Everyone comes to this world by chance, and leaving this world is inevitable. Some people are very shy about talking about death. Everyone is already on their way home from the day they are born. This is a natural law and must be faced correctly. Children with elderly parents at

Everyone comes to this world by chance, and leaving this world is inevitable.

Some people are very shy about talking about death. Everyone is already on their way home from the day they are born. This is a natural law and must be faced correctly.

Children with elderly parents at home should be careful. If the elderly behaves in these ways, then he is hinting to you that she is leaving.

1. Before the elderly leave, they will often talk about their departed relatives.

Sister Zhang’s mother has been living in Sister Zhang’s home for retirement. She is 85 years old this year. On May Day this year, she became more and more fond of holding Sister Zhang’s hand and talking about things in their hometown and about people who have been dead for many years. Sister Zhang’s grandmother and her aunt.

Mom said: Your grandfather only gave birth to a pair of twin girls in his life. He had no sons, but he never felt regretful.

In the 1950s, your aunt and I were admitted to college together, which caused a sensation in the entire county. Your grandma and grandpa have always been proud of their two daughters.

We sisters went to the same university. I fell in love while we were in school, and your aunt was always single.

After graduating from college, I stayed in the big city with your father.

Your aunt was assigned back to her hometown county to work in the county party committee office.

Your aunt is very beautiful. She is the most beautiful woman in the county party committee compound. Your aunt is in love with the county magistrate's son. The county magistrate's son was transferred back to the county town from the big city to work for your aunt.

They have just been married for a year. Because they are both capable and educated, and are talents in our hometown county, they both work together.

Once, when your aunt went to work in the countryside, she had a car accident and she passed away at the age of only twenty-five.

Your grandma and grandpa are very sad about this. Every time I go back to my hometown to visit your grandma and grandpa, they think of your aunt when they see me and they shed tears.

Before leaving, your grandma still held your aunt's photo frame in her hand and shed tears while looking at it.

Sister Zhang’s mother told Sister Zhang a lot about her parents and her sister in the month before she left.

almost recounted the entire experience of Sister and Aunt Zhang from childhood to adulthood several times.

2. Before leaving, the old man always thinks about returning to his roots.

Sister Zhang’s mother grew up in the small county town of her hometown. After graduating from college, I lived in a big city with Sister Zhang's father. I only go back to visit Sister Zhang’s grandma and grandpa during the holidays.

Before Sister Zhang’s mother left, her mother always discussed with him that my parents and my sister were buried in the small county town.

We no longer have any relatives there. I have to first go back to my hometown after my health is bad. It’s really difficult. It’s a pity that I didn’t go back in the past few years. It’s such a pity.

Sister Zhang told her mother that she would find time to go back to her hometown and visit the graves of her grandparents and aunt. My mother was very satisfied after hearing this.

3. The elderly will have the phenomenon of "returning to the light" before leaving.

When a person's life comes to an end, there will be a large amount of adrenal hormone secreted. This is just to leave some time for those who are leaving to explain their aftermath.

Before leaving, Sister Zhang’s mother asked Sister Zhang to comb her hair, put on clean and neat clothes, and bask in the sun in the yard downstairs for half an hour.

While basking in the sun, Mother Zhang said to Sister Zhang that the sun was shining on her body, and it felt so comfortable! She also told me that Sister Zhang would put her ashes together with Sister Zhang’s father after she left.

After returning home from the sun, Sister Zhang’s mother had dinner, lay down on the bed and fell asleep, and never woke up the next morning.

As a junior, we should try our best to do what our parents tell us if we can!