously. Gradually, the two people had some physical contact when dating. , Intimacy behavior

After a date, the two of them slept together

The boy wanted to establish a formal relationship with the girl, but the girl was not willing for the time being, saying that she did not want to be in a relationship at the moment

The girl said that the two of them should stop there, No more contact, or just maintain the status quo, and you can continue to contact and date.

At this time, some people may have doubts:

Doesn’t it mean that girls are more conservative?

Under normal circumstances, a girl will be willing to have a relationship with a boy only after the relationship is confirmed; or in other words, as long as a girl has a relationship with a boy, the two will be together naturally. Why is

reversed here?

I have followed up on many such consultation cases. The reasons why girls break up with boys quickly, or are unwilling to officially be with boys after having a relationship

The reasons behind them are:

1), a girl’s own value;

2), how a girl views herself and how she handles her relationship with boys.


Girls are so easy to chase, will boys not cherish them?



Before answering this question, let me first give two situations that will happen in the real emotional world. I will accept these situations. There have been quite a few inquiries.

The first situation

A girl meets and gets to know a boy. She develops a liking for this boy first, so the girl takes the initiative to pursue the boy.

This girl is quite good at relationships between men and women. Naturally, not long after, the boy was chased by her, and the two of them officially confirmed their relationship.

But in the process of two people getting along with each other, although the boy's conditions are good, he has no love experience and low emotional intelligence. He often does things that make girls feel bad; this boy's character is also relatively weak. , although it was the girl who fell in love with him first, and although it was the girl who took the initiative to pursue him first, in the process of two people falling in love, the status of boys has always been lower than that of girls.

Not long after, the girl felt that this boy was different from what she had thought before. The girl also felt that such a relationship was not what she wanted, so she took the initiative to break up.

As a result, the boy was very sad about this and kept trying to win the girl back. In the process of trying to win the girl back, he acted in all kinds of humble ways, even kneeling and licking her!

Some girls may find this strange. It does not mean that if girls take the initiative, they will appear unreserved. At the same time, this will also make boys not cherish girls. Why is

reversed here?

The second situation

A man and a woman met each other and started chatting on WeChat. They gradually became familiar with each other. Slowly, the two people began to date.

Then the two people began to date continuously. Gradually, the two people had some physical contact when dating. , Intimacy behavior

After a date, the two of them slept together

The boy wanted to establish a formal relationship with the girl, but the girl was not willing for the time being, saying that she did not want to be in a relationship at the moment

The girl said that the two of them should stop there, No more contact, or just maintain the status quo, and you can continue to contact and date.

At this time, some people may have doubts:

Doesn’t it mean that girls are more conservative?

Under normal circumstances, a girl will be willing to have a relationship with a boy only after the relationship is confirmed; or in other words, as long as a girl has a relationship with a boy, the two will be together naturally. Why is

reversed here?

I have followed up on many such consultation cases. The reasons why girls break up with boys quickly, or are unwilling to officially be with boys after having a relationship

The reasons behind them are:

1), a girl’s own value;

2), how a girl views herself and how she handles her relationship with boys.


Maybe everyone thinks that low-value people will always pursue high-value people.

This sentence is both true and false.

Because a person, whether male or female, if he likes the other person first, then he will take the initiative towards the other person. It is actually very logical to start pursuing


He likes the other person first. This does not mean that his or her value is necessarily lower than the other person's.

I believe that people who have had similar experiences understand that

a person is inherently inherent in him or her. Will the value of someone be reduced just because he wants to pursue the other person?

It's possible

If you underestimate yourself, then even the gods can't help you

Although there are indeed many licking dogs and spare tires whose value is often lower than that of girls

, there are still many that are of the same value as girls, or even far more valuable. Boys who are taller than girls will still become girls' backup and licking dogs

Because you like someone and want to pursue someone, you will praise the other person very high and think too low of yourself.

You are The value in the eyes of the other party will naturally be affected by this.

If you don't look down on yourself, what you think is that the reason why you want to take the initiative with the other party is because you like the other party.

So you choose to take the initiative with the other party

The other party behaves How to respond is the other person's freedom.

If the other party responds well to your initiative, this is naturally a good thing.

But if the other party does not respond well to your initiative, then you will also respect the other party's freedom and take it back or lower it. Regarding the other person's initiative and liking

I would like to ask a person like this, how can his/her value be reduced just because he/she takes the initiative towards the person he likes?

