Liberal arts students are a relatively large group, but the competition for liberal arts students in universities to apply for majors with high employment rates is generally fierce. Because most liberal arts students like to apply for exams together, the main reason is that most

Liberal arts students are a relatively large group, but the competition for liberal arts students in universities to apply for majors with high employment rates is generally fierce. Because most liberal arts students like to apply for exams together, the main reason is that most of the majors with high employment rates are not suitable for liberal arts students to apply for. As a result, many liberal arts students are passive in choosing majors and have fewer majors to choose from. They are especially confused about filling out their application options. Many students don’t know how to choose a major.

It seems that there are many applicants for each major and the competition is fierce. Therefore, it is most critical to improve your employment competitiveness after entering college. Today, I will share with you several majors that are suitable for liberal arts students in the 2022 College Entrance Examination. The employment prospects are still very good, but the competition for graduates is fierce. Interested college entrance examination students who have the conditions can take the postgraduate examination to improve their academic advantages. If they are not planning to go to graduate school, they can learn as many skills as possible to improve their competitiveness:

1, Chinese language and literature major: This major is actually also applied by liberal arts students. There are many majors, especially when they don’t know what to apply for, most liberal arts students will consider Chinese language and literature. On the one hand, this is because this major is a panacea major in liberal arts, and graduates can compete for many positions. On the other hand, Chinese language and literature has certain advantages whether you are a teacher or a civil servant, so students who are good at liberal arts can refer to it.

2. Teacher education majors: Most liberal arts students will consider teacher education majors when filling out their applications. Especially when the score advantage is relatively large, the universities chosen to apply for such majors are stronger and have great employment advantages and competitiveness after graduation. powerful. So if you have good grades and are sure to be admitted to 211 Normal University and regional high-level normal universities, you can refer to it. If your score advantage is not high, if you want to apply for a teacher education major, you need to focus on your major choice.

3. Minor language majors: Except for English, other languages ​​are collectively referred to as minor languages. There are many choices for domestic language majors, including more popular languages ​​and less popular languages. But in general, popular languages ​​are definitely more popular to apply for, while less popular languages ​​are not offered every year. In addition to having a certain talent and interest in learning a minor language, you also need to understand the language offerings of the college you are applying for.

4. Medical majors: Medical majors generally only recruit science students, but some medical majors also recruit liberal arts students. For example, nursing , midwifery , traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage, etc. These majors are not popular majors in medicine, but liberal arts students who want to study medicine can refer to them. Relatively speaking, the pressure is not very high, but majors in traditional Chinese medicine take a long time to study, and you need to work hard and study hard to be rewarded.

5. Accounting majors: When applying for accounting majors, you need to pay attention to the fact that different types of colleges have different emphasis. For example, the accounting, finance and other majors offered by science and engineering, and finance colleges and have different employment areas. Although they are all similar positions, you must also think about the direction you want to pursue in the future. Although there are many graduates majoring in accounting, competition is fierce. But in fact, as long as students majoring in such majors are not too picky, they rarely find a job.

6. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language: This major is also very suitable for liberal arts students, but the requirements for foreign languages ​​are relatively high. With the development trend of Chinese teaching all over the world, many countries have included Chinese scores in university entrance subjects, so there is a huge demand for Chinese teachers. Although the competition for employment is indeed fierce at present, the development prospects are very good. If you study well, you will not only have a high income, but also a high social status.

7. Journalism majors: This type of major is also one of the most popular majors offered by liberal arts colleges. However, journalism majors offered by different types of colleges focus on different directions, such as finance and economics colleges, agriculture and forestry, and sports. Journalism majors in colleges have different focuses. Language colleges focus on international news, finance colleges focus on financial news, and sports colleges focus on sports news. It mainly depends on what different students are interested in.

8. Law majors: Although the employment rate of law majors is not high, the employment prospects are indeed very good if you study well. And most parents are actually quite satisfied with this type of major. After all, having a lawyer at home can save you a lot of trouble in many matters. And after graduation, it is very suitable for you to take the civil service examination or work as a lawyer or legal consultant. It’s just that law majors are generally very difficult, and you basically can’t take it easy during college.

In addition, in fact, most majors in China are divided into relatively detailed categories. College entrance examination students do not necessarily choose a major based on the majors shared today. The main thing is to consider your own interests first, and choose a major that suits you based on your interests and various aspects of your situation. Finally, I’ll share it here for now. If you want to know more about filling in your application, college entrance examination, university, major, family education, etc., you can follow me!