Sure enough, it was "untied". On the evening of July 13, the Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau’s public account released guidelines for epidemic prevention and control for students during the summer vacation, without mentioning “stay away from Shenzhen unless necessary.” Instea

is indeed "unbound".

On the evening of July 13, the public account of the Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau released guidelines for epidemic prevention and control for students during the summer vacation, without mentioning "stay away from Shenzhen unless necessary."

Instead, there are requirements such as reasonable arrangements for travel and personal protection.

Regarding travel, the first requirement is: understand the specific prevention and control policies of the destination in advance and report them, and do not go to high school risk areas or areas with local epidemic reports.

Judging from the recent holiday epidemic prevention requirements issued by some schools and kindergartens, although you need to report or even apply to leave Shenzhen, you should not be blocked from leaving.

This article is not just for my friends in Shenzhen. No matter where you are or where you want to go, I want to ask you to calm down, because many situations may occur.

I'm really not trying to scare you. I am scaring everyone with .

The epidemic is coming and going, and the nights are long and there are many dreams. I suggest you go back quickly.

I have inquired in many ways and found another discovery: Although the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)" unified the delineation of risk areas and management and control plans, there are still some differences in specific implementation across regions.

If you don’t understand it clearly, you may be rejected at tourist attractions, or you may encounter red or yellow code shocks (of course, even if you understand it clearly, you may still encounter it). Let’s call them collectively “journey assassins”.

I borrowed the concept of "ice cream assassin". They are the high-priced ice creams mixed with ordinary ice cream in the freezer. When you take them to pay, you will be "stung" by their prices.

Next, I will talk about some examples of "journey assassins". You are also welcome to tell your story in the comment area.

01 High, medium, low, normal, which zone are you in?

Let’s talk about the background first. Friends who have read my previous article can skip this part.

The current "high-risk area" is equivalent to the previous "closed control area", the "medium-risk area" is equivalent to the previous "control area", and the "low-risk area" is an expanded version of the previous "prevention area", which is smaller than the "low-risk area". The lower level of "risk area" is "normalized prevention and control".

The division and control measures are as follows:

If your county (city, district, banner) has a "medium risk area" or a "high risk area", but you are in a "low risk area", then, if you go to other places, You will not be quarantined, but you will need to take nucleic acid tests after arriving, and do so twice in three days.

The simplest summary is: If your community can come and go freely, then you can go to other places .

The biggest risk is: Within 7 days after you leave, if the place you have stayed becomes a "medium risk area" or "high risk area", you will have to undergo quarantine outside.

When it comes to inquiries about specific prevention and control policies in various regions, some regions still publish the old almanac in the "State Council Client" and its mini program.

For example, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province (which Shangri-La City belongs to) is still talking about high-risk "14+7" and medium-risk home health monitoring. This is too old:

So, when planning a trip, It is best to carefully check the policies of your destination (the local health commission or the official account of the CDC are good channels), and then call the local consultation phone number to confirm.

No, at the end of the table updated every day on the "Sichuan Disease Control and Prevention" public account, there are specific requirements for people coming from low-risk areas to be tested twice every three days: no going out or gathering until the test results are available.

The news I received from the front shows that this is not a joke.

02 "Two inspections in three days", here comes the truth

Friends from low-risk areas should not underestimate the "two inspections in three days" if they are going to travel to Sichuan.

Report from the front: Although no one is following you, if you want to enter the scenic spot, you need to show the test results of the "two inspections in three days" after you arrived in Sichuan. This is roughly equivalent to spending two days in a hotel before going out to play .

"Sichuan Tianfu Health Pass" will also use eye-catching orange to remind you that you have a "history of residence in risky cities." Therefore, the only way to complete the test is to comply with the regulations.

I have also heard that some places refuse visitors with this mark, and some people are even stopped on the way to Jiuzhaigou and asked to return. What about the "nine inaccuracies" mentioned by

? I sincerely hope that the relevant departments will come out to refute the rumors.

Chongqing, which is next door to Sichuan, has a notice regarding testing: "Reduce going out before the second test result comes out, take personal protection when going out, and do not eat or gather together." It seems to be more relaxed. A friend recently went to Chongqing from Guangzhou and followed the two inspections for three days, which did not affect his travels. The news from

said that some tourist attractions in Guizhou are only allowed to enter after seeing the results of two inspections in three days.

