The end of the college entrance examination does not mean that the dust has settled, but the beginning of a new journey. Some are happy and some are sad. The mood is understandable. There will be a long road ahead in life. I hope I can pick up my mood and start again. The society

The end of the college entrance examination is not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new journey. Some are happy and some are sad. The mood is understandable. There is a long road ahead in life. I hope I can pick up my mood and start again.

The phenomenon of "academic qualifications only" in society has made the competition for further education intensified. Parents attach great importance to their children's education and love their children eagerly. Education is increasingly anxious, and students are "the lifeblood" of their education.

No matter how distressed their parents are, they still have to force them to wait until they graduate to work. After a few years, students will understand their parents' good intentions. The reality is too cruel. The college entrance examination is not the only way out, but it is the best shortcut.

The mentality of candidates with 400 points in Henan is about to collapse. They have worked hard for more than ten years, but they have to go to junior college with candidates with 190 points.

022 The college entrance examination results are released. Henan is the "big college entrance examination province", and the competition is particularly fierce. , according to relevant data, there are about 410,000 Among them, there are as many as 16,000 candidates with scores of 600 or above, and there is a grand occasion of "one point and one section".

The total number of candidates taking the college entrance examination in Henan this year has reached 843,000, which means that nearly half of the candidates are studying in junior colleges, and their scores exceed 190 points.

The score line for junior colleges has always been relatively low. gives a large number of candidates who have not been able to get an undergraduate degree the opportunity to go to college, learn a high-level technology, and shine in a suitable field in the future.

Many people who scored 190 points in the exam felt lucky that they could go to university without much study. There were 9 subjects in the exam, and the total score was 190 points. The average score in one subject is about 22 points. Netizens ridiculed that there is no need to study for three years in high school. If you answer the four multiple-choice questions in the exam, you can get into a junior college. It's not too difficult.

Science students want to cry but have no tears . They have studied hard for more than ten years, worked hard day and night, and gave up a lot of personal rest time. In the end, they still have to go to junior college with students with 190 points. It is really disappointing.

got a score of 400 points, and the effort far exceeded the 190 points of the candidates . I couldn't help but feel that it was unfair. I was a few minutes away from the undergraduate line. There was a huge psychological gap. I worked hard to improve myself, and my head was bone-piercing, and parents followed suit. After putting in a lot of effort, I feel a little guilty for my parents. Many candidates who scored 400 points to go to junior college want to repeat the exam, but it is difficult to accept it no matter what.

This kind of mood is understandable. You get what you pay for. When there is inequality, students will fall into sad emotions and even self-doubt and lose confidence in themselves. Is a score of 400 and a score of 190 really the same in the college entrance examination? ?

2022If college entrance examination students can only study in junior college, don't belittle yourself.

The results may not make any difference. However, college entrance examination students should not belittle themselves. The process is more important than the results. All your efforts are not in vain, but the harvest comes a little late.

Students who got 400 points in the exam have learned more knowledge in the process of studying hard. Maybe they didn’t work hard enough, or maybe the learning methods of and were wrong, which led to them not getting into a better school, Your own abilities have been formed, and the level and strength of the college you are admitted to are better than those of the college where candidates scored 190 points.

html Candidates who scored 1400 points, please put your mood in order and turn this regret and unwillingness into motivation. The college entrance examination is not the end of life, but the starting point of the next stop.

You are most likely to pass the junior college-to-undergraduate exam . In the future, you may pass the postgraduate exam, maybe a few years later than others, so what's the problem? The spirit of never abandoning or giving up, the perseverance and perseverance in learning will benefit students throughout their lives.

Looking at the candidates with a score of 190, they basically did not put their thoughts into learning and had improper attitudes. Even if they were admitted to a vocational college, they often behaved irresponsibly towards themselves. Technology, has not gone astray, it is considered good. After getting the diploma, I think I have completed the task, and I am dumbfounded when I find a job after graduating from .

All roads lead to Rome. The college entrance examination is the most direct road to success. If you don’t choose, or you lose the opportunity to choose, you are destined to take more detours. It is true that you can still get rich without studying, but this This kind of lucky thing, the chance of it happening to you is too small. Study hard and it will be different. , the initiative is in your own hands, and your destiny has the final say.

The opportunity to change your destiny requires candidates to fight for it. If you get it, you should cherish it. Sometimes, there is no need to value the results, the process is more important. 2022 College entrance examination candidates should not lose confidence in themselves. As long as they work hard, it is not too late.

written at the end

does not mean to ridicule the candidates with 190 points. Everyone has fun sometimes, has a late mental maturity, or lacks hard-working education, and does not understand the price of not working hard. If you are admitted to a junior college, others will go to an undergraduate. , there are few choices when you graduate, and you will inevitably regret it. Candidates know that it is a good thing to work hard, and it is never too late.

In short, no matter whether you are admitted to undergraduate or junior college, as long as the candidates maintain good study habits, persist in working hard, set clear goals in mind, and work hard in this direction, I believe there will be good results, so don't be discouraged. You must always believe that your efforts will be rewarded. The process is more important than the results. Come on, 2022 college entrance examination candidates!

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(pictures from the Internet)