The 19th class of candidates who have completed the college entrance examination spent almost all of their three years of high school amid the epidemic. Some of them and their parents contacted Occasionally Healing after the college entrance examination to talk about their variou

A research article published in "China School Health" in 2021 showed that through an online survey of 2,893 high school students in Anhui as the research subject, the results were not optimistic. During the home isolation period during the COVID-19 epidemic, the detection rate of depressive symptoms among high school students was 38.9% .

In May of this year, People's Daily Overseas Edition reported that due to online classes, many students lacked self-control and were addicted to mobile phones. They were unable to concentrate in class and their learning efficiency decreased, resulting in a decline in grades and inducing conflicts with their parents. Parent-child conflict.

The 19th class of candidates who have completed the college entrance examination spent almost all three years of high school amid the epidemic. Some of them and their parents contacted Occasionally Healing after the college entrance examination to talk about their various experiences in the past three years. Perhaps they can learn from these words Behind the scenes, I can see their sadness.

The scores for this year’s college entrance examination have been released, and parents and candidates have begun to fill in their application forms.

Source: Tuchong Creative

In three years of high school, nearly half of the time was spent on online classes

Three years ago, Ms. Qin’s daughter Dari’s high school entrance examination results ranked more than 2,000 in Beijing. At that time, she felt It is safe to get into 211 in the college entrance examination, and 985 is also expected.

Dari was admitted to the experimental class of a key high school in Haidian District. The 40 students were all top students. Based on the results at that time, Ms. Qin expected that as long as Dari’s academic performance remained stable for three years in high school, it would be very easy to get into a 985 college. has hope. Unexpectedly, what happened next was beyond expectations.

As soon as Dari entered the first year of high school, she started to have a fever during military training and had to go home for treatment and rest.

Before the mid-term exam in the first semester of high school, Dari suddenly contracted pneumonia. At first, no cause could be found, and the high fever could not be lowered. She took a lot of antibiotics. Ms. Qin stayed with her in the hospital. When she was discharged, the hospital found out and told her that it was pneumonia. mycoplasma pneumonia.

The illness lasted about 40 days. For Dari, who had just entered the first year of high school, the first year of high school was the period when she was laying the foundation, and an illness had a great impact on her academic performance. And Dari has been taking online classes since then, which is like a practice for and .

"I always wore a mask in the ward and paid special attention to disinfection and protection, so I was not infected. Another mother in the same ward also took care of her daughter with pneumonia and did not wear a mask, so she was infected with pneumonia." Ms. Qin said, Looking back, it felt like I was experiencing a rehearsal for the COVID-19 epidemic.

The child was discharged from the hospital and went home for a period of time to undergo atomization treatment . Later, he returned to school and went on winter vacation not long after. The new coronavirus epidemic hit before the Spring Festival.

At that time, the epidemic prevention and control was very tense, and school did not start after the Spring Festival. Dari had been taking online classes at home throughout the first semester of high school. Ms. Qin found that her daughter’s learning status in online classes was very poor. “She kept the online class window open on her computer while watching dramas and reading online novels.”

Ms. Qin did not check regularly like a cat catching a mouse, but she also We couldn't keep an eye on them every day. Later, parents began to return to work and had no way to monitor their children's online classes. And the teachers who were attending the class couldn't see their children's learning status through online live broadcast. Neither could the teachers see what their children were doing on the computer.

"For most children, learning is not a happy thing. It requires a good environment and supervision. Except for a few academic masters with strong self-control, most children do not have such strong self-control. Even for adults, sitting in front of a computer for a whole day is boring, not to mention that home is not an environment for learning,” Ms. Qin said.

Online classes need to be equipped with various equipment and have independent and quiet rooms

Source: Tuchong Creative

After her freshman year of high school, due to declining grades, Dari was adjusted from the experimental class to other classes in the school, but she was not the only one Yes, many students in the same grade who did very well in the high school entrance examination like her saw their scores drop significantly after taking online classes for half a year.

In addition to the decline in academic performance, Ms. Qin also found that her daughter did not like to exercise after the epidemic. She originally had very good sports scores in junior high school, but after being locked down for several months due to the epidemic, she sat at home and took online classes all day long, which caused her body to quickly gain weight. I became depressed and began to suffer from insomnia and anxiety. "In the past year alone, my daughter who was fit and energetic in junior high school has become decadent."

Dari spent the entire first semester of high school taking online classes at home, and also took online classes for a period of time in her second year of high school. In her senior year of high school, the epidemic became serious again. Taking online classes intermittently.