Let’s take another look at Guilin, Guangxi, which has “the best scenery in the world”. Report from

: If you want to take a closed cruise ship, you must provide the results of the local "two inspections in three days". This is true whether it is the two rivers and four lakes in downtown Guilin, or the essential section of the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo .

In this hot summer, Liang Jingru did not give me the courage to ride on a bamboo raft to Lijiang River .

03 Red code, yellow code, falling from the sky

A friend recently went to Changsha, Hunan, and suddenly "liked" the red code, which puzzled her.

Her community in Shenzhen did not suddenly become medium or high risk. If it changes, she will have to undergo quarantine in Changsha.

She had nucleic acid tests done in Shenzhen on July 8. I also did it in Changsha on the afternoon of July 9th, and the results came out around 7 p.m.

The red code appeared on the morning of July 10, less than 24 hours after her last nucleic acid test.

Two inspections every three days generally require an interval of more than 24 hours. If the interval is too short, it will be meaningless. As long as you keep the interval and complete it within 3 days, you'll be fine.

Judging from the screenshot, the reason for the red code is "people entering Hunan from risk areas (communication big data)" .

Is this data too lagging? Is this red code too harsh?

Anyway, I can only admit defeat.

She contacted the community where the hotel is located. Based on the recommendations, she went to a nearby large hospital to get a nucleic acid test at noon and kept in touch with the community.

Later, health code was first "downgraded" to yellow code.

The reason for the label is "the entry of medium and high-risk areas into Hunan". Is this abusing the concept of "medium and high risk areas"?

She obviously went from a low-risk area. My friends who were traveling with me didn’t change their color either. After the

detection result came out, I reported it through the community. After waiting for about an hour, the green code came back.

There is also a friend who recently went from Shenzhen to Shanwei in the same province, duang, and the code turned yellow!

confirmed with her eyes that her residence in Shenzhen is a low-risk area, and there are medium- and high-risk areas nearby.

But she did not pass through the medium or high-risk areas. What confirms this is that in Shanwei, she was not quarantined, she just had to do nucleic acid tests every day.

gives another example.

html In mid-to-late June, before the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)" was released, a friend from Shenzhen went to Dali, Yunnan for several days and took the initiative to do nucleic acid tests there.

On the eve of returning home, Guangdong Kang code suddenly turned yellow. It was Shenzhen assigned .

It turns out that the place they visited in Shenzhen was near the control area that was later designated.

They quickly called the community and government hotlines in Shenzhen, and after a lot of effort, they changed back to the green code and returned home as scheduled.

Going out these days is becoming more and more like opening a blind box.

04 It’s not surprising that “restrictions” are being “relaxed”

Shenzhen is now “relaxing” restrictions on student travel, which is actually not surprising.

html The "Notice of the Shenzhen Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office on Efficiently Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control and the Development of the Cultural, Sports and Tourism Industry" officially announced on June 15 mentioned: Encourage outdoor sports tourism and resume cross-provincial travel in an orderly manner... …

As luck would have it, three days later, on June 18, local cases appeared in Shenzhen, which have continued to this day.Offline teaching in some areas has been suspended for a period of time. After classes and exams resumed in early July, there will be no return to school this semester, and kindergartens will also start their summer vacation a week early.

It can now be seen that Shenzhen’s determination to coordinate the development of the cultural, sports and tourism industry has not changed under the premise that the epidemic is controllable. There is another interesting thing about

. The notice was signed on June 13, which was the introduction of overtime during the Dragon Boat Festival and was made public in the evening of the first working day after the holiday. The policy during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is still "don't leave unless necessary". In hindsight, it is obviously the last insistence before "relaxation".

During the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, the people of Shanghai are counting on a quick resolution, and Shenzhen has just ended the last round of strict control over the epidemic. Of course, it is "not necessary to leave Shenzhen."

Friends from other places don’t have to worry about the implementation of “don’t leave deep unless necessary”. Because they need to apply for approval in advance and have to stay at home for a few days after returning, most students and people from their workplaces cannot go out.

is now fine and "unbound".

This summer vacation is the hope of the whole village.

No matter where you are, if you want to travel, please do your homework and be mentally prepared.

During the days when you are staying at home, it is recommended that you "stock up on everything" because your community may be blocked at any time.

Although you can still receive express delivery if it is blocked, but if some logistics points are blocked, some express delivery will not be received temporarily!