From July 10th to 14th, 150 primary school principals from 14 prefectures and cities in Hunan Province gathered in Changsha to participate in the "National Training Plan" (D112) provincial-level kindergarten science connection pilot organized by the Hunan Academy of Educational S

From July 10th to 14th, 150 primary school principals from 14 prefectures and cities in Hunan Province gathered in Changsha to participate in the "National Training Plan" (D112) provincial-level early childhood science organized by Hunan Provincial Academy of Educational Sciences Training for principals of bridging pilot schools.

Opening Ceremony

This training is based on the requirements of the Ministry of Education's "Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Promoting the Science Connection between Kindergartens and Primary Schools" and the Hunan Provincial Department of Education's "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Science Connection between Kindergartens and Primary Schools in Hunan Province". It aims to strengthen the "two-way connection" between kindergarten and primary school, establish the primary school's main consciousness, and solve the practical problems existing in primary school admission to adapt to education. The training targets are the principals of the 150 kindergarten-to-primary school transition pilot schools recognized by the Hunan Provincial Department of Education. It is the first centralized training for pilot school principals and the first kindergarten-to-primary transition training for primary school principals in the province. The training lasts for 5 days. Hunan Provincial Education Science Vice President Yang Min of the institute attended the opening ceremony and gave a guidance speech.

This training adopts a combination of online and offline methods. The experts teaching include nationally renowned professors and scholars, as well as relevant experts in the field of training and teaching and research in the province, as well as front-line personnel with rich management experience and outstanding professional abilities. special teacher , famous principal. The curriculum design focuses on the combination of theory and practice. It not only requires the understanding and grasp of national policies, but also the understanding and understanding of new concepts of children's education. It also arranges practical courses such as on-site teaching in schools, visiting experiences, and case sharing. These courses and activities allowed the principals of the pilot schools to fully realize the significance and value of the "two-way connection" between kindergarten and primary school, strengthened the primary school's awareness of the subject in the connection, and helped the pilot schools better carry out research and practice on admission adaptation education.

Professor Hua Aihua of East China Normal University taught students online

5-day training also demonstrated the preliminary research results of the pilot school. According to Liu Yaxiong, the chief expert of this training project and a primary school Chinese teaching researcher at the Hunan Academy of Educational Sciences, the measures and practices of the kindergarten-to-primary connection between the Second Affiliated Primary School of Hunan No. 1 Normal University, Yucai Primary School in Furong District, Changsha City, and Yangtianhu Experimental School in Changsha City have attracted on-site observation. Principals who have experienced it are full of praise. In addition, the principals of 13 primary schools, including Changsha Experimental Primary School and Zhuzhou Hejia'ao Primary School, also shared their schools' specific practices in connecting kindergarten to primary school during the training. Their pioneering exploration and bold practice provided the trainees with experience they can learn from. and practices, providing strategies and methods for students to scientifically formulate an education work plan for primary school adaptation after returning to school, and scientifically promote the transition from kindergarten to primary school.

Principal Wu Jiting from Sanwan Primary School in Xinhuang County, the westernmost part of Hunan Province, said that this training improved his understanding of kindergarten-to-primary school connection work and learned valuable experience in kindergarten-to-primary school connection, especially the introduction by Liu Feifei, the principal of Changsha Yangtian Lake Education Group. The experience is clear, targeted, and highly maneuverable. It will be of great help to the school's transition from kindergarten to primary school after returning home.

Group Exchange Seminar

Vice President Yang Min requested in his speech that all trainees should have a sense of research during the process of practical exploration, and should study the adaptive education for primary school entrance and the connection between early childhood and primary school science as topics. At the same time, we must constantly summarize experience, sort out and refine some good practices, collect and sort out representative cases, form the school's distinctive typical experience, and materialize it into research results through papers, books, etc., for schools across the province to learn from.