Only when I was not confused did I understand the word "slow"

Suddenly recalled the words that the former company boss said when he parted for me: When I understood that "slow things go well", you will almost reach home in your practice. He said nonchalantly, I didn't mind when I listened, I nodded and said yes, smug and energetic. Time flies, and people will not be confused when they can understand!

In today's era, the fast-paced drove people to race against time and run forward without stopping. It seems like a moment of slack, the one-shot fame or the overnight richness that belongs to you in front of you will change hands. Looking back, apart from being exhausted, stressed, and at a loss, there seemed to be only a few pieces of silver left.

Isn’t the speed and efficiency that we strive for right?

" Analects·Zilu " [Zi Xia is the father of Ju, asking for politics. The son said: "If there is no haste, there is no small profit. Hurry up, you will not achieve; see small profit, then big things will not be achieved.]

Here Confucius warns us: eager for quick success blindly fails to achieve the goal.

Therefore, we need to look at the fast and the slow dialectically. The predecessors have provided us with valuable and effective experience: , if things are slow, you will be calm, if you are slow, you will be safe, and if you are slow, you will be more expensive.

Slow things round is a manifestation of cognitive heights

Slow things round is a theoretical basis. Nobel Prize in Economics winner Daniel Kahneman 's book "Think, Fast "And Slow", in-depth study and expounds the thinking mode of the two systems of human speed and slow. Among them, fast thinking is to rely on intuition to make unconscious thinking, while slow thinking is conscious thinking under the active control of people. Because the fast thinking system runs fast and consumes brain power Not much, the inertness of the brain often chooses this model that easily leads to prejudice and mistakes.It ignores the ability to actively control and consciously slow thinking. This award-winning research theory makes us understand: , when faced with important things, it’s best to leapfrog fast, fast but error-prone fast thinking, calm down, let us enter into controlled and conscious slow thinking, and often get satisfactory results_ span17span.

[Song people have Min Qimiao who is not long but not long, and he returned, saying: "Today is sick! I will help the seedlings grow!" His son turned to look at it, and Miao was槁矣. The world does not help the elders of the seedlings. Those who don't give up the seedlings who think it's useless are also those who don't cultivate the seedlings. ]

This fable encouraged by the seedlings shows that you cannot eat hot tofu if you are impatient. The operation of things has its inherent objective laws, and it is not shifted by human will. Recognizing the brain's thinking patterns, and following the objective development laws of things, making decisions and then acting, will surely be able to make correct judgments about things. So saying that "slow things go round" is a manifestation of cognition.

It’s the right attitude to deal with things slowly

"Slow things are round" from the Qing Dynasty Yu Wanchun 's " Dangkou Zhi": " seems to be this matter, things are wide and round, and it is urgent Effectiveness". It means don't act too hastily in case of trouble, but slow down and calmly think in order to get a happy ending.

[Fang Yu began to come, suffering from multiple lawsuits in folk customs. The litigant arrived, and he said: "Tomorrow will come." Everyone laughed, and there was a rumor that "Matsujiang Prefect will come tomorrow". The litigants have gradually settled down, or have been discouraged, and most of them will stop litigating. Yu Zuo Zuo's famous achievements, especially known as Kai Ti. ]

The article is excerpted from "The History of the Ming Dynasty·Biography of Zhao Yu". It tells about when Zhao Yu just arrived at Songjiang Mansion ,Worried about the folklore that favors litigation. Whenever he met a litigant, he always exhorted: "Tomorrow will come", and everyone laughed at him because of this. There was also a song about "Matsujiang Prefect will come tomorrow". After waiting all night, the anger of the litigants gradually subsided, or they were dissuaded by others, and most of them stopped the litigation. Zhao Yu is not only outstanding in his political achievements, but also known for his peace and harmony. The story tells us that at the beginning of an incident, it is often difficult for people to understand the whole picture of things in a short period of time, and there is not enough time to think about them. Only by controlling their emotions, clearing the causes and consequences of things, and then dealing with things, the problem will be solved. NS.

Slow things are a kind of broad-minded tolerance

Kangxi reigned for 61 years, devoted all his life to government affairs, and the economy developed rapidly. Therefore, the Qing Dynasty became the world's largest and most populous at that time. The most economically developed country. In 1674, Wu Sangui and Geng Jingzhong rebelled one after another, but Kangxi went uncharacteristically fortunately. Nanyuan walked around. It was his calm calmness that gave the subjects and generals the confidence to survive the crisis. Therefore, you should not be impetuous when encountering major events. You should calm down and think twice before you act with a broad-minded attitude that is not surprised when things change slowly and round.

People will be safe, and people will last forever

In 1356 AD, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang completely wiped out ’s Caishiji Yuan Dynasty navy, and then occupied Jiqing (now Nanjing), At this time, Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youliang, Fang Guozhen, who occupied Zhejiang, Sichuan and , Huguang and Huguang successively became kings. Zhu Yuanzhang knew that his power was not strong enough, and he was surrounded by strong enemies.Wisely make the choice of " build a high wall , accumulate grain, and slowly become king", and ultimately dominate the world and achieve hegemony. Isn't this a very good embodiment of "people who are slow and safe"?

Besides, the speed of everything comes first. You don’t see that in order to "race against time", traffic accidents happen frequently, and the tragic scene of family destruction and death is really chilling. If people want to be safe, they need to be delayed, and they have to be lasting.

The depth of the water is slow, and the language is late, the people are expensive

" The water is deep, the flow is slow, the language is late, the more expensive " from the Western Han Dynasty Dai Sheng 17 "span_16span" ". It literally means that the deeper the water, the slower the flow rate, and the slower the conserved people will speak. A steady person always speaks slowly and deliberately, which not only avoids misfortunes from the mouth, but also gives people a sense of calmness and broad-mindedness.

The Langya Wang clan of , known as "China's First Hope", started from Spring and Autumn , and has been unfailing for thousands of years. There are a large number of talents under the school, and more than 90 people have served as prime ministers. The famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi also became famous. The six-character family rule used by the Langya Wang family today " is slow in words, and good in heart ", which should be the only magic weapon for the prosperity of famous families.

In short, if you are in a hurry, you will lose money. Remember to practice the golden and jade words of " if things are slow, things are good, people are calm, and words are expensive ", and you must benefit infinitely.
