The problem of good and evil is more fundamental than the problem of left and right

The problem of good and evil is more fundamental than the problem of left and right

Social development must first solve the problem of good and evil. This is the foundation and this problem. Second, solve the problem of left and right. The left and right problem is the last problem.

On the basis of evil, there will be problems on the left and the right. The left may be the evil left, and the right may also be the evil right. If society solves the problem of good and evil, the problem of left and right will not be a big problem in the end.

The dispute between left and right is behind the dispute of interests. On the basis of goodness, most conflicts of interest will always be better resolved.

The key to how society solves the problem of good and evil lies in the construction of human nature. Humanity and humanity will ultimately be the soul of social development.

The first of human nature is to fear and respect life. The second rule of human nature is honesty and not cheating. The third article of human nature is to do to others what you don't want. Among them, the third day is the most critical and the most basic.

Good people don't know how bad a bad person is, and bad people don't know how good a good person is. Humanity construction is a big problem, but also a difficult one.

How to restrain the wicked, the key is to make them feel great fear in their hearts.

How to restrain ordinary people from doing bad things, the key is to make them feel great fear in their hearts.

Fear is the basis of ethics. Ethics is the basis for the effectiveness of law. Law is the foundation of social order.

The society is in order, and the dispute between left and right will not cause social unrest and social unrest.

Song Guiwu Written in Lanzhou on Monday, October 4, 2021
