The children are very excited about this, but parents are worried about PPD screening for their children when they enter school. Where to do it? Students are a high-risk group for tuberculosis. Children are in the growth and development period, especially freshmen who have just e

2024/07/0302:19:32 education 1139

The children are very excited about this, but parents are worried about PPD screening for their children when they enter school. Where to do it? Students are a high-risk group for tuberculosis. Children are in the growth and development period, especially freshmen who have just e - DayDayNews

The children are very excited about this, but parents are worried about PPD screening for their children when they enter school. Where to do it? Students are a high-risk group for tuberculosis. Children are in the growth and development period, especially freshmen who have just e - DayDayNews

Parents, please look over

The summer vacation has arrived, Changsha Taihe Hospitalhas launched the 2022 PPD (tuberculin test).

In order to ensure that the PPD screening is of high quality and orderly, and the examination process is comfortable and pleasant, Taihejun now provides relevant precautions. Parents, please pay attention to collect it ~ What is


Tuberculin test , also known as PPD test , refers to the intradermal test of injecting tuberculin and diagnosing type IV hypersensitivity caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection based on the skin condition of the injection site.

Tuberculin is the bacterial component of Mycobacterium tuberculosis , including pure protein derivative (PPD) and old tuberculin (OT).

The children are very excited about this, but parents are worried about PPD screening for their children when they enter school. Where to do it? Students are a high-risk group for tuberculosis. Children are in the growth and development period, especially freshmen who have just e - DayDayNews

Why do we need PPD screening?

Students are a high-risk group for tuberculosis. Children are in the growth and development period, especially freshmen who have just entered school and are not adaptable to the new environment. At the same time, they live in densely packed areas, have many close contacts, and are stressed and tired from studying, which can easily lead to a decline in immunity. Leading to infection tuberculosis and increased risk of disease.

Children are prone to severe tuberculosis, so children need to undergo a routine PPD skin test to rule out tuberculosis before entering school.

"Guidelines for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control in Chinese Schools (2020 Edition)" clearly states that "Incorporate tuberculosis examination items into the physical examination for new students and routine physical examinations for teachers and staff

●Junior high school students (freshmen from primary school to junior high school and current junior high school students)

●Primary school students (freshmen from kindergarten to primary school and primary school students)

What do you think of the PPD results?

The test result is induration (obviously protruding hardening)

If there is no redness and induration at the test site, it is negative. If there are red spots or slight redness and swelling at the test site, the diameter of the induration is less than 5 mm. If the diameter of the test site is 5 mm, it is considered negative. -9mm is weakly positive , the diameter of the induration at the test site is 10-19mm is moderately positive, the diameter of the induration at the test site is ≥20mm or there are local blisters, necrosis and lymphangitis is strongly positive


1, induration. If the size is ≥15mm, it is recommended to undergo a chest X-ray examination;

2. For those with suspicious symptoms of tuberculosis or abnormal chest X-ray examination, it is recommended to go to a designated tuberculosis medical institution for further examination.

The children are very excited about this, but parents are worried about PPD screening for their children when they enter school. Where to do it? Students are a high-risk group for tuberculosis. Children are in the growth and development period, especially freshmen who have just e - DayDayNews

What should I pay attention to after the PPD skin test? Please wait in the rest area for 30 minutes and then leave the hospital and go home if you feel no discomfort; especially children with allergies, please pay attention to whether there are any allergies

48 after PPD skin test - come to the hospital for skin examination within 72 hours. Test results (for group purchase door-to-door injections, our hospital can provide group door-to-door skin test result services); if the result is strongly positive, you need to take a chest X-ray to check for tuberculosis

✦ The PPD test varies depending on the degree of human immune response. Unexpectedly, reactions such as itching, redness, swelling, and induration may occur at the skin test injection site. It is strictly forbidden to press, scratch, rub, or apply soap on the injection site to avoid infection and inflammation.

The children are very excited about this, but parents are worried about PPD screening for their children when they enter school. Where to do it? Students are a high-risk group for tuberculosis. Children are in the growth and development period, especially freshmen who have just e - DayDayNews

Do not apply any medicine, including toilet water, wind oil essence, etc., so as not to affect the judgment of the results.

✦After the PPD skin test and before seeing the results, strenuous exercise should be avoided. Keep the area clean and dry. Do not wrap it with band-aids, etc.

When washing hands and taking a shower, you can use plastic wrap to wrap it slightly, but be careful not to wrap it too tightly, and please remove the plastic wrap immediately after washing.

✦ Within 3 days after the PPD skin test (before seeing the results) it is not advisable to eat spicy foods such as peppers, shrimps, seafood, etc. The diet should be mainly light .

PPD test contraindications

Most people can directly undergo PPD testing if they have the following conditions: Suffering from acute infectious diseases (such as measles , whooping cough , influenza , pneumonia, etc.), Acute conjunctivitis , Acute otitis media , people with extensive skin diseases and allergic constitutions are not suitable for testing at the moment. For specific circumstances, you can consult a doctor on site and follow the doctor's instructions.

(Editor Rainbow.)

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Changsha Taihe Hospital Health Management Center Liu Ting

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