Similarly, will a person's inherent value be reduced because he is quickly caught up by the other party?

The key lies in how you view and deal with it.

Some girls, when sleeping with a boy, regard the man as her support. She feels that she cannot live without the other person (there are also some girls who clearly don’t like other boys that much) , just because I slept with a boy, I decided to be with a boy)

If you are like this, how can you make a man look up to you and cherish you?

And some girls, after sleeping with a boy, the man wants to sleep with her again.

She refused, but as a result, the man bowed to her.

A girl's uncooperativeness and ego may even arouse a man's desire to conquer and possess her.


You are slept with or chased by a man. So what?

This is not the end of your relationship, but the starting point of your relationship.

So here comes the second key point, How girls see themselves, and how girls see the relationship between themselves and each other.

Some girls worry that if I am chased by boys too easily and too quickly, then boys will not cherish me.

If you think about yourself and the boy you like like this, this is actually the thinking of the weak.

Holding the weak Thinking people can only see the surface, and attribute the result of boys not cherishing her to the fact that she is chased by boys too easily and too quickly.

From the perspective of a boy, will you be chased by him too easily and too quickly? Isn't the reason for chasing

this: will you fall in love with him quickly? How do you view and treat the development and establishment process of a love relationship?

If you don’t like the boy who chases you, the boy will not chase you too easily or too quickly. The boy may not be able to chase you at all.

But the key is, When did you like a boy? This is not you. You can completely decide with a boy

If you like this boy, then you like him; if you don’t like this boy, then you reject him

This is simple and clear

But what you can decide is, even if you like it As a boy, how do you deal with developing and establishing a romantic relationship with each other?

Some girls will quickly fall in love with boys, but they can also occupy an equal or even dominant position in subsequent love relationships;

There are also more girls who will fall in love more slowly than boys. You will be more cautious about entering a romantic relationship.

Obviously they are different relationship development paths, but why can they achieve good (or bad) results?

Therefore, the speed or slowness of a relationship between two people is only an influencing factor, not the key.

Some girls are chased by boys too quickly and easily, and as a result, their relationship is not good. It's often because she chose the wrong person, because she didn't spend enough time to discern clearly whether the other person is a good lover; if the value of a girl is much lower than that of a boy, it will be difficult for her to meet someone whose value is much higher than hers. When a boy comes to chase her, how reserved do you think she can be? Even if she pretends to be reserved and slow-tempered, can boys not see it at all?

Even if she is very reserved when the boy is chasing her, will the boy cherish her even more because of this?

There are many boys who choose to give up halfway because girls deliberately pretend to be reserved and intentionally embarrass themselves.

Sometimes, the feedback from the girl is better than the boy expected, and the relationship between the two develops faster than the boy expected. The boy does not want to dump the girl after getting the girl.

On the contrary, a boy may cherish the girl in front of him more. After all, this girl is different from the girls he has chased before.

I have received such a consultation. The girl is very outstanding and beautiful. The boy originally thought that he was very good. It's hard to catch up with each other, but the relationship between the two develops surprisingly smoothly, and the relationship between the two develops beyond the boys' imagination

But in the face of girls' recognition and love, boys treat them more attentively. The relationship between two people

The value of girls is high, boys like each other, and girls' cooperation and liking for him will make boys feel recognized by girls, even lucky.

The value of girls is not very high, boys like them very much. / I don’t like him very much, and the girl doesn’t cooperate with him. During this period, I still pick on and make things difficult for him.

Such a girl is indeed difficult to pursue.

Do you think we boys will cherish such girls more?

It’s not

Boys often sneer at this: Who are you?

Whether a boy cherishes a girl or not, doesn't it mean how much the boy likes her?

How much a boy likes this girl? In the end, doesn’t it depend on the girl’s value and what the boy can get from this relationship?

Originally, a boy chases you because he likes you; when a boy chases you, he also takes the initiative, sacrifices, and works hard; if you like someone, then like them. If you don’t like someone, then you don’t have to be deliberate. Pretending to be reserved

A boy pursues you according to what he likes about you, then you should respond to him according to what you like about a boy

This is actually European

Simple, clear and practical

Some girls obviously like other boys, but boys She was also serious about her, but she ended up believing some poisonous chicken soup

that boys were unwilling to spend money on her because they didn’t love herself, so she deliberately guided boys to spend money on her;

if she was too easily chased by boys, boys would She won't cherish it, so she deliberately makes things difficult for others;

A boy likes you so much. If you say you are a serious and high-value boy, will he give up?

