Sister Wang was doing her best to serve her 16-year-old daughter who had kidney failure. She was scolded by her daughter every day. Why?

Sister Wang, named Wang Yuhua, 56 years old, is waiting for her daughter Li Hongyu who has kidney failure at Peking Union Medical College Hospital . When Sister Wang felt uncomfortable, she complained a few words and talked ill of their old Li family.

At this time, the sick daughter glanced at her with disdain, then gritted her teeth and said viciously: "You are so expensive to talk about it, who let you give birth to me? You give birth to me and I have to wait on me! Me! Dad has a job, and you don’t do anything. Why don’t you wait for me?”

The old lady was very sad because of her daughter’s remarks, but her daughter is also a sick child. What can I do? ? Every time I was robbed by my daughter, I cried secretly.

On August 2, 2009, I got nephrotic syndrome and was admitted to the 7th bed in the third ward of the Department of Nephrology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital.

There are 3 people in our ward: a 16-year-old girl from Pinggu County, with kidney failure, peritoneal dialysis 4 times a day, waiting for a kidney transplant; the other is a 24-year-old who just gave birth to a baby The fat son discovered kidney disease during delivery. Her father had lupus nephropathy syndrome. She may be hereditary.

The 16-year-old girl is Li Hongyu, she is very beautiful, but her face is blue-gray, she walks with her waist, she doesn’t have any strength, her abdomen is wrapped in a thick bandage, because there is a tube leading to the abdominal cavity, and she has to do it every day. Dressing.

Li Hongyu is accompanied by a 56-year-old mother named Wang Yuhua, very fat, weighing 160 kg. Hongyu is the second child. There is also an older sister on it. She has graduated from university and has a formal job. She is married and has children.

As soon as I moved in, Sister Wang and I were very close. After all, we are about the same age and have many common languages.

had breakfast in the morning on the 3rd, we went out for a walk, and she said to me "History of Revolutionaries" painfully:

"Our natal family was not good, so it was hard to find someone when we were young. I just married Hongyu’s father. My in-laws look down on me and run on me all the time. Lao Li has nothing to do and doesn’t know how to protect my dignity.

It’s better than Deng Xiaoping. After implementing reform and opening up, I moved from the rural village of Pinggu to Pinggu County, where I did construction business, earned money, built a house, and had a beautiful life.

Unexpectedly, the second girl had this disease for 3 years, and spent all my savings in the past few years, and sold the house, and she still has no money. I wait for the child every day, the child still doesn't appreciate it, and just scolded me again, you have seen it all. Lao Li doesn't feel sorry for me either. After the child's kidney change, I will divorce Lao Li and live my own life no matter what the result is.

After listening to sister Wang's nagging, I roughly understand the reason why her daughter scolds her at every turn: Too nagging, too much love for performance, to look down on her husband and her family, too narrow-minded!

There is a good saying: I would rather demolish ten temples and not break the family. So I persuaded her that she is all this old, and her wife is old and has a companion. When the headache is hot, just have a tea and pour water. Come on for a lifetime, why pick so many! Since I just met, it’s not convenient to say more, come slowly!

Before coming to Xiehe Hospital, I was in Tangshan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 17 Good day, take traditional Chinese medicine every day for infusion. Peking Union Medical College Hospital introduced a new concept from the United States: it believes that anything infused into the blood is harmful to the body, so infusion is not recommended, so I live here, take medicine every day, and take the hospital to do it.

Kidney disease requires low-fat and low-salt diets. The meals prepared in hospitals have a very poor taste, but the advantage is that the dishes are not repeated every day, which shows that people are comfortable. They advocate a treatment plan for each patient. It varies from person to person. This is the reason why Xiehe Hospital is overcrowded!

If you don’t have an infusion, you will have more leisure time, and I will have more opportunities to chat with Sister Wang. Slowly I learn more about their family affairs.

I found that she particularly despised her in-laws, saying that the quality of her in-laws was low; but the same in-laws did not think she was of high quality, which can be said to look down upon each other. But the in-laws, uncles and sisters-in-law did not get benefits or benefits, which means that they did not enjoy the benefits brought by the "reform and opening up". Therefore, your prosperity is your own business.People are already very tolerant if they don't be jealous of you, and it's impossible to let people worship and admire you.

Moreover, she always said that her in-laws didn't help her to look after the children, and she was stubborn about young things. When hatred was rippling in her heart, she was uncomfortable and she didn't know about others. Therefore, your hatred can only torture yourself.

Her eldest daughter said: Tolerant of others is to be happy with yourself, and I agree with her daughter's point of view.

Sister Wang is a companion bed. She can only sleep on a camp bed made of canvas at night. As the bed is too soft, she sleeps overnight. She says her back is sore. She tends to put three chairs side by side with a small mattress on top. Fortunately, the surface is firmer and it feels better to sleep. Before eating, let your daughter eat well, so you can do it as soon as you can. In this way, my daughter is not grateful,

I sometimes go out to buy some beef, pork elbows and trotters, I always share with you. My wife, my son, came to see me, and felt Hongyu was pitiful, and always brought her delicious food, so that our relationship is getting closer.

