In order to further create a harmonious and upright educational development environment, home and school work together to provide education that satisfies the people. On July 8, the Central Primary School of Dagui Town, Pingli County held a meeting of all faculty and staff to imp

In order to further create a harmonious, co-educational and upright educational development environment, home and school work together to provide a satisfactory education for the people. On July 8, the Central Primary School of Dagui Town, Pingli County held a staff meeting to implement the county Education and Science Bureau Regarding the notice requirements for the in-depth implementation of the "Thousands of Teachers Visiting Everyone" activity, the school deployed the work of visiting students. From that day on, faculty and staff were divided into groups by class and went into villages and households to conduct visits to students' homes.

Every time they visit a household, teachers communicate face-to-face with parents. Comprehensively understand the basic situation of students' families, growth environment, summer students' performance at home, study, labor, home exercise, life and the implementation of "Five Management"; provide feedback to parents on students' school learning, performance, strengths and weaknesses, and discuss with parents Under the background of " double minus ", implement the party's education policy to promote education methods and measures for students' all-round development; patiently and carefully answer the confusion raised by parents, and publicize scientific family education methods and mental health knowledge to parents; publicity and explanation Summer safety education knowledge, focusing on drowning prevention, severe weather, traffic safety, food safety, electricity safety, epidemic prevention and control, etc., to gain parents' understanding and cooperation in school education, and urge parents to take good care of their children and perform good supervision Responsibilities: ensure children have a safe vacation; publicize education laws, regulations and education policies, introduce " two exemptions and one subsidy for " and nutrition improvement plan and other education benefit policies; understand the needs of special students such as left-behind, single parents, orphans and disabled students, etc., and provide targeted Propose measures of assistance, guidance, care and student assistance to help them overcome difficulties, encourage them to be proactive, and guide them to grow up healthily; solicit parents’ opinions and suggestions on the school and the education department, guide parents to care and support the school’s work, and Pingli Education is full of confidence.

It is understood that the school’s summer home visits will be carried out in different classes and levels. It will start from July 8 and end on August 31. Faculty and staff will participate 100%, with home visits as the main focus. Individual students who are out of town will conduct telephone interviews. Or visit via WeChat to ensure full coverage of students and make it normal after the start of school. The principal of the school will lead leaders from all grades to conduct key home visits to 100 students.

The school’s “Teachers visit during the hot summer, and home and school work together to educate students” is one of the school’s measures to improve school running and establish a good educational image, and has been generally welcomed by parents. During home visits, we should temper teachers' ethics, spread love, and implement safety education, enhance communication and understanding among teachers, students, and parents, gather the "three-in-one" educational power of school, family, and society, and continuously improve school management and education, teaching and education, and people-oriented education. The level of service and education.

Liu Renping Wang Dandan

Editor in charge: An Xin Reviewer: Yang Yong

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