Of course, the reason your relationship with a boy develops quickly and smoothly is because you really like him and he is serious about your liking.

If you behave like an easy girl, then boys will not cherish and look up to you.

But it is too easy to chase, and it is different from easy girl.

The former describes the process of a boy trying to develop a love relationship with a girl. If both men and women look at each other and are serious about each other, then a love relationship will develop. The process is faster and smoother, which actually doesn't matter;

and the latter, easy has become an attribute of some girls, which is actually a manifestation of her low value. The reason why she is easy is not because of the boy's performance, but because the girl herself is easy for everyone. So, which boy would really cherish such a girl?

Hope it can inspire everyone



Obviously they are different relationship development paths, but why can they achieve good (or bad) results?

Therefore, the speed or slowness of a relationship between two people is only an influencing factor, not the key.

Some girls are chased by boys too quickly and easily, and as a result, their relationship is not good. It's often because she chose the wrong person, because she didn't spend enough time to discern clearly whether the other person is a good lover; if the value of a girl is much lower than that of a boy, it will be difficult for her to meet someone whose value is much higher than hers. When a boy comes to chase her, how reserved do you think she can be? Even if she pretends to be reserved and slow-tempered, can boys not see it at all?

Even if she is very reserved when the boy is chasing her, will the boy cherish her even more because of this?

There are many boys who choose to give up halfway because girls deliberately pretend to be reserved and intentionally embarrass themselves.

Sometimes, the feedback from the girl is better than the boy expected, and the relationship between the two develops faster than the boy expected. The boy does not want to dump the girl after getting the girl.

On the contrary, a boy may cherish the girl in front of him more. After all, this girl is different from the girls he has chased before.

I have received such a consultation. The girl is very outstanding and beautiful. The boy originally thought that he was very good. It's hard to catch up with each other, but the relationship between the two develops surprisingly smoothly, and the relationship between the two develops beyond the boys' imagination

But in the face of girls' recognition and love, boys treat them more attentively. The relationship between two people

The value of girls is high, boys like each other, and girls' cooperation and liking for him will make boys feel recognized by girls, even lucky.

The value of girls is not very high, boys like them very much. / I don’t like him very much, and the girl doesn’t cooperate with him. During this period, I still pick on and make things difficult for him.

Such a girl is indeed difficult to pursue.

Do you think we boys will cherish such girls more?

It’s not

Boys often sneer at this: Who are you?

Whether a boy cherishes a girl or not, doesn't it mean how much the boy likes her?

How much a boy likes this girl? In the end, doesn’t it depend on the girl’s value and what the boy can get from this relationship?

Originally, a boy chases you because he likes you; when a boy chases you, he also takes the initiative, sacrifices, and works hard; if you like someone, then like them. If you don’t like someone, then you don’t have to be deliberate. Pretending to be reserved

A boy pursues you according to what he likes about you, then you should respond to him according to what you like about a boy

This is actually European

Simple, clear and practical

Some girls obviously like other boys, but boys She was also serious about her, but she ended up believing some poisonous chicken soup

that boys were unwilling to spend money on her because they didn’t love herself, so she deliberately guided boys to spend money on her;

if she was too easily chased by boys, boys would She won't cherish it, so she deliberately makes things difficult for others;

A boy likes you so much. If you say you are a serious and high-value boy, will he give up?

Of course, the reason your relationship with a boy develops quickly and smoothly is because you really like him and he is serious about your liking.

If you behave like an easy girl, then boys will not cherish and look up to you.

But it is too easy to chase, and it is different from easy girl.

The former describes the process of a boy trying to develop a love relationship with a girl. If both men and women look at each other and are serious about each other, then a love relationship will develop. The process is faster and smoother, which actually doesn't matter;

and the latter, easy has become an attribute of some girls, which is actually a manifestation of her low value. The reason why she is easy is not because of the boy's performance, but because the girl herself is easy for everyone. So, which boy would really cherish such a girl?

Hope it can inspire everyone