"The most critical period is the second semester of the third year of high school. I studied in school for a while before I started. After I moved to Beijing, the epidemic became serious and many communities in Haidian District were sealed off. We have been taking online classes at home."

Ms. Qin She said that in April this year, because her younger daughter’s teacher was diagnosed, her younger daughter became a close contact. She and her older daughter Dari were in close contact. She took her younger daughter to a hotel for quarantine, and Dari was quarantined at home until Dari’s home quarantine was over. After returning to school, all students were asked to go home after just a few days of classes. From then on, they continued to take online classes until the college entrance examination.

Ms. Qin said that this class of high school students has been banned and isolated many times in the past three years. Children like Dari who have poor self-learning ability and self-control are at a disadvantage. If they study in a normal three-year classroom, their final college entrance examination scores will not be good. As for such a low level, it is completely normal to take an exam of 40 to 50 points more.

Studying at home is inefficient and effective

The college entrance examination results were not ideal. Dari wanted to repeat the studies. Ms. Qin advised her to go to an ordinary university near home first, and then improve through postgraduate studies. This is also a way, and there is no need to dwell on temporary failures.

She also advised herself that due to the impact of the epidemic, there are many things that need to be kept in mind. She cannot just blame the children for not studying hard. Online classes cannot replace classroom learning.

Dari told Occasionally Cure that she felt the efficiency of online classes was very low. During online classes, students were all looking forward to the start of school. Some teachers are older and don’t know how to operate the online course software. There are always problems with the teachers, and the students are also anxious.

In online classes, I cannot meet the teacher face to face. Some issues cannot be communicated immediately, and there is no learning atmosphere in the classroom. I feel that the efficiency is very poor. After listening to the online class for a day, my brain is dull, and people are lazy at home, and it is easy to relax.

The epidemic situation has stabilized a little. Her parents have gone to work, and Dari is taking online classes at home alone. She is very bored every day, and she often gets distracted and does other things online. In fact, many students are like this. Sometimes the teacher asks someone to answer questions and shouts No one answered for a long time, and the classmate was not in front of the computer. When the student came back, he told the teacher that my network card was faulty, and the teacher had no way to check whether it was the network card or the student's account.

Dari said that the epidemic has really affected learning in recent years. Especially as the college entrance examination is approaching, and the epidemic in Beijing has become serious again, the school's notices have been changed several times in those days. Sometimes they tell them that they can come to school, and the next they tell them that they can't go. It's very frustrating. Students and parents spend their time in panic and irritability.

Every college entrance examination student has a lot of review materials, both electronic and paper. When suddenly informed that he cannot go to school, many student materials are still in the school, and the contact person has to send them out one by one, which is confusing. That was the most critical month before the college entrance examination. Students were already under great pressure, and they were tormented by the epidemic. They had to answer questions on the computer every day, and their learning results were very poor.

Wenwen from a prefecture-level city in Shaanxi Province shares the same view as Dari. The learning effect of online courses is much worse than that of classroom learning, and her friends have also encountered the problem of cyber violence .

Wenwen remembers that online classes in the first year of high school often lag, and the screen freezes for half an hour. The school and teachers were not ready at that time, and the live broadcast software was not very effective. The software was always being debugged, which wasted a lot of their time. , you can only watch the replay.

The old math teacher teaches very well, and the students also like his class very much, but he is not proficient in the live broadcast teaching software and always breaks down. The teacher is also anxious and angry. Sometimes he simply goes to the school and asks the school people to help. I asked my son to help record and broadcast. It is conceivable that the teacher's heart was also broken.

Wenwen’s college entrance examination score this year exceeded Shaanxi’s first-tier college entrance examination score by dozens of points. This score was not ideal at times, but after discussing with her parents, she still went according to the original plan and prepared to apply for the medical major at a university in Xi’an.

Wenwen said that in fact, at the beginning of the online class, the students still thought it was new, but after everyone communicated, they found it difficult to learn, "For children aged 17 or 18, there are too many fun things on the Internet. There was no one to supervise her at home, so she just started playing, and it was very easy to get distracted. "

Wenwen's mother was a little regretful about her daughter's performance. During her three years of high school, she had taken online classes at home on and off several times, and sometimes she was suddenly blocked. It is also a test for children’s psychology.

