Today, I met a female driver who came to the factory to deliver goods. She was eating steamed buns with one hand and drinking mineral water with the other hand in the cab. Her face and hands were dirty. When she saw me coming to apply for the factory entry certificate, she said t

Today, I met a female driver who came to the factory to deliver goods. She was eating steamed buns with one hand and drinking mineral water with the other hand in the cab. Her face and hands were dirty. When she saw me coming to apply for the factory entry permit, she said thank you again. Again, I feel a little sad, whose daughter is she? Whose wife? Whose mother?

I believe that no woman is willing to become a tomboy. Just to survive, and just to survive, she has to shoulder all the burdens. Which child is not a treasure in the hands of her parents, and which girl is not willing to live a beautiful life? Woolen cloth?

remembers reading this question: If you didn’t have children and family, and had some savings, what would you most want to do?

Escape from this place, go far away from home, and live a life you like according to your own ideas.

This is probably the reason why so many older leftover women are unwilling to enter the siege. What they escape is not marriage, but the reality behind marriage. Once a woman becomes a wife and mother, she has to carry too many things.

once read something like this on the Internet. If you want to get married, you have to pursue something, whether it’s money or handsomeness, it’s always better than pursuing love. Love is an impulse-induced increase in hormones, which will always disappear with changes in mood. When a person only pursues love, he will always be disappointed in the end.

How many girls choose boys who have nothing just because of love. After all, they cannot withstand the polishing of time, are covered with scars, and finally become a single warrior.

Time is like a knife, mercilessly carving our annual rings; after entering middle age, family and children have become the center of many women. They have retreated from the youthfulness of girlhood, moved toward maturity and rationality, and finally succumbed to life and lived. Became a tomboy.

No woman wants to be like this, and this is the only reality.