Once the blind man has regained his sight, he will immediately throw away his crutches, even if it has helped him for many years

The world we live in is very realistic. When you are helpful to others, others will hold you high above your head. When you have no use value to others, others will abandon you in a dark corner.

We are like an umbrella. When it rains, we are held tightly, and we are left in the corner when it is sunny;

We are like a cane, and the blind will hold us firmly when they are blind. But once his eyesight is restored, he will immediately throw us away;

We are like a piece of toilet paper. Once we have shit and wiped our ass, the first thing is to throw away the paper, even if we make his body cleaner.

But some people say that it is not the crutches that helped the blind, but the blind gave the crutches the meaning of existence, otherwise it is just a broken piece of wood. From the beginning to the end, it has the meaning of being needed. The blind restores the light, and the crutches can only represent the blind memory of the blind. That's it.

Seeing such words, I completely broke the defense. Are we all born for the people we need, and live for the people we need?

In the end, I realized what I called the truth: a tool is a tool, it exists to achieve the purpose.

Let’s not be someone’s walking stick, or someone’s umbrella, let alone someone’s toilet paper. Because we are not tools!

For people who always abandon us in our lives, who regard us as tools, we must learn to refuse from the beginning.

If the blind does not cherish crutches, we will let him fall from the beginning;

If people do not cherish umbrellas, we will let him get wet from the beginning.

was born, we must learn to refuse! But whoever loves me will love it twice as much!

On the other hand,We must learn to sublimate ourselves and let more people have a sense of attachment to ourselves, then we must enhance our value.

Whoever needs you will not leave you. When it rains, if you have an umbrella, someone is willing to follow you and wait for you. They will leave you when the rain stops.

Therefore, people must have their own value in order to retain others. This is also the meaning of the value in the relationship. If you give him emotional value, she will be reluctant to bear you, and she will not want to lose you. This value is the feeling that you can't do without you. Therefore, in all feelings, you are valuable, and your contribution is meaningful.

I don't know if my fallacy is correct, so let's leave it to the time. Time will witness everything!