August 9th is Li Hongyu’s birthday. I thought: The child is so weak, and there is no tomorrow if he lives today. I want her to feel the warmth between people.

Zhou Guoping said: loving life is the foundation of happiness; sympathizing with life is the foundation of morality; fearing life is the foundation of faith. All human ethics originate from compassion and are based on compassion. Some people say that sympathy is the essential difference between humans and beasts.

On the morning of the 9th, I asked Sister Wang to go to Jingkelong Mall together. I bought Hongyu a pink and white dress for 88 yuan. I also bought some snacks as Hongyu’s birthday present, mother. Both are very happy.

Hongyu's face also showed brilliance, and talked more with me. I cut the pork knuckle at noon and we enjoyed it with the four people in the ward. Everyone was very happy, just like a holiday.

In the afternoon, my husband and my son came to see me and bought a beautiful vanity mirror worth 169 yuan for Hongyu. The little girl was so happy that she had a treasure, and she played for a long time.

With this foundation, our conversation is more intimate.On the morning of the 10th, we were chatting together. Sister Wang accused her husband of the crime again. I asked her to give an example to illustrate, because she always said too general to analyze.

Sister Wang said: "One time, our family went to Hongyu's uncle's house to be a guest. Her father didn't speak, and he sat there drinking vigorously, and finally got drunk. I was angry, you said. You are a guest, talk to others, he is good, he got drunk.

On the way home, I never ignored him. When he got home, he was tossing in another room, and I wanted to die in love When he died, I ignored him. In the end, my girl took care of him. You said, is this a human thing? If it were your husband, I would definitely not do such a thing."

I admire my husband, his surname is Li, and he has been a teacher. He said that he was gentle, knowledgeable and capable, so if he compares her husband with my husband in his heart, her husband is even more amazing.

At this time, Hongyu robbed her mother again as usual. I said: "Did your brother-in-law get drunk just like this, and let you clean up all the meat and vegetables?"

Wang sister said: "Yes! Will he dare in the future?"

I said: "That said, my husband has never been drunk once." I said "once" very seriously.

Sister Wang said with a foresight: "Yes! Seeing that Teacher Li is also a sure and measured person, he won't do something like my husband's unpromising things?"

I smiled and said, "Ms. Li is really drunk not once, but countless times. In the words of the children now, he is called N times. And he swears when he is drunk, talks nonsense, and vomits all over and wears dirty clothes when he is drunk. Clothes and shoes to go to bed.

What is even more intolerable is that he was drunk and threw a 3,000-yuan satchel outside the gate below when he went upstairs. Fortunately, it snowed that day and our house was the next day. Auntie came to work and picked it up, which did not cause any economic loss.

Every time he comes back drunk, I quickly put him to bed, put the washbasin in front of the bed, and pick him up the dirt he has to vomit at any time. Sometimes it is too late to catch it in a basin, and when he vomits on the ground, he wipes it with a rag. Then he massages him and pats him to coax him to sleep.

It is normal for a man to be drunk. If you are so picky about him, where does his masculinity come from? Besides, ‘a man wants to favor, a woman wants to favor,’ you always uphold the dignity of your husband everywhere, and he will also dote on you in all aspects, all of which are mutual. Therefore, if you think for the best in everything, the results will be different if you think about it from a different perspective. "

Sister Wang thoughtfully after listening. I said to Hongyu again: "Girl, you are a smart and knowledgeable child. Auntie said a few words about you: Even though your mother gave birth to you, she will bear this. Obligation, but you have to know that your mother has paid too much for you, and you have to treat your mother with a grateful heart.

You have also heard that there are many mothers who abandon their own children. She does not assume this obligation. What can you do?

So, there is such a great mother who loves you. You should thank her. Don’t speak too much to your mother’s heart, because people have a limit. You are a smart child with ice and snow, so I won’t say much. NS. "

Hongyu nodded, this child is so kind, what a gentleman said, hurriedly rushed, and when I was discharged from the hospital, she did not rob her mother once, which made me feel very fulfilled.

When I was discharged from the hospital on August 17, the hostility towards her mother-in-law began to slow down, and she stopped mentioning the divorce.

When I was discharged from the hospital on August 17, Sister Wang left 500 yuan and asked her to buy something to eat for the child; and gave Hongyu 100 yuan to buy some books and study hard. At the same time, thank her for her respect for me, because she listened to what I said. I did it and let her know the importance of respecting people since she was a child.

My son is very kind and gave her a DVD recorder worth more than 1,000 yuan and let them watch TV. They are very grateful. Helping others to be happy about themselves , This has been proven by science.