Because parents have to go to work and their children are not supervised at home, sometimes they come home and find that their children are watching replays. It turned out that the live online class was unavailable due to a malfunction. I have also found children doing other things while taking online classes. "Don't talk about children. Nowadays, adults are addicted to mobile phones and short videos. It is too difficult to control. Children lack self-control."

Similarly, Dari's mother, Ms. Qin There are also regrets.

"After three years of high school and nearly one and a half years of online classes at home, my children's academic performance has been greatly affected." Ms. Qin said that if there had not been this epidemic, her children could go to class normally with the strict supervision of teachers. According to her excellent results in the high school entrance examination and study habits, it will not be so bad in the college entrance examination.

Hengshui A hundred-day oath-taking ceremony before the college entrance examination of a middle school

Source: Tuchong Creative

Xiaozhi from a prestigious school in Hebei Hengshui Middle School scored more than 580 points in the college entrance examination this year. His mother believes that due to the impact of the epidemic, the child's score is still low. In the past three years, my son has been taking online classes at this famous high school in Hebei for more than a year. His grades have declined, from being ranked among the 10th in the class to around the 20th.

If I get more than ten points in the test, Xiaozhi can choose from more prestigious 985 and 211 schools, and he can choose popular majors such as medicine, biology, big data, artificial intelligence from prestigious schools, but it will only exceed 580 points, which is just right. Stuck in a score area that is neither high nor low, if you want to choose your favorite major, you can only choose a second-rate university.

Xiaozhi left home and lived in Hengshui since junior high school. He studied hard for six years, and his family spent less time together and more separation. After entering high school, I took online classes at home during the first semester of high school. I only went to school for one month in the first semester of high school, and then went home to take online classes due to the epidemic.

The teachers at Hengzhong are very responsible. The children have the same schedule and schedule at home as they do in Hengzhong. The classes are very tight, with one class following another and sitting from morning to night every day. Parents are tired looking at their children.

The start of school was delayed after the Spring Festival this year. The day Xiaozhi returned to school was 100 days before the college entrance examination. After that, teachers and students were locked down, and parents could not see their children for 100 days. Xiaozhi’s mother said she supported this, and she would have to work hard in the last 100 days.

Xiaozhi’s mother also believed that her children would suffer a lot during the epidemic during their third year of high school. She also thought that the country would consider the impact of the epidemic on learning, and it would be easier to write questions for the college entrance examination, but she did not expect it to be more difficult than expected.

On May 7, 2020, the Overseas Edition of People's Daily pointed out in "Cold Thoughts on the Fever of Online Classes" that when children open up and use electronic devices at home, they are like grandsons guarding the peach garden, and parents become older book children; When online classes first started, the family was in a state of panic and almost collapsed... A survey on online education by iiMedia Consulting showed that 55.3% of the respondents believed that the expected effect of online education during the epidemic prevention and control period was better than Studying jet lag in school. Compared with classroom-based education, poor learning atmosphere and low student concentration are considered to be the biggest shortcomings of online education.

Several parents expressed that this class of high school students has been affected by the epidemic to varying degrees, and their college entrance examination scores have declined, which is considered a "suffering" class.

In fact, all industries have been affected by the epidemic and suffered losses in various aspects. After the epidemic broke out in the first half of this year, the college entrance examination in Shanghai was also postponed by one month, to July 7th to 9th. The current Shanghai candidates are still Studying in the sweltering heat.

The academic performance of high school students has been affected by the epidemic

Picture source: Tuchong Creative

Family relations are tense and quarrels have increased

Wenwen tells Occasionally Cure. In addition to the poor learning effect of online classes, another problem is that due to the epidemic, staying at home for a long time, and parents There was a lot of friction and quarrels.

The family was trapped in one room for a long time, resulting in many conflicts, and many details of life were magnified. Her parents watched her study every day, urging and criticizing her over and over again, which made her feel irritable. She inevitably quarreled over trivial matters, and the family relationship became tense and full of tension. contradiction.

This phenomenon was exactly what was reported in the overseas edition of People’s Daily in May this year, “How to Protect Mental Health “Green Code” During the Epidemic”. In the report, Liu Jing, ward director and deputy chief physician of the Clinical Psychology Center of Beijing Anding Hospital, believed that, During the epidemic, online learning at home has become an important part of students' daily life. Due to online classes, many students lack self-control and are addicted to mobile phones. They cannot concentrate in class and their learning efficiency is reduced, which leads to a decline in grades, which in turn induces conflicts with their parents. Parent-child conflict. A small number of students suffer from emotional distress such as aversion to studying, anxiety, depression, and even risk of self-harm and suicide.

Ms. Qin also has deep feelings about this. In the past three years, her children have been studying at home for nearly one and a half years. During this period, they have had many quarrels, family relationships have become tense, and their children are still very aggrieved.

Dari told Occasionally Healed that when classmates study at home, they often quarrel with their parents. This is a common phenomenon. Classmates have also communicated with each other that the epidemic has sealed the whole family in the same room, and students will suffer from their parents 24 hours a day. There will also be quarrels between parents because of their children's learning.

In addition to the deterioration of family relations, uncontrolled Internet access by high school students also brings other problems. Wenwen told Occasionally Healing that her two female classmates in junior high school were studying in two other high schools respectively, because all high school students had a large number of As they use mobile phones and the Internet all the time, some students form groups online to attack and bully their classmates through WeChat groups, QQ, etc., which transfers campus bullying from offline to online, which ultimately leads to serious psychological problems for these two female students. , one suspended school and the other dropped out.

"I was very shocked when I found out. I never thought that cyber violence would happen around me, and it would happen very covertly. The Internet can cause so much harm to people. I have never experienced it before." Wen Wen said .

In the college entrance examination under the epidemic, candidates have to undergo multiple tests

Source: Tuchong Creative

Candidates’ parents are more anxious

Many candidates report that this year’s college entrance examination questions are difficult.

Wenwen said that some students broke down and started crying in the examination room. She also saw several candidates crying on the roadside after leaving the examination room.

Many students said that this year's college entrance examination was more difficult than expected. "The questions that directly scored points were cancelled, and the difficulty of the big questions increased."

After Dari took the exam, she felt that physics and biology were not difficult, but she felt that chemistry was more difficult. Many students find it difficult to take the chemistry exam.

According to Dari’s mother, Ms. Qin, Dari’s failure in the Chinese test was a psychological problem. During the Chinese test, there was a question about filling in a poem. Dari memorized it many times but couldn’t remember it during the exam. She struggled with this. There were only 1-point questions, which caused problems in the entire Chinese language test.

Ms. Qin once competed with her daughter to prepare a Chinese language test paper in order to give her daughter proofs. "I finished it in an hour and a half, and I also cooked and held a conference call in the meantime."

Ms. Qin hopes to teach by words and deeds. The method allows the daughter to master the ideas and methods of solving the questions. However, Ms. Qin's meticulous study and life arrangements every day also made the relationship between mother and daughter very tense. Her daughter resented having everything arranged.

Wenwen’s mother was once so anxious that she couldn’t sleep all night.

When she was a freshman in high school, her daughter took online classes and her grades dropped. However, she and her husband had to go to work and could not supervise their children's studies at home.

The senior year of high school is about to start, and the children are still taking online classes at home. Wenwen’s mother and other parents are anxious, thinking that they cannot afford to delay the senior year of high school, so they find the school together and ask for the children to go back to school as soon as possible, but the epidemic prevention and control policy does not allow it. Online classes can only continue until the city's prevention and control policies change and students are allowed to return to school.

To avoid being infected and in close contact, Wenwen’s parents did not dare to go to supermarkets or shopping malls. They bought meat and vegetables at roadside stalls every day. They had to drive when they were on business trips. They did not take high-speed rail or airplanes, and all gatherings with friends were free.

Last year, Wenwen’s mother came into contact with several friends from Xi’an, and then the epidemic broke out in Xi’an. “I suddenly became anxious and quickly took nucleic acid tests, and even found a hotel to isolate myself. My friends in Xi’an also took nucleic acid tests for many days in a row. , Fortunately, we were all negative, and we were all relieved. "

When the college entrance examination was more than a month away, Wenwen's mother was sent to the county to negotiate a business, but she was notified at short notice to remain "static" that night. She was so anxious that she couldn't sleep. She was worried that if she became a close contact or was infected, her daughter would also be quarantined, which would affect her college entrance examination.

Fortunately, the risk was eliminated the next morning. She was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat. When she returned to the work unit, she asked her boss not to send her out again this month. She could be assigned any hard work after her child had finished the college entrance examination. The leader was also reasonable and did not arrange for her to go out for work that month, allowing Wenwen's mother to stay in the office with peace of mind, ensuring that her daughter would not be exposed to risks until she could pass the college entrance examination.

(To protect the privacy of the interviewees, the characters in the article are pseudonyms.)

Written by: Li Hualiang

Producer: Li Chen

Source of the first picture: Tuchong Creative


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